Create Table

Use the Create Table dialog to visualize data from a data control as a table.

The Create Table dialog is arranged in the following tabs:


The Type tab of the Create Table dialog enables you to select the type of table to use to visualize your data.

Element Description

Select the type of table


  • Table to add an editable table where users can edit information within the table, and then commit those changes to the data source. The data in the table can be edited only if the underlying data source supports updating of records.

  • Read-only Table to display table data that cannot be edited.



  • Row Selection to enable selection of a row on which to perform an operation.

  • Filtering to display a filter field above each column in the table. Users can enter criteria in these text fields to display only those rows that match the criteria.

  • Sorting to display Up and Down arrows on the column headers. Users can use these to sort columns in an ascending or descending order.


The Items tab of the Create Table dialog enables you to identify which data to display.

Element Description

Available Items

Displays the items available in the data source. Select the items you want to display as columns in the table.

Select a single item or multiple items and use the arrows next to this list to move items to the Selected Items list.

Selected Items

Displays the items selected for display in the table.

Select a single item or multiple items and use the arrows to the left of this list to remove items from the list.


The Columns tab of the Create Table dialog enables you to determine how to display data within the table. For example you can specify the text to use in the column header and how to display the data. If you skip this page, the column name is used as the column header.

Element Description


Select a column to define its header, output format, and alignment.

Column Header

Specify text to use as a header for the selected column.

Display As


  • Input Text w/Label to display data in the selected column as editable fields and thereby enable users to modify the data records displayed in this column (available only for editable tables).

  • Output Text to display data in the selected column as styled read-only text.

  • Output Formatted to display data in the selected column as read-only text with limited formatting.

  • Hyperlink to display data in the selected column as a link.

    For example, when connecting to an employee database, you can display employee names as hyperlinks so that, when users click a link, it takes them to the employees profile page. Specify the target for the hyperlink in the URL field.


Select whether the data in the table cells must be aligned to the center, end, left, right, start.


Specify the URL to use as the target for the hyperlink, along with the EL value to use for the dynamic part of the URL.

For example, if you are adding a data control that lists the portals of which the current user is a member, you can enter /spaces/#{row.item} in the URL field to display portal names as hyperlinks. Clicking a portal name in the table opens the portal.

Note: This field is enabled only if you selected Hyperlink in the Display As list.

Open in New Window

Select to open the URL in a separate window.

Note: This checkbox is enabled only if you selected Hyperlink in the Display As list.

Visualization Parameter

The Visualization Parameter tab of the Create Table dialog lists the parameters defined by the data control. You can include data control parameters in a parameter form above the table to enable users to control the data displayed. You can specify parameter values to determine the initial data displayed. This step is optional. If you do not expose a parameter form, the table displays data pertaining to the values specified when the data control was created.

Element Description


Lists the parameters defined by the data control. Select the checkbox next to the parameter name to display the parameter in a parameter form above the table so that users can control the data displayed in the table.

Default Value

Enter a value for the parameter. This value determines the initial data displayed in the table.

Submit Button Label

Enter the text to display on the button that end users click to submit values on the parameter form.