A Idoc Script Functions and Variables

This appendix provides information about Idoc Script functions and variables, which you can use for customizing Oracle WebCenter Content.

Idoc Script has many built-in global functions. Functions perform actions, including string comparison and manipulation routines, date formatting, and ResultSet manipulation. Some functions also return results, such as the results of calculations or comparisons.

Information is passed to functions by enclosing the information in parentheses after the name of the function. Pieces of information that are passed to a function are called parameters. Some functions do not take parameters; some functions take one parameter; some take several. There are also functions for which the number of parameters depends on how the function is being used.

In addition to the built-in global functions, you can define new global functions, including custom classes, with Java code. For more information, see Getting Started with Content Server Components, and Creating Custom Components.

Along with built-in functions, Idoc Script uses a range of variables. Variables which are used within Idoc scripts include dynamic variables, conditional dynamic variables, and page display variables. Many of these variables can be used both within scripts and specified individually in the WebCenter Content config.cfg and intradoc.cfg files, or used in a web browser URL.

For details about variables that are used only in .cfg files or in a web browser URL, see Configuration Variables in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

A.1 abortToErrorPage()

Aborts the current page and displays an error message.

  • This function evaluates the StatusCode variable, and if a negative numeric value (-1) is returned, substitutes the display of the current page with an error page.
  • The StatusMessage variable can be used as the error message string.


The only parameter is the error message string.


Returns the error message string on an error page.


Aborts the current page and displays Access Denied as an error message:

<$abortToErrorPage("Access Denied")$>

Aborts the current page and displays the value of the StatusMessage variable as an error message:


A.2 addEmptyOption

Specifies that a metadata field option list has blank value as the first option in the list.


  • Returns TRUE if the first value in the option is blank.
  • Returns FALSE if the first value in the option list is not blank.


Specifies that the first value in the option list is blank:

<$if ForceDocTypeChoice and isTrue(ForceDocTypeChoice)$>
    <$addEmptyOption = 1$>

A.3 AdminAtLeastOneGroup

Checks if the current user has the admin role for at least one security group.


  • Returns TRUE if the user is an administrator for at least one security group.
  • Returns FALSE if the user is not assigned the admin role.


Can be used to do an optional presentation for an administrator:

<$if (AdminAtLeastOneGroup)$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.4 AdsSimpleAuth

Specifies whether Oracle WebCenter Content Server roles and accounts are derived from Active Directory groups.

  • When set to TRUE, only user passwords are authenticated from Active Directory; roles and accounts must be derived from another user base (such as an LDAP server).
  • When set to FALSE, roles and accounts are derived from Active Directory groups.
  • Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage




Used as a configuration entry:


A.5 AdsUserName

Specifies a user name that has Read permission for Active Directory.

  • This setting is required only if the web server is running on a Windows Server that does not have Read permission to Active Directory.
  • The user name must be in the form DOMAIN_NAME\user_name.
  • If this setting and the AdsUserPassword setting are not specified, the default is the user name that the web server runs under.


  • Active Directory Configuration page-User Name
  • instance_dir/data/users/config/filter.hda


Used as a configuration entry:


See Also

A.6 AdsUserPassword

Specifies the password for the AdsUserName setting, which specifies a user name that has Read permission for Active Directory.

  • This setting is required only if the web server is running on a Windows Server that does not have Read permission to Active Directory.
  • If the AdsUserName setting and this setting are not specified, the default is the user name that the web server runs under.

Type and Usage


  • Active Directory Configuration page-User Password
  • instance_dir/data/users/config/filter.hda


Used as a configuration entry:


See Also

A.7 AfterLogin

Specifies whether the current page was created immediately after a login.


  • Returns TRUE if the page was created immediately after a login.
  • Returns FALSE if the page was not created immediately after a login.


Displays an alternate URL if the page was not created immediately after a login:

<$if not AfterLogin$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.8 AllowCheckin

Checks if the current user has checkin permission for the content item's security group.


  • Returns TRUE if the user has checkin permission.
  • Returns FALSE if the user does not have checkin permission.


Can be used to do an optional presentation for a user with checkin permission:

<$if (AllowCheckin)$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.9 AllowCheckout

Checks whether current user has checkout permission for the content item's security group.


  • Returns TRUE if the user has checkout permission.
  • Returns FALSE if the user does not have checkout permission.


Can be used to do an optional presentation for a user with checkout permission:

<$if (AllowCheckout)$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.10 AllowIntranetUsers

Checks if Microsoft network (NTLM) authentication is enabled.


  • Returns TRUE if NtlmSecurityEnabled is set to TRUE.
  • Returns FALSE if NtlmSecurityEnabled is set to TRUE.


Evaluates Microsoft network security:


See Also

  • NtlmSecurityEnabled in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

A.11 AllowReview

Checks if the current user is allowed to approve or reject the current workflow item.


  • Returns TRUE if the user is a reviewer for the current workflow step.
  • Returns FALSE if the user is not a reviewer for the current workflow step.


Displays Approve and Reject buttons if the user is a reviewer:

<$if AllowReview$>
    <$include workflow_doc_action_buttons$>

A.12 AuthorAddress

Specifies the email address of the author of a content item.

Type and Usage


Returns a string or Boolean value depending on use.

  • Standard use: Returns the email address of the content item's author as a string.
  • Used in a conditional statement:
    • Returns TRUE if the content item author has a defined email address.
    • Returns FALSE if the content item author has no email address.


Can be used to alert the content item author through email when a revision is made.


A.13 AuthorDelete

Enables authors to delete their own revisions without Delete permission to the security group.

  • When set to TRUE, authors can delete their own revisions without Delete permission to the security group.
  • Default is an empty string.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Content Security tab, Allow author to delete revision
  • Administration, Admin Server, Content Security menu option, Allow author to delete revision
  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration entry:


As Idoc Script:

<$if AuthorDelete$>

A.14 AutoNumberPrefix

Defines the prefix that will be added to all automatically numbered content IDs.

  • Returns the automatic numbering prefix (returns value in configuration settings).
  • Returns a string.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Auto Name Prefix
  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Auto Number Prefix
  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, defines the automatic numbering prefix:


As Idoc Script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


See Also

  • "IsAutoNumber" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

A.15 BatchLoaderPath

Defines the path to the default batch load text file.

Returns the file path as a string.

Type and Usage




  • As a Windows configuration entry:
  • As a Solaris/UNIX configuration entry:
  • As Idoc Script, returns the file path as a string:

A.16 break()

Often used to terminate a loop.

  • The break instruction causes the innermost loop to be exited.
  • Control resumes with the first statement following the end of the loop.

Type and Usage

A.17 BrowserVersionNumber

Retrieves the version number of the client browser.

Type and Usage


Returns the browser version number as a string.


Can be used to ensure that the user has a browser version compatible with Oracle WebCenter Content Server.


A.18 c

Specifies a comment in Idoc Script code.


Places a comment in the code:

<$c = "Sets the variables to empty strings."$>

A.19 cacheInclude()

This function acts similar to the inc() Idoc Script function. It will evaluate the dynamic HTML include corresponding to includeName and display it on the page. The difference is that if possible, it will pull the rendered html from a cache, instead of evaluating it again.

For more information, see Keywords Versus Functions.

Type and Usage


Takes three required parameters and two optional parameters. For example:

cacheInclude(includeName, scope, lifeSpan[,  cacheName][, key]) 
Parameter Description
includeName The name of the dynamic HTML element to evaluate.
scope Set to session if each user should see different html, or application if all users will see the same thing.
lifeSpan The lifespan of this include in the cache, in seconds.
cacheName Optional: Use if you want to place the data into a named cache instead of the default cache. If an empty string is passed, the include will be cached into the default cache for the session.
key Optional: If you do not want automatic name-scoping of your cache to prevent conflicts, you can specify a unique key here.


This will cache the std_page_begin include for each user for ten minutes. This is about 10 KB per user in the cache.

<$cacheInclude("std_page_begin", "session", 600)$> 

A.20 captionEntryWidth

Specifies the width of a metadata field, as a percentage.


Returns the width of the current metadata field, as a percentage.


Used as script:

<$if isInfo$>
<$elseif isEditMode$>

A.21 captionFieldWidth

Specifies the width of a metadata field caption, as a percentage.


Returns the width of the current metadata field caption, as a percentage.


Used as script:

<$if isInfo$>
<$elseif isEditMode$>

A.22 clearSchemaData()

Clears the data from a schema ResultSet.

Type and Usage


This function can take zero, one, or two parameters.

  • If passed zero arguments, it clears the data binder. Returns no value.
  • If passed one argument, the argument is the name of the ResultSet to clear the values from the current row. Returns no value.
  • If passed two arguments, the first argument is the ResultSet name and the second argument is the key identifying the data object to clear. Returns 0 if the data does not exist or 1 if it does exist. The use is True() or False() to conditionally execute scripts based on the return value.



A.23 ClientControlled

Checks if the page was accessed from the ODMA Client.

This value is passed by the string for controlling the update process that is provided by the client.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if the page was accessed from the ODMA Client.
  • Returns FALSE if the page was not accessed from the ODMA Client.


Checks if the page was accessed from the ODMA Client:


A.24 computeDocUrl()

This function computes the URL to a content item based on the data on the page. computeDocUrl() accepts two boolean (0 or 1) arguments. The first argument is that the URL is relative or absolute and the second argument is should be that the exception be thrown or ignored.

For example, this function can be called to generate a URL to an item when looping over a ResultSet of items.

The following information must be present on the page:

  • dDocAccount (optional)
  • dDocName
  • dDocType
  • dProcessingState
  • dRevLabel
  • dSecurityGroup
  • dWebExtension


computeDocUrl() accepts two boolean (0 or 1) arguments. There is now a second parameter. The values are the same as the first parameter set to TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). Default value is false.

A.25 computeRenditionUrl()

Returns the URL of a given rendition.


Takes three parameters:

  • The first parameter is the URL of the content item.
  • The second parameter is the dRevLabel value.
  • The third parameter is the dRendition1 value. Possible values of dRendition1 include:
    • T = Thumbnail rendition
    • X = XML rendition


Returns the complete URL of the rendition as a string.


Returns the URL of the rendition as a string.

<$computeRenditionUrl(url, dRevLabel, dRendition1)$>


Retrieves the length in bytes of the requested content item as supplied by the client.

This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


This setting is obsolete for Content Server version 7.0 and later. The web server filter no longer sends this information.


Returns the content length in bytes.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


A.27 coreContentOnly

Set this variable in the URL of a service request to display only the form. The std_page_begin and std_page_end include files will not be displayed.




Returns the current date and time.

This variable is similar to the dateCurrent() function, which is used more frequently.


Returns a string formatted according to the user locale.


Used as script:


See Also


Evaluates which row of a ResultSet you are in.

The first row in a ResultSet is row zero (0).

Type and Usage


Returns the row number.


Used as script:


A.30 dateCurrent()

Returns the current date and time.

Can be used to return the current date and time to the user or to create commands using date evaluations.


The only optional parameter is an integer, which adjusts the date by the specified number of days relative to the current date.


Returns a date formatted according to the user locale.


In the following examples, dates are formatted according to the default English-US locale:

m/d/yy h:mm XM

The following returns the current date and the current time (for example, 8/12/01 1:55 PM):


Returns the date ten days in the future and the current time (for example, 8/22/01 1:55 PM):


Returns the date ten days in the past and the current time (for example, 8/2/01 1:55 PM):


See Also

A.31 dcShowExportLink

This function verifies if the Dynamic Converter has been configured to convert a content item. The returned value is based on the value for dFormat for the item.

This function is typically used on Search Result pages to conditionally display a Dynamic Converter link.


  • Returns TRUE if the Dynamic Converter is configured to convert the content item.

  • Returns FALSE if the Dynamic Converter is not configured.


<$QueryText = "dDocTitle <substring> `test`"$>
<$loop SearchResults$>
    <$if dcShowExportLink()$>
        <a href="<$HttpCgiPath$>?IdcService=
        HTML Conversion of <$dDocTitle$></a>

A.32 ddAppendIndexedColumnResultSet()

This function loads a dynamicdata table into a ResultSet. It is very similar to ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet. The main difference is that if the Idoc Script ResultSet already exists, the new ResultSet created from the dynamicdata table is appended to it. Any fields found in the dynamicdata table, but not in the target ResultSet, are automatically added.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for this function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be appended.


The name of an indexed column in the dynamicdata table.


The value to use to select a section of the original table. This value will be checked in a case-insensitive manner against the indexColumn value in each row. If it matches, that row is loaded into the ResultSet; otherwise, it is skipped.


The name of a dynamicdata table used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. The renaming is done by mapping the column names in the specified mapping table to the values of the first row in the same table. This is done exactly the same in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
<?commatable indexedColumns="fieldA"?>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6
1,      3,       9

<$exec rsCreateResultSet("MyResultSet", "fieldA,fieldB")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "first value"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "second value"$>
<$exec ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet", "fieldA", "1")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.fieldB$>    [[% (foo == 'second value') %]]<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.fieldC$>    [[% (bar == '3') %]]

A.33 ddAppendResultSet()

This function loads a dynamicdata table into a ResultSet. It is very similar to ddLoadResultSet. The main difference is that if the Idoc Script ResultSet already exists, the new ResultSet created from the dynamicdata table is appended to it. Any fields found in the dynamicdata table, but not in the target ResultSet, are automatically added.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be appended.


The name of a dynamicdata table used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. The renaming is done by mapping the column names in the specified mapping table to the values of the first row in the same table. This is done exactly the same in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
field1, field2, field3
a,      b,       c
d,      e,       f

<$exec rsCreateResultSet("MyResultSet", "field1,field2")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.field1 = "first value"$>
<$MyResultSet.field2 = "second value"$>
<$exec ddAppendResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.field1$>    [[% (foo == 'first value') %]]
<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.field3$>    [[% (bar == 'c') %]]

A.34 ddApplyTableSortToResultSet()

This function sorts an existing ResultSet using the rules defined in a particular dynamicdata table.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to use for its sorting rules.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be appended.


If the sorting is successfully performed, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
<?commatable sortcolumn="order" sortType="int" sortOrder="asc"?>
user,    service,            order
jane,    DOC_INFO,           10
annette, CHECKIN_NEW,        30

<$exec rsCreate("MyResultSet")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.user = "james"$>
<$MyResultSet.service = "GET_FILE"$>
<$MyResultSet.order = 75$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.user = "zoe"$>
<$MyResultSet.service = "DOC_INFO_BY_NAME"$>
<$MyResultSet.order = 20$>
<$exec ddApplyTableSortToResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet")$>

A.35 ddGetFieldList()

This function takes a dynamicdata table and returns a comma-separated string containing the names of the columns in the table. It is expected that many dynamicdata tables consist only of field names without any rows just to supply comma-separated lists of values to code in the Content Server system.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, dataTableName, which is the name of the dynamicdata table to load.


If the dynamictable exists, it returns True.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>

<$fieldList = ddGetFieldList("MyDataTable")$>
<$trace(fieldList, "#console")$> [[% Outputs: foo,bar,baz %]]

A.36 ddIncludePreserveValues()

This function executes a resource include, but protects values specified by a dynamicdata table from being changed. The column names in the data table are used as the list of variables names that must be protected. These variables are protected by temporarily caching them, calling the include, and then resetting those variables back to the cached values. If a variable was null, it is set to blank.

If one of the column names in the table starts with a dollar symbol ($), then the string that follows is assumed to be the name of a ResultSet. In that case, it is the pointer to the ResultSet that is temporarily cached in memory and then replaced after the resource include has finished executing. If the ResultSet did not exist at the time of caching, then any ResultSet that exists with that key at the end are removed. If the ResultSet is active at the time it has its pointer cached, new ResultSets of the same name can be created during the call of the include and the previously active ResultSet will be recovered appropriately without disturbing the loop. The one side effect is that if a new ResultSet is created that temporarily replaces the active ResultSet, then the algorithm for variable substitution that retrieves values first from active ResultSets can find values for a variable from the cached active ResultSet (assuming the variable is not found as a field in an active ResultSet with higher precedence). The cached active ResultSet maintains its place in the active ResultSet stack,

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the resource include to execute.


The name of the dynamicdata table to use for preserving local data and ResultSets.


A string representing the output of the executed resource include.


<@dynamicdata MyPreservedFields@>
foo, bar, $baz

<@dynamichtml my_include@>
    <$foo = "tempValue1"$>
    <$bar = "tempValue2"$>

<$foo = 5$>
<$ddIncludePreserveValues("my_include", "MyPreservedFields")$>
<$trace(foo, "#console")$>   [[% Outputs: 5 %]]

A.37 ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet()

This function loads a dynamicdata table into a ResultSet. This function is similar to ddLoadResultSet except that it only loads those rows whose values for indexColumn match indexValue. The comparisons made on this column are case-insensitive.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be loaded.


The name of an indexed column in the dynamicdata table.


The value to use to select a section of the original table. This value will be checked in a case-insensitive manner against the indexColumn value in each row. If the values match, that row is loaded into the ResultSet; otherwise, the row is skipped.


The name of a dynamicdata table used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. The renaming is done by mapping the column names in the specified mapping table to the values of the first row in the same table. This is done exactly the same in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
<?commatable indexedColumns="fieldA"?>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6
1,      3,       9

<$exec ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet", "fieldA", "1")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.fieldB$>    [[% (foo == '2') %]]
<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.fieldC$>    [[% (bar == '9') %]]

A.38 ddLoadResultSet()

This function loads a dynamicdata table into a ResultSet.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be loaded.


The name of a dynamicdata table used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. The renaming is done by mapping the column names in the specified mapping table to the values of the first row in the same table. This is done exactly the same in ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6
1,      3,       9

<$exec ddLoadResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet")$>
<$exec ddLoadResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyAliasedResultSet")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyAliasedResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.field1$>         [[% (foo == 'a') %]]
<$bar = MyAliasedResultSet.alias2$>  [[% (bar == 'c') %]]

A.39 ddMergeIndexedColumnResultSet()

This function merges a dynamicdata table into a ResultSet. This function is similar to ddMergeResultSet except that it only merges those rows whose values for indexColumn match indexValue. The comparisons made on this column are case-insensitive.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be merged.


The name of an indexed column in the dynamicdata table.


The value to use to select a section of the original table. This value is checked in a case-insensitive manner against the indexColumn in each row. If it matches, that row is loaded into the ResultSet; otherwise it is skipped.


The type of merge to perform. Set this to replace to prevent the merge from appending any new rows. Any other value for this parameter is treated as append.


The name of a dynamicdata table which should be used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. This renaming is done by mapping the column names in this mapping table to the values of the first row in this same table. This is done exactly as it is done in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully merged, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6
1,      3,       9

<$exec rsCreateResultSet("MyResultSet", "fieldA,fieldB,fieldC")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "4"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "8"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "23"$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "8"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "21"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "59"$>
<$exec ddMergeIndexedColumnResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet", "fieldA", "4", "replace")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.fieldB$>    [[% (foo == '5') %]]
<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.fieldC$>    [[% (bar == '59') %]]

A.40 ddMergeResultSet()

This function merges a dynamicdata table into an existing ResultSet. If the target ResultSet does not exist, then this function acts exactly like ddLoadResultSet and the target ResultSet is simply created. Otherwise, the merge is performed using the first column of the new ResultSet as the merge key. By default, the merge appends any rows from the new ResultSet that do not match any rows in the existing Idoc Script table, unless the mergeType parameter is set to replace, in which case no new rows are added to the Idoc Script ResultSet.

Note that this merge does not replace all rows matched by a particular row of the new ResultSet, just the first one that it finds. The matching is case-sensitive. The mergeType parameter is optional and defaults to null.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be merged.


The type of merge to perform. Set this to replace to prevent the merge from appending any new rows. Any other value for this parameter is treated as append.


The name of a dynamicdata table which should be used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. This renaming is done by mapping the column names in this mapping table to the values of the first row in this same table. This is done exactly as it is done in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully merged, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6

<$exec rsCreateResultSet("MyResultSet", "fieldA,fieldB,fieldC")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "4"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "52"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldC = "18"$>
<$exec ddMergeResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet", "replace")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.fieldB$>    [[% (foo == 52) %]]
<$bar = MyResultSet.#numRows$>  [[% (bar == 1) %]]

A.41 ddMergeUsingIndexedKey()

This function pulls selective rows from a dynamicdata table and use them to replace particular row values in a target ResultSet. The values of a particular column in the target ResultSet are used as values for an index look up into the dynamicdata table. The subtable retrieved is used to replace column values in the target ResultSet that have matching column names. The dynamicdata table is assumed to have only one row in the subtable selected out by the index value. If it has more than one row, only the first row is used to merge in values into the target ResultSet.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of the ResultSet into which the dynamicdata table should be merged.


The name of an indexed column in the dynamicdata table and the name of the column in the target ResultSet from which values are retrieved to select out subtables in the dynamicdata table.


The name of a dynamicdata table which should be used to rename the columns of the final ResultSet. This renaming is done by mapping the column names in this mapping table to the values of the first row in this same table. This is done exactly as it is done in ddLoadResultSet.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully merged, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
<?commatable indexedColumns="fieldA"?>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,       3
4,      5,       6
7,      8,       9

<$exec rsCreateResultSet("MyResultSet", "fieldA,fieldB,fieldC")$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "4"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "8"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "23"$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "7"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "20"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "41"$>
<$exec rsAppendNewRow("MyResultSet")$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldA = "8"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "21"$>
<$MyResultSet.fieldB = "59"$>
<$exec ddMergeIndexedColumnResultSet("MyDataTable", "MyResultSet", "fieldA")$>
<$exec rsFirst("MyResultSet")$>
<$foo = MyResultSet.fieldB$>    [[% (foo == '5') %]]
<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.fieldC$>    [[% (bar == '9') %]]
<$exec rsNext("MyResultSet")$>
<$bar = MyResultSet.fieldC$>    [[% (bar == '59') %]]

A.42 ddSetLocal()

This function takes a dynamicdata table and iterates over it, setting local data values for each row. The first column of the table is used as the list of keys, while the second column is used as the list of values.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, dataTableName, which is the name of the dynamicdata table to load.


If the dynamicdata table exists, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
key, value
foo, 15
bar, 23
baz, 77

<$exec ddSetLocal("MyDataTable")$>
<$tmp1 = #local.foo$>   [[% (tmp1 == '15') %]]
<$tmp2 = #local.bar$>   [[% (tmp2 == '23') %]]
<$tmp3 = #local.baz$>   [[% (tmp3 == '77') %]]

A.43 ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRow()

This function takes the first row of a dynamicdata table and, using the column names as keys, sets a local value for each column and its corresponding value. If there is no first row, then this function does nothing. This can be a useful method for quickly setting a lot of local values. The filterInclude and includeColumns properties of the dynamicdata table are ignored.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, dataTableName, which is the name of the dynamicdata table to load.


If the dynamicdata table was successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
foo,    bar,    baz

<$exec ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRow("MyDataTable")$>
<$tmpStr1 = #local.fieldA$>   [[% (tmpStr1 == 'foo') %]]
<$tmpStr2 = #local.fieldC$>   [[% (tmpStr2 == 'baz') %]]

A.44 ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRowIndexed()

This function takes the first row of a dynamicdata table, and, using the column names as keys, sets a local value for each column and its corresponding value. If there is no first row, then this function does nothing. This function is almost identical to ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRow(). The only difference is that this function uses the first row given an indexed column and value instead of the very first row of the dynamicdata table. If no indexed row is found, then this function does nothing.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the dynamicdata table to load.


The name of an indexed column in the dynamicdata table.


The value to use to select a row of the original table. This value will be checked in a case-insensitive manner against the indexColumn in each row. If it matches, that row will be used and the rest of the table will be ignored.


If the dynamicdata table is successfully loaded, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
<?commatable indexedColumns="fieldB"?>
fieldA, fieldB, fieldC
1,      2,      3
4,      5,      6
7,      8,      9
3,      5,      2

<$exec ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRowIndexed("MyDataTable", "fieldB", 5)$>
<$tmpStr1 = #local.fieldA$>   [[% (tmpStr1 == '4') %]]
<$tmpStr2 = #local.fieldC$>   [[% (tmpStr2 == '6') %]]

A.45 ddSetLocalEmpty()

This function takes a dynamicdata table and iterates over it, clearing local data. The first column is used as the keys to clear.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, dataTableName, which is the name of the dynamicdata table to use.


If the dynamicdata table exists, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>

<$foo = 1$>
<$bar = 2$>
<$baz = 3$>
<$exec ddSetLocalEmpty("MyDataTable")$>
<$if foo or bar or baz$>
    [[% This will not be executed as foo, bar, and baz are all empty. %]]

See Also

A.46 ddSetLocalEmptyByColumns()

This function takes a dynamicdata table and uses the columns to clear values in local data.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, dataTableName, which is the name of the dynamicdata table to use.


If the dynamicdata table exists, it returns TRUE.


<@dynamicdata MyDataTable@>
foo, bar, baz

<$bar = "asdf"$>
<$exec ddSetLocalEmptyByColumns("MyDataTable")$>
<$if bar$>
    [[% This will not execute as bar will be empty. %]]

A.47 DefaultAccounts

Defines the default accounts for anonymous users.

  • This must be a comma-delimited list of accounts.

  • Permissions for each account must be specified in parentheses after the account name.

  • The #none entry grants privileges to content items that have no account assigned. The #all entry grants privileges to all accounts.

  • Default is #none(RWDA).

  • Returns the list of accounts as a string.




As a configuration setting, defines default account information:


As Idoc Script, returns the account information as a string:


See Also

A.48 defaultFieldInclude

Specifies the include to use to display the metadata field.


Sets the default field-display include for a hidden field on a query page to std_query_hidden_field:

<$if isFieldHidden$>
    <$if isQuery and not (fieldType like "Date") and not (fieldType like "Int")$>
        <$defaultFieldInclude = "std_query_hidden_field"$>

A.49 defaultOptionListScript

Defines a piece of Idoc Script that displays a standard option list field.




Generates an option list using the optList function:

<$if optionsAllowPreselect and fieldValue$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":fieldValue$>"$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":noselected$>"$>

Loops on the current option list ResultSet to generate an option list:

<@dynamichtml compute_resultset_option_list_script@>
<$if not optionListKey$>
    <$optionListKey = fieldName$>
<$defaultOptionListScript = "<$loop " & optionListResultSet & "$>" & "<$inc('std_resultset_option_list_item')$>" & "<$endloop$>"$>

A.50 DelimitedUserRoles

Retrieves a comma-delimited, colon-delimited list of roles the current user belongs to.

Type and Usage


Returns the user role list as a string.


Returns a list of roles formatted as follows:


See Also

A.51 docLoadResourceIncludes()

Loads all the includes in a specified content item for use in the display of the current page.

  • The content item specified must have the file extension .idoc.

  • This function sets StatusCode as a side effect. Use the abortToErrorPage function if the specified file must successfully load for the page to correctly display.


Takes a CGI-encoded parameter list that specifies a content item that is checked into Content Server. The parameter options are listed in the following table.

Optional Parameters Description


If dID is not present, dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod must be present. A rendition of the revision of the content item with this ID will be returned, if it exists, and the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter does not exist or has the value Specific.


It is recommended that dDocName be present in all requests for content items where the dDocName is known. Error messages assume that it is present, as do other features such as forms.

  • If dDocName is not present, dID must be present and RevisionSelectionMethod must not be present.

  • If RevisionSelectionMethod is present, a rendition of a revision of the content item with this name with be returned, if it exists.

  • If RevisionSelectionMethod is not present, dDocName can be used in error messages.


If present, dDocName must be present. The value of this variable is the method used to compute a dID value from the specified dDocName value. The RevisionSelectionMethod value can be Specific, Latest, or LatestReleased.

  • Specific: The dDocName is ignored, dID is required and is used to get a specific revision.

  • Latest: The latest revision of the content item (including revisions in a workflow) is used to compute the dID value.

  • LatestReleased: The latest released revision of the content item is used to compute the dID value.


  • If not present, Rendition defaults to Primary. This parameter specifies the rendition of the content item.

  • If the value is Primary, Web, or Alternate, the primary, web-viewable, or alternate rendition of the selected revision is returned.


When used in HCSP pages, the ampersand character (&) in the CGI-encoded parameter list must be changed to &amp;.




Loads the resource includes in the primary vault rendition of the latest revision of mydoc.


A.52 docRootFilename()

Retrieves the file name of a file without the extension or directory path.

  • This function is typically used to extract the content ID (dDocName) part of a static URL controlled by Content Server.


Takes one parameter:

  • The only parameter is a path and file name.


Returns the file name as a string.


Returns the value mydoc:


A.53 DocTypeSelected

Evaluates whether the Type of the current content item matches the Type in the active ResultSet.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item Types match.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item Types do not match.


Returns value based on whether the content item type matches the type for the ResultSet.


A.54 DocUrl

Retrieves the URL of the file in the weblayout/ directory. This variable is evaluated once per content item, not once per service call.


Returns the URL of the file as a string.


Used to build URL links to content items.

<$if HasUrl$>
    <a href="<$DocUrl$>"><$dDocName$></a>

A.55 docUrlAllowDisclosure()

Evaluates whether a URL can be disclosed to the current user.


The only parameter is an absolute path, such as the following:


A full relative path can be used, such as the following:



Returns a Boolean value.

  • Returns TRUE if the URL can be disclosed.

  • Returns FALSE if the URL is restricted.


Determines if the user can view the URL of the mydoc.pdf document.


A.56 DownloadApplet

Enables the multiple file Download Applet.

  • When set to TRUE, the Download Applet is enabled so that multiple files can be downloaded from a search results page.

  • When set to FALSE, the Download Applet is disabled.

  • Default is FALSE.


The DownloadApplet/UploadApplet will continue working as applets.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Enable download applet

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Enable download applet

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, enables the Download Applet:


As script, evaluates the condition of the Download Applet:


A.57 DownloadSuggestedName

Retrieves the default path and suggested name for a file being downloaded.

The suggested name is based on the original file name of the content item.


Returns the path and suggested name for the downloaded file as a string.


Returns the path and suggested name for the downloaded file:


A.58 dpGet()

Function used to return the value set by the dpSet function.

Both dpGet and dpSet are used to control the logic of Content Profile rules that are to be displayed. Commonly, a user may create an activation condition that sets a value for a specified key. Even if the condition evaluates to false (that is, the rule fails to fire), the key is set. Another rule can now access the key and retrieve the value when evaluating its activation condition. By using these two functions, a user can create a dependency between rules. For example, a user may want a rule to be evaluated only when a preceding rule is evaluated.


Takes one parameter:

  • Key: The designation for the value to be returned.


<$myValue = dpGet("myKey")$>

See Also

A.59 dpPromote()

Function used to 'promote' values from a rule evaluation context into the request context. After the evaluation of all rules, the key and value specified by this function are pushed into the local data.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the designation for the value to be returned.

  • The second parameter is the value to be returned.


This example causes the Title field to be hidden on checkin pages:

<$dpPromote("dDocTitle:isHidden", "1")$>

See Also

A.60 dpPromoteRs()

Similar to dpPromote, this function allows a ResultSet that is generated in a profile rule to be promoted to the request context. The ResultSet is pushed into the DataBinder after the evaluation of all rules. The values are not evaluated during rule activation or manipulation but are available for page presentation.


This function can take two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the name of the ResultSet to push into the data.

  • Optional. The second parameter is an alternate name for the ResultSet.

See Also

A.61 dpSet()

Function used to set temporary values during the evaluation of activation conditions or rule values anywhere Idoc Script is evaluated.

The values are set into a working area and can be retrieved by the dpGet function call. The key and value that is set does not persist, but is globally available for the profile being evaluated. All key/value pairs can be accessed by the rules of the profile.

Both dpGet and dpSet are used to control the logic of Content Profile rules that are to be displayed. Commonly, a user may create an activation condition that sets a value for a specified key. Even if the condition evaluates to false (that is, the rule fails to fire), the key is set. Another rule can now access the key and retrieve the value when evaluating its activation condition. By using these two functions, a user can create a dependency between rules. For example, a user may want a rule to be evaluated only when a preceding rule is evaluated.


This function takes two parameters:

  • Key: The designation for the value to be returned.

  • Value: Value associated with the key.


<$dpSet("myKey", "1")$>

See Also

A.62 dWfName

Retrieves the name of the workflow.

Type and Usage


Returns the name of the workflow as a string.


The following code in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/workflow_info.htm template page is used to display the workflow name on the Workflow Step Information page:

<td align=right><span class=infoLabel><$lc("wwLabelWorkflow")$></span></td>
<td><span class=tableEntry><$dWfName$></span></td>

A.63 dWfStepName

Retrieves the name of the current step in the workflow.

Type and Usage


Returns the name of the current step as a string.


The following code in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/workflow_info.htm template page is used to display the current step name on the Workflow Step Information page:

<td align=right><span class=infoLabel><$lc("wwCurrentStep")$>
<td><span class=tableEntry>
    <$loop WorkflowStep$>
    <$exec RequiredUsers = dWfStepWeight$>
    <$if isTrue(dWfStepIsAll)$><$exec RequiredUsers = 0$><$endif$>

A.64 EmptyAccountCheckinAllowed

Checks if an account must be specified on the checkin page.

Used on the Standard Page Resources page to display an error message if an account is not specified.


  • Returns TRUE if an Account value is required.

  • Returns FALSE if an Account value is not required.


Evaluates whether an account number is required and displays an error message.

<$if not EmptyAccountCheckinAllowed$>
    <$isRequired = 1, requiredMsg = "Please specify an account."$>

A.65 EnableDocumentHighlight

Enables highlighting of full-text search terms in PDF, text, and HTML files.

  • When set to TRUE, search term highlighting is enabled.

  • When set to FALSE, search term highlighting is disabled.

  • Default is FALSE after installation of Content Server.

  • Default is TRUE after installation of PDF Converter.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Enable search keyword highlighting

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Enable search keyword highlighting

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting:


As script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


A.66 encodeHtml()

Idoc function used to filter data input for illegal or corruptive HTML constructs. This function is used by default in Threaded Discussions, a component available during installation.

All input data received by Content Server when using the unsafe value for the rule parameter applies only to well-known unsafe script tags. This functionality can be altered by using the HtmlDataInputFilterLevel configuration variable to change the filtering that is done.

Type and Usage


Takes two required and one optional parameter:

  • The first parameter is the string to encode.

  • The second parameter is the rule to apply when encoding HTML constructs. The following values are allowed:

    • none: no conversion is done to HTML constructs.

    • unsafe: only well-known unsafe script tags are encoded.

    • exceptsafe: well-known safe script tags are not encoded.

    • lfexceptsafe: recommended for use when extended comments are entered by users and line breaks in the original text must be preserved.

  • An optional parameter is also available that specifies if long strings without space characters are to be broken up and what maximum word size to apply. Specify either wordbreak or nowordbreak.


Returns the encoded string.

See Also

A.67 entryCount

Retrieves the number of times the current workflow step has been entered by the current revision.

  • This variable can be used to create conditional statements, but it should not be hard-coded or altered.

  • This variable is localized in the companion file and maintained in the key:


Type and Usage


Returns the entry count as an integer.


The following code defines a jump called MaxEntry, which exits to the parent workflow and notifies the reviewers if the last time the step was entered was more than one week ago:

<$if wfCurrentGet("entryCount")==2$>

A.68 eval()

Evaluates a variable definition as if it were Idoc Script. Can be used to recursively evaluate a literal string.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is a variable that defines a string to be evaluated as Idoc Script.


Returns the parameter string, with any Idoc Script in the variable definition resolved.


Variable one is assigned the string CompanyName, and variable two is assigned a string that includes variable one within Idoc Script delimiters. On a page, variable one presents the string CompanyName, variable two presents the string Welcome to <$one$> and eval(two) presents the string Welcome to CompanyName.

<$two="Welcome to <$one$>"$>

Say you wanted to exclude all metadata fields that have the prefix xPrefix in their names. You could use the eval() function to dynamically write and evaluate Idoc Script for this purpose:

<$loop DocMetaDefinition$>
<$if strIndexOf("xPrefix", dName) >= 0$>
    <$myScript = "<$" & dName & ":isExcluded=1$>"$>

A.69 ExclusiveCheckout

Determines whether users can check out content that was authored by another user.

  • When set to TRUE, only the author or a user with Admin permission to the security group can check out a content item.

  • When set to FALSE, users with Write permission to the security group can check out content that was authored by another user.

  • Default is FALSE.


  • System Properties, Content Security tab, Allow only original contributor to check out

  • Administration, Admin Server, Content Security menu option, Allow only original contributor to check out

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, only original contributor can check out a content item.


As Idoc Script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


A.70 exec

Executes an Idoc Script expression and suppresses the output (does not display the expression on the page).

  • In earlier versions of Idoc Script, the exec keyword was required to suppress the value of any variable from appearing in the output file. In the current version, the exec keyword is needed only to suppress an expression from appearing in the output.

    The first line in the following example is equivalent to the last two lines:

    <$varA="stringA", varB ="stringB"$>
    <$exec varA="stringA"$>
    <$exec varB="stringB"$>
  • The exec keyword is typically used to evaluate behind-the-scenes code, such as specification of an include to be used later in the page.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is an Idoc Script expression.


Returns the value of the expression, but does not display the expression on the page.


Evaluates the inc global function to incorporate the specified includes without displaying their code on the page:

<@dynamichtml std_definitions@>
    <$exec inc("std_page_variable_definitions")$>
    <$exec inc("define_image_files")$>

A.71 executeService()

Executes a Content Server service.

  • This function allows the specified service to be executed while the page is being constructed. Generally, services are executed using a tool such as IdcCommand or the CGI URL on the browser.

  • Used with dynamic server pages.

  • Services that can be called with the executeService function must be scriptable, meaning that they do not require parameter input. Scriptable services have an access level of 32 or more.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the name of the service to be executed. The live data in the DataBinder is used as parameters to the specified service.


  • Returns a StatusCode value of 0 if the service was executed successfully.

  • Returns a StatusCode value of -1 if an error in the service execution occurred.

  • All output of the executed service is suppressed, but any ResultSets and loaded values are available.


Executes a service when given a service name:


See Also

A.72 ExternalUserAccounts

Retrieves the default roles for users who are defined by an external user base (NTLM, Active Directory, or LDAP).


  • Returns a comma-delimited list of accounts, with permissions for each account specified in parentheses after the account name.

  • The #none entry grants privileges to content items that have no account assigned. The #all entry grants privileges to all accounts.


As script, returns the default account information as a string:


See Also

A.73 ExternalUserRoles

Retrieves the default roles for users who are defined by an external user base (NTLM, Active Directory, or LDAP).


  • Returns the list of roles as a string.


As script, returns the default role information as a string:


A.74 fieldCaption

Specifies the caption label for a metadata field.


Returns the caption of the metadata field as a string.


Defines the caption for the dDocTitle metadata field as the wwTitle localized string:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1, fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle")$>

A.75 fieldCaptionInclude

Specifies the include to use to display the caption for the metadata field.




Sets the caption display include to std_field_caption:

<$fieldCaptionInclude = "std_field_caption"$>

A.76 fieldCaptionStyle

Specifies the style of the caption for the metadata field.

The following SPAN styles are typically used for captions. They are defined in the std_style_declaration include in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/std_page.htm resource file:

  • searchLabel

  • infoLabel

  • tableEntry

  • requiredField


Returns the name of the caption style.


Sets the caption style to requiredField:

<$if isRequired and not suppressCaptionHighlighting$>
    <$fieldCaptionStyle = "requiredField"$>
Generates the standard field caption:
<@dynamichtml std_field_caption@>
    <span class=<$fieldCaptionStyle$>><$fieldCaption$><$if not     isFormSubmit$><$":"$><$endif$></span>

See Also

A.77 fieldDefault

Specifies the default value for a metadata field.


Returns the default value of the metadata field as a string.


Defines the default value for the dDocTitle metadata field:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1,
     fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle"),
     fieldDefault="Enter a Title"$>

A.78 fieldEditWidth

Specifies the character width of the metadata input field on the HTML page. It is set in compute_namevalue_edit_widths, which is included in the resource compute_std_field_includes.



A.79 fieldEntryInclude

Specifies the include to use to display the value for the metadata field.


Sets the value display include to std_checkbox_entry:

<$fieldEntryInclude = "std_checkbox_entry"$>

A.80 fieldExtraScriptInclude

Specifies the name of the include file containing additional JavaScript validation for a specific metadata field. This is set in the resource compute_std_field_includes.

A.81 fieldInclude

Specifies the name of the include to display a metadata field. The include file is usually std_namevalue_field, but it can be set to another include.

This is usually set at the top of the page with xFieldName:include but can also be set by overriding the resource compute_std_field_includes.

A.82 fieldIsOptionList

Specifies whether a metadata field has an option list.

  • When set to TRUE, the field has an option list.

  • When set to FALSE, the field does not have an option list.

  • Default is FALSE.


  • Returns TRUE if the field has an option list.

  • Returns FALSE if the field does not have an option list.


Defines the dDocAccount metadata field as an option list if predefined accounts exist:

<$if HasPredefinedAccounts$>
    <$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListName = "docAccounts", 
    fieldOptionListType = "combo"$>

A.83 fieldMaxLength

Specifies the maximum length of the metadata field. This is not the size of the field but the maximum number of characters that the field can contain. It is usually set at the top of the page with xFieldName:include but can also be set by overriding the resource compute_std_field_includes.

A.84 fieldName

Specifies the internal name of a metadata field.

  • Predefined metadata fields begin with a lowercase d (for example, dDocName).

  • Custom metadata fields begin with a lowercase x (for example, xComments).


Returns the name of the metadata field as a string.


Defines the dDocTitle metadata field:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1, fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle")$>

A.85 fieldOptionListType

Specifies the type of option list for a metadata field.

Possible values for this variable follow.

fieldOptionListType Value Corresponding Option in Configuration Manager


Select List Validated or Select List Not Validated


Edit and Select List


Edit and Multiselect List


None used in Collaboration Server for member access lists)


Returns the option list type as a string.


Defines the dDocAccount option list type as combo (Edit and Select List):

<$if HasPredefinedAccounts$>
    <$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListName = "docAccounts",
    fieldOptionListType = "combo"$>

A.86 fieldType

Specifies the type of metadata field.

Possible values for this variable follow.

fieldType Value Corresponding Option in Configuration Manager




Long Text








Returns the metadata field type as a string.


Defines the dDocTitle metadata field as a BigText (Long Text) field:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1,
    fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle")$>

A.87 fieldValue

Specifies the value for a metadata field.


Returns the value of the current metadata field.


Generates the standard field value:

<@dynamichtml std_value_label@>
    <span class="<$fieldValueStyle$>"><$fieldValue$></span><!--""-->

A.88 fieldValueStyle

Specifies the style of the value for the metadata field.

The following SPAN styles are typically used for values. They are defined in the std_style_declaration include in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/std_page.htm resource file:

  • tableEntry

  • xxsmall

  • strongHighlight


Returns the name of the value style.


Sets the value style:

<$if isFieldInfoOnly$>
    <$if valueStyle$>
<$fieldValueStyle = valueStyle$>
<$fieldValueStyle = "tableEntry"$>

Generates the standard field value:

<@dynamichtml std_value_label@>
    <span class="<$fieldValueStyle$>"><$fieldValue$></span><!--'"-->

A.89 fieldWidth

Specifies the width of a metadata field, in characters.


Returns the width of the current metadata field.


Generates the Extension field with a width of 10 characters:

<$fieldName = "dExtension", fieldCaption = lc("wwNativeExtension"), 
fieldWidth = 10$>

A.90 fileUrl

Retrieves the relative URL of the current dynamic server page (HCSP or HCST).

This variable is typically used in self-referencing pages, such as a form that posts back to itself.


Returns the URL as a string.


Returns the relative URL of the current dynamic server page:



Returns the first revision label for the current revision label sequence.


Returns the first revision label as a string.


Returns the first revision label (default is 1):


A.92 ForcedConversionRules

Defines the Dynamic Converter rules that will apply forced conversions upon file checkin.

  • This is a comma-delimited list.

  • If a content item matches any of the specified conversion rules upon checkin, the file will be converted according to that rule. Each file can be converted into multiple renditions.

  • There is no default.


    The forced conversion process does not apply the same Dynamic Converter template twice. For example, if you set ForcedConversionRules=RuleA,RuleB, but RuleA and RuleB specify the same template with a different layout, the conversion according to RuleB will not occur. (Best practice in this case would be to merge the layouts and use Idoc Script to dynamically select the appropriate layout elements.)

Type and Usage




Used as a configuration entry:


See Also

A.93 forceExpire()

This function can be used to force the cache for a particular include to expire. This is useful in the case of a change in the page display, such as adding new metadata fields, or if the user has saved a new query, or altered which links are viewable.

If the value for includeName is null, or an empty string, then the entire cache will be eliminated. This is useful when all includes for a particular page are placed into the same cache, and need to be expired at the same time.

For more information about keywords versus functions, see Keywords Versus Functions.

Type and Usage


Takes two required parameters and two optional parameters. For example:

forceExpire(includeName, scope [, cacheName, key])
Parameter Description


The name of the dynamic HTML element to evaluate.


Set to session if each user should see different HTML, or application if all users should see the same thing.


Optional: if you want to place this data into a named cache instead of the default cache. If an empty string is passed, it will cache the include into the default cache for the session.


Optional: if you do not want automatic name-scoping of your cache to prevent conflicts, you can specify a unique key here.


This can be used as a replacement for the std_page_begin include. It will verify if the user executed one of the standard service calls to modify the links on the standard left navigation bar (saving a query, altering the portal design). If so, the cached html for the standard page begin will be invalidated. Then, the next cacheInclude function will reevaluate the include, and place it back into the cache.

<$if strEquals(IdcService, "PNE_SAVE_QUERY") or strEquals(IdcService, "PNE_UPDATE_PORTAL_INFO")$>
<$forceExpire("std_main_page_begin", "session", "", "std_main_page_begin")$>
<$cacheInclude("std_main_page_begin", "session", 600, "", "std_main_page_begin")$>

A.94 formatDate()

Reformats a date/time to the default date/time format.

Database-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, 2001-06-15).

Long-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, June 15, 2001).


The only parameter is a string that specifies a date/time.


  • Returns the date/time in the format used by dateCurrent (for example, 6/15/01 1:55 PM).

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.

  • If a time is not provided, returns a default time of 12:00 AM.


The following example formats the date and time and displays it as 12/14/99 2:00 PM:

<$formatDate("12/14/1999 02:00 PM")$>

The following example formats the date, assigns the default time, and displays it as 9/15/03 12:00 AM:


The following script formats and displays a specified date and time. Line one evaluates an alternate date and time format and assigns it to a custom variable. Line two displays this date to a user.

<$my_customDateTime = formatDate("06/14/2004 15:05:34")$>
Final Approval: <$my_customDateTime$>


Final Approval: 6/14/04 3:05 PM

A.95 formatDateDatabase()

Formats the date and time in preparation for an SQL query. Long-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, May 22, 2000).

Type and Usage


The only parameter is a string or variable that specifies a date and time.


  • Returns an ODBC-formatted date and time:

    [ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss']
  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.

  • If a time is not provided, returns a default time of 00:00:00.


Formats the current date and time for an SQL query:


Formats the date and time and displays as 2001-03-19 15:32:00:

<$formatDateDatabase("03/19/2001 3:32 PM")$>

Formats the date and time and displays as 1999-04-03 00:00:00:


A.96 formatDateDisplay()

Reformats a date/time to a date/time format for display to the user. Uses the "Display Date Format" in System Properties to format the date.


The only parameter is a string that specifies a date/time.


  • Returns the date/time in the format used.

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.



A.97 formatDateOnly()

Reformats a date/time to the default date format and strips out the time.

Database-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, 2000-02-02).

Long-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, June 12, 2001).


The only parameter is a string that specifies a date/time.


  • Returns the date only in the format used by dateCurrent (for example, 7/12/00).

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.


Returns the current date only (for example, 9/12/01):


Returns the date ten days in the future (for example, 9/22/01):


Formats the date and time and displays the date only as 1/17/00:

<$formatDateOnly("01/17/2000 2:00 PM")$>

This script displays the current date and a date 100 days in the future. Line one assigns the current date only to a custom variable. Line two assigns a date 100 days in the future to a second custom variable. Line three displays these dates to a user (for example, Start Date: 10/12/01 and End Date: 1/20/02):

<$my_startDate = formatDateOnly(dateCurrent())$>
<$my_endDate = formatDateOnly(dateCurrent(100))$>
Start Date: <$my_startDate$> and End Date: <$my_endDate$>

A.98 formatDateOnlyDisplay()

Reformats a date to a date format for display to the user. Uses the "Display Date Format" in System Properties to format the date.

Similar to formatDateDisplay but only formats the date.


The only parameter is a string that specifies a date.


  • Returns the date in the format used.

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.



A.99 formatDateOnlyFull()

Reformats a date/time to the long date format and strips out the time. Database-formatted dates cannot be evaluated (for example, 2000-02-02).

This setting is deprecated for version 5.1 and later. Use formatDateWithPattern().


The only parameter is a string that specifies a date/time.


  • Returns a long-formatted date:

    month d, yyyy
  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.


Returns the current date in long format:


Returns the date 365 days in the future in long format (for example, September 12, 2002):


Formats the date only and displays as June 12, 2001:

<$formatDateOnlyFull("6/12/01 3:00 PM")$>

A.100 formatDateWithPattern()

Reformats a date/time to a specified date/time pattern.

When using this variable in a program (instead of dynamic page), add !rfc to the end of the date pattern. This provides a date format that conforms to the rfc standard. If !rfc is not added, a program will try to use the locale to create the date string, but in the case of a timed update event, no locale is specified. Consequently, the output uses integers instead of strings for the day and month.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is a date string used by the Content Server instance, or a date object created with the parseDate or dateCurrent functions.

  • The second parameter is the date/time pattern, such as MM/dd/yyyy.

    The capital letter Z denotes the use of a UTC time zone for the entry. The lowercase zzzz denotes the time offset (HHMM) from the UTC time, preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to indicate the offset.


  • Returns the date/time in the format specified by the pattern parameter.

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.


Displays Wed, 5 Jul 2006 12:08:56 -0700:

<$formatDateWithPattern(dateCurrent(),"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz")$>

Displays 2006-07-05 14:30:33Z:

<$formatDateWithPattern(dateCurrent(),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ")$>

A.101 formatTimeOnly()

Reformats a date/time to the default time format and strips out the date.


The only parameter is a string or variable that specifies a date/time.


  • Returns a time only in the format used by dateCurrent (for example, 1:15 PM).

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.


Returns the current time only:


Formats the time only and displays as 5:00 PM:

<$formatTimeOnly("2/2/99 5:00 PM")$>

Formats the time only and displays as 6:14 PM:

<$formatTimeOnly("04/21/2001 18:14:00")$>

A.102 formatTimeOnlyDisplay()

Reformats a time to a time format for display to the user. Uses the "Display Date Format" in System Properties to format the time.

Similar to formatDateDisplay but only formats the time.


The only parameter is a string that specifies the time.


  • Returns the time in the format used.

  • Returns null if the parameter cannot be evaluated.




Retrieves the revision level of the CGI specification to which this server complies. This variable is not request-specific; it is set for all requests.


Returns the revision level as a string in the format CGI/revision.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


A.104 generateUniqueId

This function returns the unique ID for an HTML page. This is used with the id attribute in an HTML element to guarantee a unique ID.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the field name for which the ID will be generated.


Returns the ID for an HTML page.

A.105 getCookie

Obtains a cookie from a browser.

This is useful for tracking user sessions when the information does not need to be stored in the personalization.

Can be used to track the last pages navigated to, or the last searches which were run.


Takes one parameter, the name of the cookie.


<$if not myCounter$>
Num times loaded: <$myCounter$>
<$setCookie("myCounter", myCounter+1, dateCurrent(1))$>

See Also

A.106 GetCopyAccess

Determines what permission a user must have to get a copy of a content item.

When set to TRUE, users can get a copy of a content item for which they have only Read permission.

When set to FALSE, users must have Write permission to a content item to be able to get a copy.

Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Content Security tab, Allow get copy for user with read privilege

  • Administration, Admin Server, Content Security menu option, Allow get copy for user with read privilege

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting:


As Idoc Script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


A.107 getDebugTrace()

Retrieves the output of the debug trace.

Type and Usage


  • Returns the output of the accumulated debug trace for the page being constructed.

  • Returns an empty string if IsPageDebug has not been set.


Retrieves the output of the debug trace and outputs the information to a page:


See Also

A.108 getErrorTrace()

Retrieves the output of the error trace.

Error trace output is encoded for display in HTML pages. For example, the < and > delimiters are HTML-escaped, and carriage returns are converted to <br> tags.

Type and Usage


  • Returns the output of the accumulated error trace for the page being constructed.

  • The function returns an empty string if IsPageDebug has not been set.


Retrieves the output of the error trace and outputs the information to a page:


See Also

A.109 getFieldConfigValue

This function returns a configuration flag for a specific field. If the field does not exist, the default is returned instead.


Takes three parameters:

  • The name of a metadata field.

  • The flag to return for the field when it is found.

  • A default value to return if the field does not exist.


Returns the specified configuration flag.


<$caption = getFieldConfigValue("dDocTitle", "fieldCaption", lc("wwTitle"))$>

A.110 getFieldViewDisplayValue()

Returns the display value for an item in a Schema option list.

For example, assume an option list exists for a custom metadata field named Customer. In the database there is a schema table with the CustomerName column and a unique CustomerID column. On checkin the CustomerName value is visible to the user, but the CustomerID value is stored in the database. The getFieldViewDisplayValue function extracts the human-readable CustomerName value based on the CustomerID value.

Type and Usage


Takes three parameters:

  • The first parameter is the name of the field to be used for the option list.

  • The second parameter is the name of the schema view used for the current field.

  • The third parameter is the value assigned to the field.


Returns the display value.


<$customerName = getFieldViewDisplayValue("xCustomer", "Customer_View", "1234")$>

A.111 getFieldViewValue()

This function is used when defining a content rule for a field. The value of a field for a content profile can be made dependent on a view by using this function. Because a field can have both a default and a derived value, the view can be used to create an interdependency between fields.


Takes three parameters:

  • Field. The name of a metadata field. This field must have an associated view.

  • Value. A lookup key for value.

  • Column name. A column in the view's table.


Returns the value in the column specified using the field value as a lookup.


In the following example, the view table for the field xEmployee has a column called type. Using the value as specified in the xEmployee metadata field, this function provides a lookup into this table and returns the type column value.

getFieldViewValue("xEmployee", #active.xEmployee, "type")

A.112 getFreeMemory()

This function returns the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is a performance auditing function used on the System Audit Information page.

Type and Usage


The amount of free JVM memory in megabytes.


<$freeMem = getFreeMemory()$>

See Also

A.113 getHelpPage

This function returns a relative URL to a help page based on the name of the page.


The name of the page used.


<input type=Button value="<$lc("wwQuickHelp")$>"
    onClick="QuickHelp('<$getHelpPage("QH_AdvancedSearch")$>', 'Search')">

A.114 getOptionListSize

This function returns the size of an option list. It is used to determine whether to display custom user metadata fields on the User Profile page.


The only parameter is the option list to be sized.


Returns the size of the specified option list.

A.115 getParentValue()

This function returns a parent value from a Schema view. This is needed before generating the dependent option list for the current field.

In most cases this function returns the same value as the internal parent value parameter because most option lists trigger their dependency on the unique key for the parent field. However, this is not a requirement for complex dependent choice lists.

Type and Usage


Takes four parameters:

  • The name of the schema view used for the current field.

  • The name of the schema relation between this field and the parent field.

  • The name of the parent field.

  • The internal value for the parent field. This may be different than the value displayed on the page. This is often a unique number stored internally.


<$parentValue=getParentValue("xState", "Country_State", "xCountry", "123")$>

A.116 getRequiredMsg()

This function is used on presentation pages to populate the Java script with the desired error message. The error message is set from the content rule user interface for a field that is designated as required. It returns a required message based on the following algorithm:

  1. The function looks for the fieldname:requiredMsg value.

  2. If the value exists, it is localized.

  3. If the value is undefined or the message is empty, the function returns the default message and does not localize it. To localize the message, the caller of the function must use the lc function on the default message before passing it to this function (getRequiredMsg).


Takes two parameters:

  • Fieldname: Field associated with the error message.

  • Message: Default message to be used.

See Also

A.117 getTextFile()

Gets the web version of a text file and returns its contents to a string.

  • This can be used only with files that have a format containing text, such as text/html, text/plain, or text/xml. Specifically, the dFormat field of the content item must start with text. For example, if an HCSP file is checked in, Formats: text/hcsp is displayed in the Content Info display; therefore, the content is displayed by the getTextFile() function.

  • There must be enough information to determine the content item's web URL. The dID value is the only required metadata field.

    The following information must be present:

    • dDocName, dWebExtension, dSecurityGroup, dRevLabel, and dDocType.

    • If Accounts are enabled, dDocAccount must also be specified.

    This information is available automatically after a GET_SEARCH_RESULTS call or after a DOC_INFO call.

  • This function should be wrapped with a cacheInclude call for greater performance. That can, however, create a security issue if all docs go to the same cache.

Type and Usage


This function does not take parameters but uses variables on the page to determine the document's URL.


<$loop SearchResults$>

See Also

A.118 getTotalMemory()

This function returns the amount of total memory in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is a performance auditing function used on the System Audit Information page to determine how much memory the server is using.

Type and Usage


The total JVM memory in megabytes.


<$totalMem = getTotalMemory()$>

See Also

A.119 getUserValue()

Retrieves the value of a user metadata field for the current user.

The parameter must refer to a column in the Users database table. Unlike the user personalization functions that have no support for global reference, information assigned to the user in the Users table can be available to the Content Server instance.


The only parameter is a user-related variable.


  • Returns the value of the metadata field for the current user.

  • Evaluates to TRUE if the user value was retrieved.

  • Evaluates to FALSE if an error in retrieval occurred.

  • Returns a StatusCode value of -1 if the value is unspecified or unknown.


Returns the user type of the currently logged on user:


A.120 getValue()

This function has multiple uses:

  • Retrieves the value of a particular metadata field from local, active, or environment data.

  • Retrieves the value of a particular column from a specific ResultSet.

  • Retrieves information about ResultSet rows.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is either the type of data or the name of a ResultSet.

  • The second parameter is the name of a metadata field, the column name, or a ResultSet row parameter.


You can also use a shorthand format that returns results identical to the getValue(arg1,arg2) function. The format uses the form <$arg1.arg2$>, where arg1 and arg2 are the literal string arguments "arg1" and "arg2" to the getValue function.


Data types (local, active, and env) and ResultSet parameters must start with the crosshatch (#) symbol.

The following parameter combinations can be used.

getValue and Shorthand Formats Description



Retrieves the value of the specified metadata field from the local data.



Attempts to retrieve the value of the specified metadata field from the data in the following order:

  1. Local data

  2. Active ResultSets

  3. All other ResultSets

  4. Environment settings



Retrieves the value of the specified metadata field from the environment settings.



Retrieves the value of the specified metadata field from the current row of the specified ResultSet.



Retrieves the value of the specified column from the current row of the specified ResultSet.



Retrieves the value of the specified column from the current row of the current ResultSet.



Retrieves the number of the current row in the specified ResultSet.

The first row is 0.



Retrieves the total number of rows in the specified ResultSet.



Checks if at least one row is present in the specified ResultSet.

This is useful when looping manually with rsNext.



Checks if the specified ResultSet does not contain any rows.


  • For output values, see the preceding subsection, Variations.

  • Returns an empty string if a value is not found.


  • Gets the content ID from the ResultSet named DOC_INFO:

    <$name = getValue("DOC_INFO","dDocName")$>


    <$name = <$DOC_INFO.dDocName$>
  • Checks to see if the passed parameter dDocType (which is in the local data) equals the value in the active ResultSet:

    <$loop DocTypes$>
    <$if strEquals(#active.dDocType, getValue("#local","dDocType"))$>
    <!--do special HTML for selected document type--> 
    <!-- additional statement-->

See Also

A.121 getValueForSpecifiedUser()

Retrieves the value of a user attribute for a specific user. This function can be useful for defining extended workflow functionality.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the user name.

  • The second parameter is the name of a column in the Users database table that specifies a user attribute (such as dFullName, dUserType, or dEmail).


  • Returns the value of the user attribute for the specified user.

  • Returns an empty string if the value is not found.


Retrieves the full name for mjones.

<$getValueForSpecifiedUser('mjones', 'dFullName')$>

A.122 getViewValue()

Returns the display value for an item in a Schema option list.

For example, assume an option list exists for a custom metadata field named Customer. In the database there is a schema table with the CustomerName and a unique CustomerID. On checkin the CustomerName is visible to the user but the CustomerID is what is stored in the database. The getFieldViewDisplayValue function extracts the human-readable CustomerName based on the CustomerID.

Type and Usage


This function takes three parameters:

  • The name of the schema view used for the current field.

  • The value stored in the database for the ID.

  • The column name associated with the view.


Returns the display value.


<$custName = getViewValue("Customer_View", "1234", "CustomerName")$>
<$custRegion = getViewValue("Customer_View", "1234", "CustomerRegion")$>

A.123 getViewValueResultSet()

This function loads a schema table and places it on the page as a ResultSet named SchemaData. The column names in the ResultSet are the same as the names in the database table.

This function is most useful to obtain a list of dependent choices based on a parent value.

Type and Usage


Takes three parameters:

  • The name of the schema view used.

  • The relation for the schema and the view.

  • The value for the schema parent.


Assume you have a schema table and view for a list of countries. The view is named Country_view.

To output the contents of that table to the page, use the following code.

<$getViewValuesResultSet("Country_View", "", "")$>
<$loop SchemaData$>
<$count = 0, num = rsNumFields("SchemaData")$>
    <$loopwhile count < num$>
        <$fieldName=rsFieldByIndex("SchemaData", count)$>
        <$fieldName$> = <$getValue("SchemaData", fieldName)$>
        <$count = count + 1$>

This will output the table even if you do not know the column name.

In the following example, assume you have a DCL for the fields Country and State. The list of States depends on which Country is selected. To obtain the list of States when the Country is US, use this code:

<$getViewValuesResultSet("State_View", "Country_State", "US")$>

A.124 hasAppRights()

Checks if the current user has rights to an administrative application.


The only parameter is one of the following administrative applications:

  • UserAdmin

  • WebLayout

  • RepoMan

  • Workflow

  • ConfigMan

  • Archiver


  • Returns TRUE if the user has rights to the specified application.

  • Returns FALSE if the user does not have rights to the specified application.

  • Returns a StatusCode value of -1 if the value is unspecified or unknown.


Evaluates whether the current user has rights to the specified application.


A.125 HasExternalUsers

Indicates to Content Server that an external user database is present.

When set to TRUE, the system recognizes external users. If a custom component has been written to support an external user integration (such as LDAP), this should be set to TRUE.

Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage




As a configuration setting:


As Idoc Script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


See Also

  • NtlmSecurityEnabled in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

A.126 HasLocalCopy

Checks whether the client computer has a copy of the requested content item in the download target directory.

Generally used to query the user whether to overwrite when downloading. For example, this variable is used by the Oracle ODMA Client.


  • Returns TRUE if a local copy is detected.

  • Returns FALSE if a local copy is not detected.


Checks for a local copy of the content item:


A.127 hasOptionList

Specifies that the metadata field has an option list.


  • Returns TRUE if the field has an option list.

  • Returns FALSE if the field does not have an option list.


Specifies that the field has an option list:


Generates the option list values if the field has an option list:

<$if hasOptionList$>
    <$if isQuery$></td><td><$endif$>
    <$include std_option_list_entry$>

A.128 HasOriginal

Checks if an original file exists for a revision.

This variable checks for a dOriginalName value.

It is possible for a content item to be checked in but to not have an original file (for example, when a Basic workflow has been started but files have not been checked in at the initial contribution step).


  • Returns TRUE if an original file exists.

  • Returns FALSE if no original file exists.


Checks for an original file:

<$if HasOriginal and not isNew$>

A.129 HasPredefinedAccounts

Checks if the current user has permission to any predefined accounts. Predefined accounts are those that are created in the User Admin utility.


  • Returns TRUE if the user is assigned to any predefined accounts.

  • Returns FALSE if the user is not assigned to any predefined accounts.


Displays the Accounts option list if the user is assigned to any predefined accounts:

<$if HasPredefinedAccounts$>
    <$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListName = "docAccounts",     fieldOptionListType = "combo"$>

A.130 HasUrl

Checks if a file exists in the weblayout directory for the current content item.


  • Returns TRUE if a weblayout file exists.

  • Returns FALSE if no weblayout file exists.


Checks for a weblayout file:

<$if HasUrl$>
    <$include doc_url_field$>

A.131 HeavyClient

Checks if the checkin is through the Content Server ODMA client or Upload applet.


  • Returns TRUE if the ODMA client or Upload applet is being used for checkin.

  • Returns FALSE if the ODMA client and Upload applet are not being used for checkin.


Checks for check in method:


A.132 HelpDir

Defines the path to the directory that contains the online help files.

This path can be set separately for the Content Server instance and the Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery instance.

Returns the path as a string.

Default for the Content Server instance is install_dir/weblayout/help.

The default for Inbound Refinery is SharedDir/help.

Type and Usage


  • Content Server: IntradocDir/config/config.cfg

  • Inbound Refinery: install_dir/IdcRefinery/shared/idcrefinery.cfg


Used as a configuration entry for the Content Server instance:


Used as a configuration entry for the Inbound Refinery instance:


A.133 htmlRefreshTimeout

Similar to DefaultHtmlRefreshTimeoutInSeconds. Defines the time, in seconds, that a Work In Progress page, My Checked-Out Content page or My Workflow Assignments page refreshes.

htmlRefreshTimeout can be set in the URL or the service's databinder. This can be used to set a different refresh time for different pages. If that is needed, do not set DefaultHtmlRefreshTimeoutInSeconds in the config.cfg file, but instead set htmlRefreshTimeout in the URL or databinder.


In the page's URL:


See Also

A.134 htmlRefreshUrl

Used to set the URL of the page to load after a Work In Progress page, My Checked-Out Content page or My Workflow Assignments page is refreshed. The default is the current page. This variable can be set in the URL of the page or the databinder of the service.


In the page's URL:


See Also

A.135 HttpAbsoluteCgiPath

Retrieves the Content Server CGI path as a complete URL.

This variable cannot be modified directly; to change the path, use the HttpAbsoluteCgiRoot configuration setting, described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.


Returns the path as a string.


Returned for a Content Server domain:


(or returned for a master Content Server domain)

Returned for a proxied Content Server instance (stellent_2):


See Also

A.136 HttpAdminCgiPath

Retrieves the Content Server CGI path as a relative URL.


Returns the Content Server CGI path as a string.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server instance)

A.137 HttpBrowserFullCgiPath

This variable is used to set explicit control over the CGI path construction made for applets and the Content Server instance.

Content Server evaluates the HTTP address in the address bar of the browser. If the HttpIgnoreWebServerInternalPortNumber configuration entry is not sufficient to assist the evaluation, HttpBrowserFullCgiPath can be set with an explicit answer.

Specify a relative path to the Content Server instance (idc1 in the example that follows).



See Also

A.138 HttpCgiPath

Retrieves the Content Server CGI path.

The following configuration settings are used to determine the value of this variable.

Variable Description


When set to TRUE, the secure sockets layer (SSL) is used (https instead of http).


Defines whether the complete URL is used instead of a relative path. This is an internal flag set by the Content Server instance and is not intended for user configuration.


Returns the path as a string.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(or returned for a master Content Server instance)

Returned for a proxied Content Server (stellent_2):


A.139 HttpCommonRoot

Retrieves the URL of the common directory.

Multiple Content Server instances can share resources from one Content Server installation. This variable defines the URL path to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/common/ directory of the Content Server instance whose resources are being shared. For example, the HttpCommonRoot defines the prefix to use for accessing the shared common directory where web applets are located.


Returns the relative URL as a string. If the URL is external, the complete URL is returned rather than the relative path.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server instance)

A.140 HttpEnterpriseCgiPath

Retrieves the CGI path of a Content Server instance as a relative URL.

Retrieves the CGI path of a master Content Server instance. When multiple Content Server instances share the same web login, one of them is designated as the master or enterprise server.


Returns the Content Server CGI path as a string.

Returns the master Content Server CGI path as a string.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server)

See Also

A.141 HttpHelpRoot

Retrieves the URL of the help directory.

Multiple Content Server instances can share online help files from one Content Server installation. This variable defines the URL path to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/help/ directory of the Content Server instance whose help files are being shared.


Returns the relative URL as a string. If the URL is external, the complete URL is returned rather than the relative path.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server)

A.142 HttpImagesRoot

Retrieves the URL of the images directory.

Multiple Content Server instances can share user interface images from one Content Server installation. This variable defines the URL path to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/images/ directory of the Content Server instance whose image files are being shared.


Returns the relative URL as a string. If the URL is external, the complete URL is returned rather than the relative path.


Returned for a Content Server:


Returned for a master or proxied Content Server:

A.143 HttpLayoutRoot

Retrieves the URL of the folder containing the current layout files. This is useful if you have additional JavaScript resources specific to the current layout.

A.144 HttpRelativeAdminRoot

Retrieves the relative URL for a Content Server instance.

Defaults to /cs-admin/ during installation.


Returns the relative URL as a string.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server)

A.145 HttpRelativeWebRoot

Defines the web server root directory as a relative URL.

  • A relative root such as /domain/ is used rather than a full root such as http://www.mycomputer.com/domain/.

  • Returns the relative web root directory as a string.

  • There is no default value.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Internet tab, Http Relative Web Root

  • Content Server: IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, defines the relative web root:


As Idoc Script, returns the relative web root as a string:


See Also

  • HttpAbsoluteWebRoot in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

A.146 HttpServerAddress

Defines the web server address as a partial URL.

A partial URL such as mycomputer is used rather than a full address such as http://www.mycomputer.com/.

Returns the web server address as a string.

There is no default value.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Internet tab, HTTP Server Address

  • Content Server: IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, defines the web server address:


As Idoc Script, returns the web server address as a string:


See Also

A.147 HttpSharedRoot

Retrieves the URL path of the shared directory.

Multiple Content Server instances can share resources from one Oracle Content Server installation. This variable defines the URL path to the shared/ directory of the Content Server instance whose resource files are being shared.


Returns the relative URL as a string. If the URL is external, the complete URL is returned rather than the relative path.


Returned for a master or proxied Content Server:


A.148 HttpSystemHelpRoot

Similar to the HttpHelpRoot variable except this variable returns the path to the help files for the default system language.


Returns the path to the help files.



A.149 HttpWebRoot

Retrieves the URL path of the weblayout/ directory.

Multiple Content Server instances can share resources from one Content Server installation. This variable defines the URL path to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/ directory of the Content Server instance whose resource files are being shared.

The following configuration settings determine the value of this variable.

Variable Description


When set to TRUE, the secure sockets layer (SSL) is used (https instead of http).


Defines whether the complete URL is used instead of a relative path. This is an internal flag set by the Content Server instance and is not intended for user configuration.


Returns the relative URL as a string. If the URL is external, the complete URL is returned rather than the relative path.


Returned for a Content Server instance:


(returned for a master or proxied Content Server)


Retrieves a list of content types that the browser can accept.


Returns a list of content types as a comma-delimited string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves a list of compression encodings that the browser supports.

As of Content Server version 7.0, HTML files are compressed for delivery. GZIP compression is the default.


Returns a list of compression encodings as a comma-delimited string.


As information output on a page or to a log:

HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9

As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves a list of ISO languages that are set for the browser.

This variable might be useful for estimating which user locale to set for new or guest users.


Returns a list of languages as a comma-delimited string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves the name/value pair of the cookie in the HTTP request header.


Returns a string in the format name1=string1; name2=string2.


As information output on a page or to a log:

HTTP_COOKIE=IntradocAuth=Basic; IntrdocLoginState=1

As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves the name of the web server.


Returns the web server name as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:

<$if HTTP_HOST$>


Retrieves the CGI parameter that the web server security filter passes to the system so that the system can set the user.

If this variable is not set, the value of the REMOTE_USER variable is used.

If HTTP_INTERNETUSER and REMOTE_USER variables are not set, the user is anonymous.


Returns the user name as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves the complete URL of the referenced directory on the local server.


Returns the complete URL as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:



Retrieves the client browser type, version number, library, and platform for which the browser is configured.


Returns a string in the format software/version (library) (platform).


As information output on a page or to a log:

HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)

As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


A.158 idocTestForInclude()

This function tests to find out if a dynamichtml resource exists.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter: includeName is the name of the dynamichtml resource.


If the resource exists, then it returns TRUE.


<$if idocTestForInclude("std_page_begin")$>    <$include std_page_begin$><$endif$>

A.159 inc()

Adds the code from an include resource to the page.

This function does the same thing as the include keyword, except that it can take an Idoc Script variable as the parameter. For more information, see Keywords Versus Functions.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is a variable that defines the name of an include.


Displays the code that is defined in the specified include resource.


Say you wanted to execute some Idoc Script for some, but not all, of your custom metadata fields. You could dynamically create includes based on the field names (such as specific_include_xComments) by executing this Idoc Script:

<$loop DocMetaDefinition$>
    <$myInclude = "specific_include_" & dName$>
    <$exec inc(myInclude)$>

Note the use of the exec keyword, which suppresses the output of the include specified by the inc function. If you don't use exec before the inc function, the HTML inside the specified include will be displayed on the page.

If the specific_include_xComments field does not exist, this code will not throw an error because the output is not being displayed.

A.160 incDynamicConversionByRule()

Returns the results of converting the LatestReleased revision of a document using the template and layout associated with a particular Dynamic Converter conversion rule.

Fragments created through forced conversions can be referenced directly using this function.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the content ID of a document.

  • The second parameter is the name of a conversion rule.


Retrieves the specified document converted according to the template and layout defined for the specified conversion rule.


Retrieves the converted rendition of the content item with a content ID of PhoneList, converted according to conversion rule RuleA:


A.161 incGlobal()

Includes the entire contents of a text file in the display of the current page.

This function is used to generate the default portal page.

A global include file is a text file that contains HTML code, Idoc Script code, or both. It is loaded on server startup.

Global include files must have the .inc extension and must be located in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/data/pages/ directory.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the name of a global include file without the .inc file extension.


Displays the code that is defined in the specified global include file.


When you change the portal page using the Update Portal function in the Web Layout Editor, a global include file called portal_message.inc is created to contain your modified text. This file is then referenced in the pne_home_page.htm template file as follows:


A.162 include

Adds the code from an include resource (defined by <@dynamichtml include_name@>) to the page.

This keyword is the most commonly used command in Idoc Script, as it allows you to reuse small chunks of code on multiple template pages.

For more information, see Includes.


The only parameter is the name of the include.


Displays the code that is defined in the specified include resource.


The following includes are used to create the beginning and end of most Content Server web pages. These includes are defined in the following file:


<$include std_html_head_declarations$>
<$include body_def$>
<$include std_page_begin$>
    Hello World!
<$include std_page_end$>

A.163 incTemplate()

Adds the contents of a Content Server template to a page, after evaluating any Idoc Script.

You can use this function to include the content of an entire template. However, this usage is discouraged because resource includes are usually sufficiently flexible to support all requirements for the sharing of Idoc Script between pages.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the name of a Content Server template file without the .htm file extension.


Displays the code that is defined in the specified template.


Retrieves the new_look template file.


A.164 indexerSetCollectionValue()

This function modifies the logic of the search indexer. This function is designed to allow calculation of cumulative statistics about the index collection.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the name of the flag used.

  • The second parameter is the value attributed to the flag.

Any name and value can be used. These values become available the next time the resource include is executed for the index collection.

A.165 InstanceDescription

Defines a description for the instance.

The instance description is used in the Content Server interface.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Server tab, Instance Description

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration entry:


As Idoc Script, returns the server instance description as a string:


See Also

  • IDC_Name in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

  • InstanceMenuLabel in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

A.166 isActiveTrace()

Checks if a section is being traced in the core.

Type and Usage


Returns active trace results.



See Also

A.167 isCheckin

Specifies if the current page is a checkin page.

When set to TRUE, the current page is identified as a checkin page.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not identified as a checkin page.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is a checkin page.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not a checkin page.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isCheckin or isUpdate or isQuery$>
    <$isFormSubmit = 1$>
    <$if not isQuery$>
        <$isEditMode = 1$>
        <$formName = "Checkin"$>
        <$isFormSubmit = ""$>
        <$isEditMode = ""$>

A.168 IsCheckinPreAuthed

Checks if a checkin application preauthorized the current checkin by getting a security token.


  • Returns TRUE if the checkin is preauthorized.

  • Returns FALSE if the checkin is not preauthorized.


Checks for checkin preauthorization:


A.169 isComponentEnabled

Checks if the defined component in enabled.


The only parameter is the component name.


  • Returns TRUE if the defined component is enabled.

  • Returns FALSE if the defined component is not enabled.



A.170 IsContributor

Used to evaluate whether a user is a contributor. Generally used to determine whether to show special links on a page (for example, std_page uses it to decide whether to display the Content Manager link).


  • Returns TRUE if the user is a contributor.

  • Returns FALSE if the user is not a contributor.


Used to evaluate whether a user is a contributor:

<$if IsContributor$>

A.171 IsCriteriaSubscription

Evaluates whether a subscription to the content item is criteria-based rather than based on the content ID (dDocName).


  • Returns TRUE if the subscription is criteria-based.

  • Returns FALSE if the subscription is to a particular content item.


Evaluates whether subscription is criteria based:


A.172 IsCurrentNav

Checks if the page currently being displayed is the same as the page being looped over while building the Next/Previous navigation on search results pages.


  • Returns TRUE if the navigation loop is at the same page as the current page.

  • Returns FALSE if the navigation loop is not at the same page as the current page.


If the navigation loop is at the current page, the page number is displayed as plain text. If the navigation loop is not at the current page, the page number is displayed as a hypertext link:

<$loop NavigationPages$>
<$if IsCurrentNav$>
    <a href="<$strRemoveWs(inc("searchapi_navigation_specific_page"))$>">

A.173 isDocPage

Specifies if the current page is a page that displays metadata (such as search, checkin, and content information pages).

When set to TRUE, the current page is identified as a document page.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not identified as a document page.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is a document page.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not a document page.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isDocPage$>

A.174 IsDynamic

Checks if the page is presented dynamically to the user.

Most pages viewed by the user are dynamic. However, some static pages are designed to be delivered to the user without changes. Examples are the guest portal page and the content of some auto generated emails.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is being presented dynamically to the user.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is static or cannot be displayed.


Evaluates whether the page is presented dynamically:

<$if IsDynamic$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.175 IsDynamicConverterEnabled

Enables Dynamic Converter.

This value is set to FALSE during initial WebCenter Content installation.

This value is set to TRUE during Dynamic Converter installation.

Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Enable Dynamic Converter

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Enable Dynamic Converter

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, enables Dynamic Converter functionality:


As Idoc Script, used to evaluate whether dynamic converter functionality is enabled:

<$if IsDynamicConverterEnabled and isTrue(IsDynamicConverterEnabled)$>
      <td align="center" width="75">
        <a href="<$HttpCgiPath$>?IdcService=GET_TEMPLATE_CONVERSIONS">
          <img src="<$HttpImagesRoot$><$admin_conversion_image$>" border="0"
        width="<$adminImageWidth$>" height="<$adminImageHeight$>"></a>
      <td width="10">&nbsp;
      <td width="245"><span class=largeTableEntry>
        <a href="<$HttpCgiPath$>?IdcService=GET_TEMPLATE_CONVERSIONS">

A.176 isEditMode

Specifies if metadata fields on the current page can be edited.

This variable is set on checkin and content information update pages.

When set to TRUE, metadata fields on the current page can be edited.

When set to FALSE, metadata fields on the current page cannot be edited.


  • Returns TRUE if metadata fields on the current page can be edited.

  • Returns FALSE if metadata fields on the current page cannot be edited.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isCheckin or isUpdate or isQuery$>
    <$isFormSubmit = 1$>
    <$if not isQuery$>
        <$isEditMode = 1$>
        <$formName = "Checkin"$>
        <$isFormSubmit = ""$>
        <$isEditMode = ""$>

A.177 IsEditRev

Checks whether the current revision is in an Editor step in a workflow.

When set to TRUE, reviewers can check out, edit, and check in the revision.

This variable is set by defining a workflow step as an Editor step in the Workflow Admin tool. This variable is evaluated on the checkin page.


  • Returns TRUE if the current revision is in an Editor step in a workflow.

  • Returns FALSE if the current revision is not in an Editor step in a workflow.


Provides workflow details:

<$if IsEditRev$>
    addCheckinValue("IdcService", "WORKFLOW_CHECKIN");
if (form.isFinished.checked)
    addCheckinValue("isFinished", form.isFinished.value);
    addCheckinValue("IdcService", "CHECKIN_SEL");

A.178 isExcluded

Completely excludes the metadata field from the page.


  • Returns TRUE if the metadata field is excluded from the page.

  • Returns FALSE if the metadata field is not excluded from the page.


Excludes the current metadata field from the page:


Sets a custom variable depending on the active value of isExcluded for the current metadata field:

<$isCustomExcluded = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isExcluded")$>
$isCustomRelocated = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isRelocated")$>
<$if isCustomExcluded or (isCustomRelocated and not isRelocated) or isExcluded or (isFieldHidden and not isFormSubmit)$>
    <$isFieldExcluded = 1$>

A.179 IsExternalUser

Checks if the user is accessing the Content Server instance from an external system, such as an LDAP system.

Or a proxied server.


  • Returns TRUE if the user is accessing the Content Server instance from an external system.

  • Returns FALSE if the user is accessing the Content Server instance directly.


Checks if user is at an external location:


A.180 IsFailedConversion

Checks if the Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery system has failed to convert the content item.


  • Returns TRUE if the conversion process failed.

  • Returns FALSE if no conversion failure was detected.


Displays text if the conversion process was not complete:

<$if IsFailedConversion$>
    <p><font face="arial" size="2">
    The Refinery was unable to complete the conversion process.</p>

A.181 IsFailedIndex

Checks if the Indexer has failed to index the content item.


  • Returns TRUE if the Indexer was unable to index the content item.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item was indexed successfully.


Displays text if the content item was not indexed:

<$if IsFailedIndex $>
    <p><font face="arial" size="2">
    Unable to index content item.</p>

A.182 sawflies()

Checks if a string or expression evaluates to FALSE.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the string or expression to be evaluated.


If the parameter is a string:

  • Returns TRUE if the string begins with F, f, N, or n, or is 0.

  • Returns FALSE if the string begins with any other character.

If the parameter is not a string:

  • Returns TRUE if the value is 0.

  • Returns FALSE if the value is not 0.


Evaluates the string false and returns TRUE (1):


Evaluates that the integer five is greater than one and returns FALSE (0):


Evaluates the result of the equation as zero and returns TRUE (1):


Evaluates the string equality statement as true and returns FALSE (0):


See Also

A.183 is Field Excluded

Specifies that the metadata field is excluded.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is excluded.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is not excluded.


Determines if the metadata field is excluded:

<$if isCustomExcluded or (isCustomRelocated and not isRelocated) or isExcluded or (isFieldHidden and not isFormSubmit)$>
    <$isFieldExcluded = 1$>

A.184 isFieldHidden

Specifies that the metadata field is hidden.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is hidden.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is not hidden.


Determines if the metadata field is hidden:

<$if isHidden or isCustomHidden$>
    <$isFieldHidden = 1$>
    <$isFieldHidden = ""$>

A.185 isFieldInfoOnly

Specifies that the metadata field is an information only field.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is an information only field.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is not an information only field.


Determines if the metadata field is information only:

<$if isInfo or isCustomInfo or isFieldHidden or isInfoOnly$>
    <$isFieldInfoOnly = 1$>
    <$isFieldInfoOnly = ""$>

A.186 isFieldMemo

Specifies that the metadata field is a memo field.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is a memo field.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is not a memo field.


Determines if the field is a memo field:

<@dynamichtml compute_std_entry_type_info@>
<$if not hasOptionList and #active.fieldType like "Memo"$>
    <$isFieldMemo = 1$>
    <$isFieldMemo = ""$>

A.187 IsFilePresent

Checks if the page currently being displayed is for the revision being looped over while building the Revision History table on a content information page.


  • Returns TRUE if the loop is at the same revision as the current revision.

  • Returns FALSE if the loop is not at the same revision as the current revision.


If the loop is at the current revision, the revision number is displayed as plain text. If the loop is not at the current revision, the revision number is displayed as an active button.

<@dynamichtml doc_rev_info@>
<$if IsFilePresent$>
  <td width=10% align=center><span class=strongHighlight><$dRevLabel$></span></td>
  <td nowrap width=30%><span class=strongHighlight><$dInDate$></span></td>
  <td nowrap width=30%><span class=strongHighlight>
    <$if dOutDate$><$dOutDate$><$else$><$lc("wwNone")$><$endif$></span></td>
      <td width=20%><span class=strongHighlight>
      <$rptDisplayMapValue("StatusList", dStatus)$></span></td>
  <td width=10%><form action="<$HttpCgiPath$>" method=GET>
  <input type=hidden name=IdcService value="DOC_INFO">
  <input type=hidden name=dID value="<$dID$>">
  <input type=hidden name=dDocName value="<$dDocName$>">
  <input type=submit value="       <$dRevLabel$>      ">

A.188 isFormSubmit

Specifies if the current page is a submittable HTML form.

When set to TRUE, the current page is a submittable HTML form.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not a submittable HTML form.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is a submittable HTML form.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not a submittable HTML form.


Set at the top of a page:


Adds a colon after the field captions if the page is not a submittable HTML form:

<@dynamichtml std_field_caption@>
    <span class=<$fieldCaptionStyle$>>
    <$fieldCaption$><$if not isFormSubmit$><$":"$><$endif$>

A.189 IsFullTextIndexed

Checks if the Indexer has full-text indexed the content item.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item has been full-text indexed.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item has not been full-text indexed.


Provides a specified URL if the content item is full-text indexed:

<$if IsFullTextIndexed$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.190 isHidden

Hides the metadata field from the user but includes the field as hidden data on the page.


  • Returns TRUE if the metadata field is hidden on the page.

  • Returns FALSE if the metadata field is not hidden the page.


Hides the current metadata field from the user:


Sets a custom variable depending on the active value of isHidden for the current metadata field:

<$isCustomHidden = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isHidden")$>
    <$if isHidden or isCustomHidden$>
<$isFieldHidden = 1$>
    <$isFieldHidden = ""$>

A.191 isInfo

Specifies if the current page is an information-only page.

When set to TRUE, the current page is identified as an information-only page.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not identified as an information-only page.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is an information-only page.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not an information-only page.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isInfo$>
<$elseif isEditMode$>

A.192 isInfoOnly

Displays the metadata field as information only, not as an input field.


  • Returns TRUE if the metadata field is displayed as information only.

  • Returns FALSE if the metadata field can be edited.


Displays the current metadata field as information only:


Sets a custom variable depending on the active value of isInfoOnly for the current metadata field:

<<$isCustomInfo = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isInfoOnly")$>
<$if isInfo or isCustomInfo or isFieldHidden or isInfoOnly$>
    <$isFieldInfoOnly = 1$>
    <$isFieldInfoOnly = ""$>

A.193 IsIntranetAuthOnly

Sets the default authorization type to intranet.

When set to TRUE, the web server filter assumes the authorization type to be intranet. The first time a user logs in to the Content Server instance and accesses a CGI URL, NTLM security is used rather than Oracle database security.

When set to FALSE, no authorization type is assumed.

Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage




Used as a configuration entry:


A.194 IsJava

Displays the local data of a Content Server web page.

This variable can be set as a flag on a page or as a parameter to a service call.

Type and Usage


When set to TRUE, returns the local data in the DataBinder, in HDA format.


When included in the code on a Content Server web page, displays the local data of a page:


When included in a Content Server URL, displays the local data for the New Checkin page:


A.195 isLayoutEnabled()

Used to determine if a particular layout is installed and enabled.


Takes one parameter, the ID of the layout.


In the std_resources.htm file:

<$if isLayoutEnabled("Trays")$><$do Publish=1$><$endif$>

A.196 isLinkActive

Used by Idoc Script to determine whether to include the profile in a display of profiles for check-in or search based on specified conditions, such as a user's name. If the specified condition or conditions evaluate to true, the value of IsLinkActive is set to true (1) and the profile is included in the list of available profiles.


There are no parameters, just the setting of 1 or 0 (true or false) based on the evaluated condition or conditions.


Here is the default script for a condition set with a single clause. If the user name matches "guest", then isLinkActive is set to 1 and the profile is included in the list of available profiles for that user.

<$if getUserValue("dName") like "guest"$> 

A.197 IsLocalSearchCollectionID

Checks if the content item is in the local search collection. Searches for the content item's content ID in the local search collection.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item is in the local collection.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item is not found in the local collection.


Evaluates whether a content item is from a local collection:

<@dynamichtml searchapi_define_result_doc_parameters@>
<$exec IsLocalSearchCollection="1"$>
<$if not IsLocalSearchCollectionID$>
    <!--Collection has external ID-->
<$exec IsLocalSearchCollection=""$>

A.198 IsLoggedIn

Checks if the current user is logged in.


  • Returns TRUE if the user has logged in.

  • Returns FALSE if the user has not logged in.


Checks whether the user is logged in and has an email address before performing a function.

<@dynamichtml subscription_action_script@>
function allowSubscription(form)
    {<$if IsLoggedIn$>
    <$if IsUserEmailPresent$>

A.199 IsMac

Checks if the client browser is running on a Macintosh operating system.


  • Returns TRUE if the client browser is running on a Mac.

  • Returns FALSE if the client browser is not running on a Mac.


Redirects to a different URL if the browser is running on a Mac:

<$if IsMac$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.200 IsMaxRows

Checks if there are more results on a Work In Progress or Report page than the MaxQueryRows setting allows. For more information, see "MaxQueryRows" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.


  • Returns TRUE if the number of results is greater than the number of rows permitted.

  • Returns FALSE if the number of results is less than the number of rows permitted.


Returns an error message if the maximum number of rows is exceeded:

<$elseif IsMaxRows$>
<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width="100%">
    <span class=smallHighlight><$lc("wwOutputLimitedByMaxRows")$>

A.201 isMultiOption

Specifies that a metadata field option list allows multiple values to be selected.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is a multiselect option list.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is not a multiselect option list.


Specifies that the field is a multiselect option list:


Determines the type of option list:

<$if #active.fieldOptionListType like "*multi*"$>
    <$exec isMultiOption=1$>
<$elseif #active.fieldOptionListType like "access*"$>
    <$exec isAccessList=1$>
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>
<$elseif not (#active.fieldOptionListType like "*combo*")$>
    <!--Strict choice-->
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>

See Also

A.202 IsMultiPage

Checks if multiple pages are needed for search results. This variable depends on the number of rows displayed per page, which is defined by the ResultCount input variable (default is 25).


  • Returns TRUE if the number of search results is greater than the number of rows permitted per page.

  • Returns FALSE if the number of search results is less than the number of rows permitted per page.


Evaluates number of rows and determines if multiple pages are needed:


A.203 isNew

Checks if the content item is new or a revision. This variable is set to TRUE by the CHECKIN_NEW_FORM and CHECKIN_SIMILAR_FORM standard services.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item is new.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item is a revision to an existing content item.


If the content item is new, a specified service is performed:

<$if isNew$>
    <input type=hidden name=IdcService value="CHECKIN_NEW">

If the content item is a revision, the original content item author is used:

<$if not isNew$>value="<$dDocAuthor$>"<$endif$>

If the content item is new, the default accounts for the current user are used:

<$if isNew$>

A.204 IsNotLatestRev

Checks if the revision is the last revision to be checked in. This is not necessarily the last released revision.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item is other than the latest revision to be checked in.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item is the latest revision to be checked in.


Checks for the latest revision:


A.205 IsNotSyncRev

Checks whether the file on the client computer matches the most current revision by performing a revision ID (dID) comparison.

This variable is generally used to display an error message when the local copy of a content item has not been updated to the latest revision.

This variable is used to interface with client-side products, such as Desktop.


  • Returns TRUE if revisions do not match.

  • Returns FALSE if revisions match.


Checks for a match with the latest revision and displays an error message:

<$if IsNotSyncRev$>
The local copy of this content item has not been updated to the latest revision. 
    Use Get Native File or Check Out to update your local copy of <$dDocName$>.

A.206 IsOverrideFormat

Enables users to select a different conversion format upon checkin.

When set to TRUE, a Format option list is displayed for the Primary File and Alternate File on the checkin page.

Default is FALSE.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Allow override format on check in

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Allow override format on check in

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting:


As Idoc Script, returns the value of the override format function:


A.207 IsPageDebug

Enables a trace of all includes and calls to the Idoc Script eval function.

The contents of the eval function and any dynamically assigned includes are also shown as part of the trace. The trace is indented by one + character per nested level of include or eval call. The trace also shows any error messages (without the nested location information) and the output of any calls to the Idoc Script trace function.


This setting is not supported in Internet Explorer version 6.

Type and Usage


Results of the trace can be viewed through the debug menu toolbar options, which are accessed from the debug trace displayed at the bottom of the web page.

Click the debug trace to display the debug menu toolbar, then click any of the following options.

Element Description

hide all

Hides any open debug popups.

idocscript trace

Displays a tree structure view of all includes being called.

request binder

Displays information on Local Data and ResultSets. The request binder is the DataBinder sent to the server, that is, the service name and any service-specific parameters. Click a heading to expand the view of detailed information.

response binder

Displays information on Local Data and ResultSets. The response binder is the DataBinder immediately after the service is processed but before the response page is generated. Click a heading to expand the view of detailed information.

final page binder

Displays information on Local Data and ResultSets. The final page binder reflects what was changed in the DataBinder while the page was being generated. Click a heading to expand the view of detailed information.

javascript log

Displays Logger Console window with default setting of Verbose. Select checkboxes to display the following options: info, warn, error, time, window, trace, global, schema, javascript, LogReader. Click Pause or Clear to control the speed and amount of information displayed on the Logger Console.

If you are interested in API-level interaction with Content Server, consult the request and response binders. For example, when you do a SOAP request or use other service-based APIs, the information in the final page binder is meaningless. When you append IsJava=1 to the request, the response binder in HDA format is returned.

If you are interested in customization, page generation, and so on, you may want to consult the final page binder and, in some cases, determine how it differs from the response binder.


Used as a configuration setting in the Content Server config.cfg file, so it applies to the entire server:


In a web browser, added to the end of the page's URL in the Address field:


Used on a template page or in an Idoc Script include:


A.208 IsPromptingForLogin

Checks if the Content Server instance is set to prompt for login or if login is being handled programmatically.

This variable is set to TRUE in situations such as cookie login pages, where the last request failed because the user is not logged in yet.


  • Returns TRUE if the Content Server instance is set to prompt for login.

  • Returns FALSE if login is being handled programmatically.


Evaluates if server is set to prompt for login:


A.209 IsProxiedServer

Specifies that the Content Server instance is a proxied server.

When set to TRUE, the Content Server instance is a proxied server.

For a master Content Server instance, there is no default.

For a proxied Content Server instance, the default is TRUE.

Type and Usage




Used as a configuration entry:


A.210 isQuery

Specifies if the current page is a search page.

When set to TRUE, the current page is identified as a search page.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not identified as a search page.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is a search page.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not a search page.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isCheckin or isUpdate or isQuery$>
    <$isFormSubmit = 1$>
    <$if not isQuery$>
<$isEditMode = 1$>
<$formName = "Checkin"$>
<$isFormSubmit = ""$>
<$isEditMode = ""$>

A.211 isRelocated

Excludes the metadata field unless the local variable is set to TRUE while the include is evaluated.

This variable is typically used to set a custom location for a metadata field. It allows a field to be defined on a page more than once, with the location of the field that is actually generated depending on the value of this variable.


  • Returns TRUE if the metadata field is included at that location on the page.

  • Returns FALSE if the metadata field is excluded from that location on the page.


Includes the current metadata field on the page:


Sets a custom variable depending on the active value of isRelocated for the current metadata field:

<$isCustomExcluded = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isExcluded")$>
<$isCustomRelocated = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":isRelocated")$>
<$if isCustomExcluded or (isCustomRelocated and not isRelocated) or isExcluded or (isFieldHidden and not isFormSubmit)$>
    <$isFieldExcluded = 1$>

A.212 IsRequestError

Checks if there is a request error condition present in the Content Server instance by evaluating the StatusCode variable.

If StatusCode is set to a negative numeric value (-1), there is a request error condition present in the Content Server instance.

The typical behavior when a request error condition is present is to abort the display of the current page and substitute an error page.


  • Returns TRUE if there is a request error condition present in the Content Server instance (StatusCode = -1).

  • Returns FALSE if there is no request error condition present on the Content Server instance (StatusCode is other than a negative numeric value).


Evaluates the request error condition:


A.213 isRequired

Specifies if a value is required for a metadata field.

When set to TRUE, the metadata field is required.

When set to FALSE, the metadata field is optional.


  • Returns TRUE if the metadata field is required.

  • Returns FALSE if the metadata field is optional.


Defines the dDocTitle metadata field as a required field:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1,
    fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle")$>

See Also

A.214 IsSavedQuery

Checks if a query has been saved to the current user's portal navigation bar.


  • Returns TRUE if the current query has been saved.

  • Returns FALSE if the current query has not been saved or no query is found.


Evaluates query status:


A.215 IsSoap

Displays the local SOAP data of a Content Server web page.

This variable can be set as a flag on a page or as a parameter to a service call.

Type and Usage


When set to TRUE, returns the underlying SOAP code, in XML format.


When included in the code on a Content Server web page:


When included in a Content Server URL:


A.216 isStrictList

Specifies that a metadata field option list does not allow multiple values to be selected.


  • Returns TRUE if the field is not a multiselect option list.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is a multiselect option list.


Specifies that the field is not a multiselect option list:


Determines the type of option list:

<$if #active.fieldOptionListType like "*multi*"$>
    <$exec isMultiOption=1$>
<$elseif #active.fieldOptionListType like "access*"$>
    <$exec isAccessList=1$>
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>
<$elseif not (#active.fieldOptionListType like "*combo*")$>
    <!--Strict choice-->
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>

See Also

A.217 IsSubAdmin

Checks if the current user has subadministrator rights to at least one administrative application.


  • Returns TRUE if the user has subadministrator rights.

  • Returns FALSE if the user does not have subadministrator rights.


Checks whether the user is logged in and has subadministrator rights before performing a function.

<@dynamichtml subscription_action_script@>
    function allowSubscription(form)
    <$if IsLoggedIn$>
    <$if IsSubAdmin$>

A.218 IsSun

Checks if the client browser is running on a Sun system.


  • Returns TRUE if the client browser is running on Sun.

  • Returns FALSE if the client browser is not running on Sun.


Redirects to a different URL if the browser is running on Sun:

<$if IsSun$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.219 IsSysManager

Checks if the current user has the sysmanager role, meaning the user has access to Content Server administration. This variable is usually used to conditionally display specific navigation links.


  • Returns TRUE if the user has the sysmanager role.

  • Returns FALSE if the user does not have the role

A.220 isTrue()

Checks if a string or expression evaluates to TRUE.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the string or expression to be evaluated.


If the parameter is a string:

  • Returns TRUE if the string begins with T, t, Y, y, or is 1.

  • Returns FALSE if the string begins with any other character.

If the parameter is not a string:

  • Returns TRUE if the value is not 0.

  • Returns FALSE if the value is 0.


Evaluates the string yes and returns TRUE (1):


Evaluates that the integer five is greater than one and returns TRUE (1):


Evaluates the result of the equation as zero and returns FALSE (0):


Evaluates the string equality statement as true and returns TRUE (1):


See Also

A.221 isUpdate

Specifies if the current page is a content information update page.

When set to TRUE, the current page is identified as a content information update page.

When set to FALSE, the current page is not identified as a content information update page.


  • Returns TRUE if the page is a content information update page.

  • Returns FALSE if the page is not a content information update page.


Set at the top of a page:


Used as script:

<$if isCheckin or isUpdate or isQuery$>
    <$isFormSubmit = 1$>
    <$if not isQuery$>
        <$isEditMode = 1$>
        <$formName = "Checkin"$>
        <$isFormSubmit = ""$>
        <$isEditMode = ""$>

A.222 isUploadFieldScript

Specifies that an include is being used inside JavaScript. It is used to determine how metadata fields are uploaded.

When set to TRUE, the include is being used inside JavaScript.

When set to FALSE, the include is being used inside JavaScript.


  • Returns TRUE if the include is being used inside JavaScript.

  • Returns FALSE if the include is not being used inside JavaScript.


Set in the include that defines the JavaScript wrapper:

<@dynamichtml std_upload_java_script@>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    // Java script for uploading.
    <$isUploadFieldScript = 1$>
    <$include std_upload_info_script$>
    <$isUploadFieldScript = ""$>

Used as script:

<$if isUploadFieldScript$>
    <$defaultFieldInclude = "std_file_entry"$>
    <$defaultFieldInclude = "std_nameentry_row"$>
    <$fieldCaptionInclude = "std_field_caption"$>
    <$fieldEntryInclude = "std_file_entry"$>

A.223 IsUploadSockets

Used by the Upload applet to determine whether the upload socket should be used.

This is an internal flag and is not intended for user configuration.


  • Returns TRUE if the upload socket is defined for use with the Upload applet.

  • Returns FALSE if the upload socket should not be used.



A.224 IsUserEmailPresent

Checks if an email address is defined for the current user.


  • Returns TRUE if an email address is defined for the user.

  • Returns FALSE if an email address is not defined for the user.


Checks whether the user is logged in and has an email address before performing a function.

<@dynamichtml subscription_action_script@>
    function allowSubscription(form)
    <$if IsLoggedIn$>
    <$if IsUserEmailPresent$>

A.225 isUserOverrideSet()

Enables users to check in content for other users.

This affects the Author option list on checkin pages. By default, only administrators are allowed to specify another user as the Author during checkin.


The only parameter is the value TRUE or FALSE.


Evaluates to TRUE if the user override is enabled.


Enables users to check in content items with another user specified as the Author:


A.226 isValidateFile()

Used as a parameter to the Upload applet. This variable verifies that the file to be uploaded exists. In order to be used, a component must be created that overwrites the applet definition as defined in the std_multiupload_applet_definition include in the std_page.htm resource file.

Type and Usage


Used as a configuration entry:


A.227 isVerboseTrace

Checks if a section is being traced in the core. Verbose trace generates a full report.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if tracing is set to Verbose.

  • Returns FALSE if tracing is set to any other debug level.



See Also

A.228 IsWindows

Checks if the client browser is running on a Windows operating system.


  • Returns TRUE if the client browser is running on Windows.

  • Returns FALSE if the client browser is not running on Windows.


Redirects to a different URL if the browser is running on Windows:

<$if IsWindows$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.229 IsWorkflow

Checks if the content item on a checkin page is in a workflow.


  • Returns TRUE if the content item is in a workflow.

  • Returns FALSE if the content item is not in the workflow.

A.230 IsXml

Displays a raw dump of the HTML form when set to TRUE in a URL to a HCSP or HCSF file. This is useful for extracting form data or submitting forms from a remote application.

Type and Usage


  • Returns the XML data contained in the form.

See Also

A.231 isZoneSearchField

This function is used to specify a field for full text searching.

Type and Usage


The name of the field to be checked.

A.232 js()

Formats a string for use in a "..." JavaScript literal string declaration.

This function performs string manipulation such as changing double quotes to single quotes.

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the string.


Returns a string formatted for use in a JavaScript string declaration.


Formats the string variablestring for use in a JavaScript string declaration:


A.233 jsFilename()

Used by the schema. Encodes a string that may contain non-ASCII characters into the valid filename strings required for the operating system and Java Script (performs an encoding function).

Type and Usage


The only parameter is the string to be encoded.


Returns an encoded string.



A.234 Json

Displays the local data of a Content Server web page.

This variable can be set as a flag on a page or as a parameter to a service call.

Type and Usage


When set to TRUE, returns the local data in the DataBinder in a JavaScript object, in compliance with the JSON (Javascript over network) specification.


When included in the code on a Content Server web page, displays the local data of a page:


When included in a Content Server URL, displays the local data for the New Checkin page:


A.235 lastEntryTs

Retrieves the timestamp from the last time the workflow step was entered.

This variable can be used to create conditional statements, but it should not be hard-coded or altered.

The last entry time is localized in the companion file and maintained in the key:



Returns the timestamp in the format defined by dateCurrent.


The following code defines a jump called LastEntry, which exits to the parent workflow and notifies the reviewers if the last time the step was entered was more than one week ago:

<$if parseDate(wfCurrentGet("lastEntryTs")) < parseDate(dateCurrent(-7))$>

A.236 lc()

Retrieves the value of a localization string based on the current user's locale.


Takes one required parameter and any number of optional parameters:

  • The first parameter is the localization key (such as apLabelHelp or wwMyString).

  • The optional parameters are expressions that are resolved according to arguments inside curly braces in the localized string (for example, {1}).


  • Returns the value of the localization string for the current user's locale.

  • Returns the string ID (such as wwMyString) if the value is not found.


Retrieves the options for metadata search operators on a search page:

<select name="op" >
    <option value="Contains"><$lc("wwContains")$>
    <option value="Matches"><$lc("wwMatches")$>
    <option value="Starts"><$lc("wwStarts")$>
    <option value="Ends"><$lc("wwEnds")$>
    <option selected value="Substring"><$lc("wwSubstring")$>

Sets the subject line for a workflow started notification email. If the name of the workflow (dWfName) is Marketing, the resulting value in English is Workflow 'Marketing' has been started.

<@dynamichtml wf_started_subject@>
    <$lc("wwWfStarted", dWfName)$>

A.237 lcCaption()

Function that wraps a string into a caption. This will usually place a colon to the right of the string. For right-to-left reading languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, the colon is placed on the left of the string.


Takes one required parameter:

  • The string to be wrapped.

  • optional parameters are expressions that are resolved according to arguments inside curly braces in the localized string (for example, {1}).

A.238 LmDefaultLayout()

Defines the default layout to use (for example, Trays or Top Menus).

The default installation value is Trays.

Type and Usage




LmDefaultLayout=Top Menus

A.239 LmDefaultSkin()

Defines the default skin to use (for example, Oracle, Oracle2).





A.240 lmGetLayout()

Retrieves the layout chosen by the user (for example, Trays or Top Menus).





See Also

A.241 lmGetSkin()

Retrieves the skin selected by the user.





See Also

A.242 loadCollectionInfo()

Loads metadata for a search collection.

Used by the search service to load metadata about a search collection.

This function is not intended for user configuration.

Type and Usage


Takes one parameter, the name of the search collection to be loaded.




Loads search collection information:


A.243 loadDocMetaDefinition()

Loads the DocMetaDefinition database table into the active data as a ResultSet.

After the DocMetaDefinition database table is loaded, it can be looped on.

Type and Usage






Loads the DocMetaDefinition table into the active data as a ResultSet.


A.244 loadDocumentProfile()

Loads a content profile as specified by the trigger value for page presentation. This is called during the presentation of Search, Check In, Info, and Update pages. This function is called on request and the page on which it is called determines the action (for example, search, or info).

This information is dependent on context. The isCheckin, isUpdate, isQuery, or isInfo variables are set in local data and direct the loadDocumentProfile function to the page to be loaded and presented.







A.245 loadEnterpriseSearchCollections

This function loads the ResultSet EnterpriseSearchCollections, used to display a list of remote Content Server instances that can be queried with Enterprise Search. This data is used on a Search page to allow the user to select which servers to query.

Type and Usage


Takes one parameter. When set to zero, the ResultSet will not include the names of servers that are automatically searched.

A.246 loadEnterpriseSearchResults

This function renames certain ResultSets on the page to support Enterprise Search. It is used when looping over the ResultSet EnterpriseSearchResults. It loads the ResultSet from the specific server and renames it to SearchResults. This helps to simplify the IdocScript used on the Search Results page.

Type and Usage



A.247 loadSchemaData()

Loads the data from a schema ResultSet into the local data of the current data binder.

Type and Usage


This function can take zero, one, or two parameters.

  • If passed zero arguments, it fills the data binder with the data in the active ResultSet's row. Returns no value.

  • If passed one argument, the argument is the name of the ResultSet to get the values from the current row. Returns no value.

  • If passed two arguments, the first argument is the ResultSet name and the second argument is the key identifying the data object to load. Returns 0 if the data does not exist or 1 if it does exist. The use is True() or False() to conditionally execute scripts based on the return value.



A.248 loadSearchOperatorTables()

Loads mappings between the full set of operator names and the search syntax. Used on the Search page.

Type and Usage




Returns expressions associated with operator names (search operator map).



A.249 loadUserMetaDefinition()

This function loads the custom user metadata definition. This exists in the UserMetaDefinition table which is placed on the page as a ResultSet. This is used on LDAP administration pages to help administers map user metadata to the Content Server instance.

Type and Usage



A.250 LocalGroupServer

Specifies a Windows Server on which local groups are treated like global (domain) groups for NTLM security.

When the UseLocalGroups setting is TRUE, local groups on the Windows Server specified by this setting are mapped to roles and accounts as if they were global (domain) groups in the default master domain.

Default is the domain controller of the default master domain.

Type and Usage


  • Configure NT Domain Security page, Local Group Server

  • instance_dir/data/users/config/filter.hda


Used as a configuration entry:


See Also

  • UseLocalGroups in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

A.251 localPageType

This function returns the page type for a page in the library folders. This may be a directory or a query page. This function is usually used by the Layout Manager API. When Trays is the chosen layout, the function is used to construct a tree view of the library's pages.


Takes one parameter, the link data used to construct the tree view.

A.252 MajorRevSeq

Defines the major sequence for revision numbers.

Returns the major revision label sequence (returns the value of the configuration setting).

Returns a string.

Default is 1-99.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Major Revision Label Sequence

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Major Revision Label Sequence

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting:


As script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


See Also

A.253 MaxCollectionSize

Defines the number of files to be passed to the Indexer in one batch.

Valid range is 1 to 65535.

A value of 2000 is recommended for large index collections. Lower values will result in inefficient indexing performance.

Returns the number of files per batch.

Default is 25.

Type and Usage


  • Repository Manager, Indexer tab, Configure, Content Items Per Indexer Batch

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, defines the batch size:


As script, returns the value from configuration files:


A.254 maxLength

Sets the maximum number of characters allowed in a metadata field.


Returns the maximum length of the field.


Sets the maximum length of the field to 100 characters:


Specifies a custom field length based on the length of the current field:

<$customFieldLength = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":maxLength")$>

A.255 MinorRevSeq

Defines the minor sequence for revision numbers.

Returns the minor revision label sequence (returns the value of the configuration setting).

Returns a string.

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Minor Revision Label Sequence

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Minor Revision Label Sequence

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting:


As script, returns the value of the configuration setting:


See Also

A.256 MSIE

Checks whether the client browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if the client browser is Internet Explorer.

  • Returns FALSE if the client browser is not Internet Explorer.


Redirects to a different URL if the browser is anything other than Internet Explorer:

<$if not MSIE$>
    <a href="<$redirect$>">

A.257 MultiUpload

Enables the multiple-file Upload Applet.

When set to TRUE, the Upload Applet is enabled so that multiple files can be zipped and checked in as a single content item.

When set to FALSE, the Upload Applet is disabled. The default is FALSE.

To see the Upload Applet on the Checkin page, select Enable upload applet on the User Profile page, then click Update. Once the checkin begins, a progress bar shows in the applet.

DisableHttpUploadChunking is set to true by default in the config.cfg file. To enable chunking, set DisableHttpUploadChunking=false. However, if chunking is enabled, the requestaudit tracing shows the following output for every chunk uploaded:

requestaudit 11.15 15:55:47.835 IdcServerThread-32 CHUNKED_UPLOAD
dUser=sysadmin][IsJava=1] 8.361(secs)

To specify how big a file must be to trigger chunking, set AppletChunkThreshold. This defaults to 1 MB, and does not need to be set if 1 MB is sufficient.


To specify the chunk size, set AppletChunkSize, which also defaults to 1 MB. This does not need to be set unless you want something other than 1 MB chunks.


The CHUNKED_UPLOAD service is used for uploading from the Upload Applet with chunking enabled. This service takes each chunk of the upload and places it in the ucm/vault/~temp directory. As chunks are uploaded, each chunk is appended to the main file. Once the upload completes, the file is moved to its proper location in the vault.

Chunking the upload for large files has the benefit of retrying the upload from the point of failure, if a network issue occurs during the upload (without having to start the entire upload over again.

A sample CHUNKED_UPLOAD POST request body is shown below:


Square quoted parts are descriptions, not parts of actual request. This request body is only for uploading one file.

Figure A-1 Sample CHUNKED_UPLOAD POST request body

Description of Figure A-1 follows
Description of "Figure A-1 Sample CHUNKED_UPLOAD POST request body"

To see chunkedrequest tracing in the Content Server output, enable this setting in the config.cfg file, and on the System Audit Information page, enable the tracing section chunkedrequest.


The chunkedrequest tracing output will look like the output in the following example. Note that TranedSize means "transactioned size" or the total size uploaded so far:

chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.780 IdcServerThread-32 In doUpload()
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.780 IdcServerThread-32 TranedSize: 15000000
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.780 IdcServerThread-32 Retrieve Session: 983887704
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.831 IdcServerThread-32 Leaving doUpload()
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.831 IdcServerThread-32 Register new entry in ChunkSessionManager.
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.831 IdcServerThread-32 SessionID: 983887704TimeOut: 213222ms.
chunkedrequest 11.15 15:55:47.831 IdcServerThread-32 Session 983887704 is inserted in timeout queue at index 0
requestaudit 11.15 15:55:47.835 IdcServerThread-32 CHUNKED_UPLOAD [dUser=sysadmin][IsJava=1] 8.361(secs)

Type and Usage


  • System Properties, Options tab, Enable upload applet

  • Administration, Admin Server, General Configuration menu option, Enable upload applet

  • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg


As a configuration setting, enables the Upload Applet:


As script, evaluates the condition of the Upload Applet:


A.258 NoMatches

Checks whether matches were found from a search query.

Generally used to display a message on the search results page.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if no matches were found.

  • Returns FALSE if any matches were found.


Displays text if no matches were found from a query:

<$if NoMatches$>
    <p><font face="arial" size="2">
    Found no matches out of <$TotalDocsProcessed$> documents searched matching the query.</p>

A.259 noMCPrefill

Specifies that the MultiCheckin component should not prefill metadata fields.

This variable can be used on special pages such as custom HCST and Contribution Folders component pages.

When set to TRUE, the MultiCheckin component will not prefill metadata fields.

When set to FALSE, the MultiCheckin component will prefill metadata fields.


  • Returns TRUE if the MultiCheckin component will not prefill metadata fields.

  • Returns FALSE if the MultiCheckin component will prefill metadata fields.


Set near the top of the page:


Used as script:


A.260 NotificationQuery

This setting defines criteria for the automatic query that searches for expired content.

If NotificationQuery is not set, the default value is all content that expires in the next seven days.

Type and Usage


There is one parameter, the query to be used. The query can be one of the following. For sample queries, see the following Example section.

  • An Idoc Script query, built from Idoc Script.

  • A URL encoded query. This uses the URL displayed in the web browser address when a search is performed.

  • A plain text query which defines the search variables.




Idoc Script Example

When used in conjunction with database indexing, the following query provides email notification for all documents that expire in seven days:

NotificationQuery=dOutDate < '<$dateCurrent(7)$>'>

URL Encoded Example

The following query returns all content expiring after August 1, 2007. The URL from the browser address line is copied, beginning with the QueryText portion:

NotificationQuery=QueryText=dOutDate+%3C+%608%2F1%2F06%60&SearchProviders= [...}

Plain Text Query

The following query returns all content expiring after August 1, 2007:


See Also

  • "EnableExpirationNotifier" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

  • "NotificationIntervalInDays" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

  • "NotificationMaximum" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

  • "NotifyExtras" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

  • "NotifyTime" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content

A.261 OneMatch

Checks if only one match was found from a search query.

Generally used to display a message on the search results page.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if only one match was found.

  • Returns FALSE if no matches or more than one match were found.


Displays text if only one match was found from a query:

<$if OneMatch$>
    <p><font face="arial" size="2">
    Found <$TotalRows$> document matching the query.</p>

A.262 optionListKey

Specifies the name of a ResultSet column that contains option list values.


Returns the values of the option list ResultSet column.


Specifies dFormat as the column in the DocFormats ResultSet to get option list values from for the standard Format field on a checkin page:

<@dynamichtml std_override_format_field@>
<$if not isInfo and IsOverrideFormat$>
<$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListResultSet = "DocFormats", 
    optionListKey = "dFormat", 
    optionListValueInclude = "std_override_format_option_value", 
    addEmptyOption = 1, emptyOptionLabel = lc("wwEmptyFormatOption")$>
<$include std_display_field$>

A.263 optionListName

Specifies the name of an option list.

For standard metadata fields, this is the name of the internal option list. For more information, see Internal Option Lists.

For custom metadata fields, this is the name of the field with a suffix of .options.


Returns the option list name.


Sets the option list name to docAuthors if the field is not restricted to a single user:

<$if SingleUser$>
    <$isInfoOnly = 1$>
    <$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListName = "docAuthors"$>
    <$if HasExternalUsers$><$fieldOptionListType= "combo"$>

Defines the default option list script:

<$if optionsAllowPreselect and fieldValue$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":fieldValue$>"$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":noselected$>"$>

A.264 optionListResultSet

Specifies the name of a ResultSet that contains option list values.


Returns the option list ResultSet.


Specifies DocFormats as the option list ResultSet for the standard Format field on a search page:

<@dynamichtml std_format_fields@>
<$if ClientControlled or dFormat or dExtension$>
<$fieldName = "dFormat", fieldCaption = lc("wwNativeFormat"),
    optionListResultSet = "DocFormats"$> <$include std_display_field$>
<$fieldName = "dExtension", fieldCaption = lc("wwNativeExtension"), 
    fieldWidth = 10$>
<$include std_display_field$>

Creates an option list by looping over a ResultSet:

<@dynamichtml compute_resultset_option_list_script@>
    <$if not optionListKey$>
<$optionListKey = fieldName$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$loop " & optionListResultSet & "$>" & 
    "<$inc('std_resultset_option_list_item')$>" & "<$endloop$>"$>

A.265 optionListScript

When this variable is set to a non-empty value, the eval function is used when displaying the option list for the field. This variable allows the standard implementation of option lists (defined by the defaultOptionListScript variable) to be overridden.


  • Returns TRUE if the value is nonempty.

  • Returns FALSE if the value is an empty string.


Defines a custom script for creation of an option list:

<$customOptionListScript = getValue("#active", fieldName & ":optionListScript")$>

A.266 optionListValueInclude

Specifies an include that defines the values for an option list.


Returns the include code.


Defines std_override_format_option_value as the option list value include:

<@dynamichtml std_override_format_field@>
<$if not isInfo and IsOverrideFormat$>
<$fieldIsOptionList = 1, optionListResultSet = "DocFormats", 
    optionListKey = "dFormat", 
    optionListValueInclude = "std_override_format_option_value", 
    addEmptyOption = 1, emptyOptionLabel = lc("wwEmptyFormatOption")$>
<$include std_display_field$>
<@dynamichtml std_override_format_option_value@>

Specifies the include to use to display options in an option list from a ResultSet:

<@dynamichtml std_resultset_option_list_item@>
<$curValue = getValue("#active", optionListKey)$>
<option value="<$curValue$>" <$if optionsAllowPreselect and strEquals(curValue, fieldValue)$>selected<$endif$>>
<$if optionListValueInclude$>

A.267 optionsAllowPreselect

Specifies that the metadata field option list can be prefilled with its last value.


  • Returns TRUE if the option list can be prefilled.

  • Returns FALSE if the option list cannot be prefilled.


Specifies that the option list can be prefilled:


Determines if the option list will be prefilled:

<$if optionsAllowPreselect and fieldValue$>
<$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":fieldValue$>"$>
<$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":noselected$>"$>

A.268 optList()

Generates an option list.

This function is used extensively to create option lists on Content Server pages.

This function only produces output when used with a service that calls loadMetaOptionsList


Takes one parameter and one optional argument to the parameter:

The only parameter is a field name, option list key, or variable.

  • Field name syntax is <$optList fieldName$>. For custom metadata fields, the field name will resolve to <$optList xFieldName.options$>, or you can specify the .options suffix directly.

  • Option list key syntax is <$optList ListName$>.

    • For standard metadata fields, the ListName value is the name of the internal option list (such as docAuthors). For more information, see Internal Option Lists.

    • For custom metadata fields, the ListName is the name of the option list key, such as FieldNameList.

  • Variable syntax is <$optList variable$>. The variable must resolve to a field name or an option list key.

  • One of the following optional arguments can be added to the parameter:

    • :noselected-No values are selected when the option list is displayed.

    • :fieldValue-The value specified by the fieldValue variable is selected as the default value in the option list.


Returns a list of values.


This script generates a list of possible authors from the internal docAuthors list:

<$optList docAuthors$>

This script generates a list of the options specified in the xRegion custom metadata field:

<$optList xRegion.options$>

This script generates an option list from the variable optionListName and specifies the default value:

<$if optionsAllowPreselect and fieldValue$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":fieldValue$>"$>
    <$defaultOptionListScript = "<$optList " & optionListName & ":noselected$>"$>

A.269 PageParent

Checks whether a directory page in the Library has a parent page.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if the directory page is a child (subfolder) of another directory page.

  • Returns FALSE if the directory page is not a child (subfolder).


Checks if the directory page is a subfolder:


A.270 parseDataEntryDate()

Parses a date but uses the failover logic for using the alternate parsing formats.

Dates convert to milliseconds when used with standard comparison operators. For example, the expression (60*60*1000) equals one hour.

A common usage of this function is to adjust the current time using a multiplication expression that represents a number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The only parameter is an expression to be parsed.


Returns a Java date object, which is converted to a string for display.



A.271 parseDate

Parses a date/time to allow evaluation and arithmetic.

Dates convert to milliseconds when used with standard comparison operators. For example, the expression (60*60*1000) equals one hour.

A common usage of this function is to adjust the current time using a multiplication expression that represents a number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The only parameter is an expression to be parsed.


Returns a Java date object, which is converted to a string for display.


Each of the following expressions returns the date and time one day in the past:


Returns the time one hour in the future. The first line adds one hour using a time multiplication expression, assigns that time and date to a custom variable, and suppresses the output. The second line references the custom variable and defines that only the time is displayed:

<$exec my_customParseTime parseDate(dateCurrent()+(1000*60*60))$>

Returns the date one year in the future. The first line adds one year using a time multiplication expression, assigns that time and date to a custom variable, and suppresses the output. The second line references the custom variable and defines that only the date in long format is displayed:

<$exec my_customParseTime parseDate(dateCurrent()+(1000*60*60*24*365))$>

This script evaluates whether the date seven days in the future is greater than the expiration date and returns a message to the user if true:

<$if dOutDate$>
    <$if dateCurrent(7) > parseDate(dOutDate)$>
Content item expires in one week.

This script uses parseDate within a conditional statement for customized workflow jumps. The script specifies that if the last time we entered this step was four days ago, go to the first step in workflow wf_late and set the return step to be the next step:

<$if parseDate(wfCurrentGet("lastEntryTs")) < dateCurrent(‐4)$>
    <$wfSet("wfJumpName", "lateJump")$>
    <$wfSet("wfJumpTargetStep", "step_1@wf_late")$>
    <$wfSet("wfJumpReturnStep", wfCurrentStep(1))$>
    <$wfSet("wfJumpEntryNotifyOff", "0")$>

See Also

A.272 parseDateWithPattern()

Parses a date/time to a specified date/time pattern.

Dates convert to milliseconds when used with standard comparison operators. For example, the expression (60*60*1000) equals one hour.

A common usage of this function is to adjust the current time using a multiplication expression that represents a number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is a date string used by the Content Server instance, or a date object created with the parseDate or dateCurrent function.

  • The second parameter is the date/time pattern, which is a standard Java SimpleDateFormat pattern string, such as MM/dd/yyyy.


Returns a Java date object, which is converted to a string for display.


Displays the current date and time in the format specified by the pattern (for example, Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700):

<$parseDateWithPattern(dateCurrent(),"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")$>


This setting is obsolete. The web server filter no longer sends this information.

Retrieves additional information about the file system path to the CGI computer.

When the virtual path is returned by the PATH_TRANSLATED variable, any additional information at the end of this path is also returned as PATH_INFO.

This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


Returns the additional virtual path information as a string.


Retrieves additional CGI path information:


See Also


Retrieves the file system path to the CGI computer, for example:


This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


Returns the virtual path as a string.


Retrieves the CGI path:


A.275 pneNavigation()

Enables the left sidebar navigation.


Set as a name/value pair:


Default value is 1 (enabled).

To disable this function, it must be set to a null string.


Evaluates to TRUE or FALSE.


Enables the sidebar navigation:


To force the sidebar navigation off, set it to a null string:


Setting the definition to other than 1 or a null string value is invalid and will not disable the sidebar navigation:


A.276 proxiedBrowserFullCgiWebUrl

Returns the complete CGI path of a proxied Content Server instance.


The only parameter is the relative web root of the proxied Content Server instance. This value is found in the HttpRelativeWebRoot setting.


Returns the complete CGI path of the specified proxy as a string.


Returns http://<localhost/idcplg/idc_cgi_isapi-idcm1.dll/intradoc4/pxs:


A.277 proxiedCgiWebUrl

Returns the CGI path of a proxied Content Server instance.


The only parameter is the relative w root of the proxied Content Server instance. This value is found in the HttpRelativeWebRoot setting.


Returns the CGI path of the specified proxy as a string.


Returns /idcplg/idc_cgi_isapi-idcm1.dll/intradoc4/pxs:



Retrieves the string that follows the ? delimiter in the URL for a query.

This variable is specific to the current CGI request.


Returns the query information as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


A.279 regexMatches()

Searches a string for a specific pattern using a regular expression to do matching. Regular expression constructs can contain characters, character classes, and other classes and quantifiers. For details about the Java API for Class Pattern, see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html.

This feature is only available with JVM 1.4 or later versions; this is the default version for WebCenter Content version 7.0 and later.


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the string to match.

  • The second parameter is the expression.


The following example returns FALSE, because the string does not match the expression:


The following example returns TRUE because the wild cards are present. If standard wild cards such as the asterisk (*) were used instead of the dot-asterisk (.*) convention, the match would fail.

<$regexMatches("abcdef", ".*abc.*")$>

A.280 regexReplaceAll()

Searches a string for a specific pattern using a regular expression to do matching and replacing. Regular expression constructs can contain characters, character classes, and other classes and quantifiers. For details about the Java API for Class Pattern, see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html.

This feature is available only with JVM 1.4 or later versions; this is the default version for WebCenter Content version and later.

It replaces all instances of the regular expression with the replacement string.


Takes three parameters:

  • The first parameter is the original string.

  • The second parameter is the string to match.

  • The third parameter is the replacement string.


The following example returns xyzdef xyzdef:

<$regexReplaceAll("abcdef abcdef","abc","xyz")$>

A.281 regexReplaceFirst()

Searches a string for a specific pattern using a regular expression to do matching and replaces the first instance with a replacement string. Regular expression constructs can contain characters, character classes, and other classes and quantifiers. For details about the Java API for Class Pattern, see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html.

This feature is only available only with JVM 1.4 or later versions; this is the default version for WebCenter Content version and later.


Takes three parameters:

  • The first parameter is the original string.

  • The second parameter is the string to match.

  • The third parameter is the replacement string.


The following example returns xyzdef abcdef:

<$regexReplaceFirst("abcdef abcdef","abc","xyz")$>


Returns the IP address of the remote host making the request.

This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


Returns the IP address as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


See Also


Returns the name of the remote host making the request.

This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


  • Returns the host name as a string.

  • If the hostname is unknown to the server, returns the value of REMOTE_ADDR as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


See Also


Retrieves the method that was used to make the request.

This variable is specific to the current gateway program request.


Returns the request method as a string.


As information output on a page or to a log:


As part of an Idoc Script statement or evaluation:


A.285 requiredMsg

Specifies the error message to be displayed if a required metadata field does not have a value upon checkin.


Returns the error message as a string.


Defines the required field error message for the dDocTitle metadata field as the wwSpecifyTitle localized string:

<$fieldName = "dDocTitle", fieldCaption = lc("wwTitle"), isRequired = 1, fieldType = "BigText", requiredMsg = lc("wwSpecifyTitle")$>

See Also

A.286 ResultsTitle

Defines a title for the search results page.

This variable is used by the Web Layout Editor to name the search results page and display a heading at the top of that page.


Returns the page title as a string.


As an HDA entry, names the search results page:

@Properties LocalData
ResultsTitle=Content Items

As a script, returns the defined name:

<$if ResultsTitle$>ResultsTitle=<$url(ResultsTitle)$>

A.287 rptDisplayMapValue()

This function is meant for internal use only.

This function returns a localized string representation of an internal key code. These key codes are used to store status and state flags for content items. This function is used on the Content Information page and workflow pages to display descriptions of the internal state.


Takes two parameters:

  • The name of the table where the keys are stored.

  • The key to be localized.

A.288 rs()

This function returns a ResultSet given the name of the ResultSet. Because the actual object it returns is a ResultSet, certain actions can be performed on the return value that cannot be performed on the return values of other functions. In particular, the loop syntax can be applied to the result.

Type and Usage


This function has one parameter, resultSetName, which is the name of the ResultSet to return.


A ResultSet object if found, otherwise null.


Suppose MyResultSet is the name of a ResultSet, then you could loop on the ResultSet using the following syntax:

<$loop rs("MyResultSet")$>... Script inside loop ...<$endloop$>

This function also can be used when temporarily assigning variables when calling Idoc Script functions. In particular, the following example will temporarily assign the variable rsParam to point to the same ResultSet as pointed to by MyResultSet for the duration of the call to include the resource include my_include. If the result of the rs function is assigned to a variable, then that variable will have a shared pointer to the ResultSet creating the same effect as if rsCreateReference were called.

<$inc("my_include", rsParam=rs("MyResultSet"))$>

A.289 rsAddFields()

Adds new fields to a ResultSet. This function will only add the field if it is not already present. Note that setValue(...) can also add new fields but it only works on ResultSets that are nonempty and are on a currently valid row.

Type and Usage


Takes two parameters:

  • The first parameter is the name of the ResultSet to get new fields (columns) added.

  • The second parameter is a comma separated list of fields to add.(the column names to be added).


  • Returns TRUE if the function is successful.

  • Returns FALSE if the function fails.


<$rsAddFields(rsName, fieldsList)$>

A.290 rsAddFieldsWithDefaults()

This function adds new fields to an existing ResultSet. Unlike rsAddFields, this function provides the ability to specify default values for any fields that are added. Note that rsAddFieldsWithDefaults never over-writes any data in fields that already exist; it only adds new fields to a ResultSet.

Type and Usage


The following table lists parameters for the function.

Parameters Description


The name of the ResultSet.


A comma-separated list of fields to append to the ResultSet. Any specified fields that already exist in the ResultSet are ignored.


An optional comma-separated list of default values that are set for the new fields in each row. Each value in this list corresponds to the new field in the same spot of the list newFields. If you need to set a default value with a comma in it, you can use '^' as a comma. If the defaultValues list is longer or shorter than newFields list, then the function ignores the extra default values or uses the empty string for unspecified default values, respectively.




Adding fields

<$rsCreateResultSet("MyList", "field1,field2,field3")$><$rsAppendRowValues("MyList", "A,B,C,D,E,F")$><$rsAddFieldsWithDefaults("MyList", "field4,field5,field6")$>

In this basic example, we create a ResultSet named MyList, fill it with some values, then add three more fields to MyList, without setting default values. The resulting table will look like the following:

field1 field2 field3 field4 field5 field6







Adding fields with default

<$rsCreateResultSet("MyList", "field1,field2,field3")$><$rsAppendRowValues("MyList", "A,B,C,D,E,F")$><$rsAddFieldsWithDefaults("MyList", "field4,field5,field6", "X,Y,Z")$>

Here we define default values for the new fields. The resulting table will look like the following:

field1 field2 field3 field4 field5 field6













When a field already exists

<$rsCreateResultSet("MyList", "field1,field2,field3")$><$rsAppendRowValues("MyList", "A,B,C,D,E,F")$><$rsAddFieldsWithDefaults("MyList", "field1,field4,field5", "X,Y,Z")$>

In this case, we try and add a field that already exists in MyList. This action is completely ignored, and old field values are preserved. The resulting table will look like the following:

field1 field2 field3