CleanContent::SecureResponse Class Reference

Represents the results of calling SecureRequest::Execute. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Close ()
 Must be called once for each SecureResponse.
bool Compare (SecureResponse other)
 Compares the results in this response with the results in another response.
AnalyzeOption.Reaction GetResult (AnalyzeOption op)
 Gets information on how a particular analyze target was processed.
ScrubOption.Reaction GetResult (ScrubOption op)
 Gets information on how a particular scrub target was processed.
FileFormat GetResult (FileFormatOption op)
 Gets one of the file format results in SecureResponse.
int GetResult (IntegerOption op)
 Gets one of the integer results in SecureResponse.
int GetResult (EnumOption op)
 Gets one of the enum results in SecureResponse.
bool GetResult (BooleanOption op)
 Gets one of the boolean results in SecureResponse.

Detailed Description

Represents the results of calling SecureRequest::Execute.

Member Function Documentation

void CleanContent::SecureResponse::Close (  ) 

Must be called once for each SecureResponse.

Frees non-CLR memory and objects associated with the SecureResponse. This call is necessary because the non-CLR memory and objects must be freed in the same thread in which the SecureResponse was created. This cannot be acomplished in a finalizer because finalizers are not gaurenteed to run the same thread in which the object was created and very often don't.

bool CleanContent::SecureResponse::Compare ( SecureResponse  other  ) 

Compares the results in this response with the results in another response.

True if the all the results in both responses have the same values
AnalyzeOption.Reaction CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( AnalyzeOption  op  ) 

Gets information on how a particular analyze target was processed.

op One of the AnalyzeOption values in SecureOptions
Reaction that describes the status of the analyze target
ScrubOption.Reaction CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( ScrubOption  op  ) 

Gets information on how a particular scrub target was processed.

op One of the ScrubOption values in SecureOptions
Reaction that describes the status of the scrub target
FileFormat CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( FileFormatOption  op  ) 

Gets one of the file format results in SecureResponse.

op The option to get
The value of the result
int CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( IntegerOption  op  ) 

Gets one of the integer results in SecureResponse.

op One of the IntegerOption values in SecureOptions
Value of the result
int CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( EnumOption  op  ) 

Gets one of the enum results in SecureResponse.

op One of the EnumOption values in SecureOptions
Value of the result
bool CleanContent::SecureResponse::GetResult ( BooleanOption  op  ) 

Gets one of the boolean results in SecureResponse.

op One of the BooleanOption values in SecureOptions
Value of the result

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Clean Content .NET API documentation generated on Tue Nov 23 02:28:43 2021 by Doxygen 1.6.3