Display Options

Use Display Options properties to control a range of display-related behaviors on the current component instance. Typically, display options settings affect the display elements surrounding component content (that is, its chrome). Chrome includes the header, the Actions menu, Expand and Collapse icons, and so on. For example, use the display options on a task flow to hide or show a header and enable or disable menus and other options on the header. Most components share the same Display Options properties. More

Most components show all Display Options on one tab. Components that have more associated display options include two subtabs: Basic and Advanced.

Enter parameter values, or click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a field and select Expression Builder to open the Expression Editor to set the value using Expression Language (EL).

For component-specific Display Options property descriptions, click the link for the component you are editing. If the component you are editing is not included in this list, refer to the shared Display Options Properties:


While the Display Options dialog is available for all components, the settings may not have an effect on some components.

gridCell Component Display Options

gridRow Components Display Options

HTML Markup Component Display Options

Hyperlink Component Display Options

Movable Box Component Display Options

panelGridLayout Display Options

panelGroupLayout Display Options

panelStretchLayout Display Options

panelTabbed Display Options

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WebCenter Portal Components Display Options

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