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Work Manager

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A Work Manager defines a set of request classes and thread constraints that manage work performed by WebLogic Server instances. This page displays the Work Managers, request classes and thread constraints defined for this domain.

Work Managers are defined at the domain level. You can also define application-level and module-level Work Managers.

WebLogic Server lets you configure how your application prioritizes the execution of its work based on rules you define and by monitoring actual runtime performance. You define the rules and constraints for your application by defining a Work Manager and applying it either globally to a WebLogic Server domain, or to a specific application component.

Thread constraints define the maximum number of threads to allocate for requests, the minimum number of threads to use for resolving deadlocks, and the total number of requests that can be queued or running before WebLogic Server begins rejecting requests.

Java EE applications, Web application modules, EJBs, and RMI applications can specify a named Work Manager to use for managing their work requests.

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