Page Styles

Use the Page Styles page to manage page styles for all portals (if accessed through the Shared Assets page) or for the current portal (if accessed through the Assets page). More

Page styles describe the layout of a newly created page and may also dictate the type of content the page supports. More

Only users with the application-level permission Create, Edit, and Delete Page Styles can manage shared page styles. Users with the portal-level permission Create, Edit, and Delete Assets (simple permissions model) or Create, Edit, and Delete Page Styles (detailed permissions model) can manage portal-level page styles.

Element Description

Delete icon Delete

Click to delete the currently selected page style. More

You cannot delete the built-in page styles.

Upload icon Upload

Click to open the Upload New Page Style dialog, where you can enter the name of an AAR file to use to import a page style into WebCenter Portal. More

The AAR file can be located on the local file system or the file system on a server.

Download icon Download

Click to open the Download dialog, where you can export the selected page style to an AAR file on your local file system or the file system on a server. The AAR file can then be edited in tools such as Oracle JDeveloper. More

You cannot download the built-in page styles.

Actions menu

Click to choose one of the following actions:

  • Copy to create a copy of the selected page style. More

    When you create a copy, the copy is initially hidden regardless of the show or hide status of the original page style.

  • Security Settings to open the Security Settings dialog, where you can grant manage and update permissions to selected users and roles on the selected page style. More

  • Show Properties to open the Show Properties dialog, where you can view information about the selected page style, such as the display name, description, asset ID, metadata file location, creation date, and so on. More

  • Edit Source to directly edit the source code of the page style. More

  • Edit Properties to open the Edit Properties dialog, where you can update the name, description, icon URI, category, and custom attributes of the selected page style. More

    For shared assets, you can also choose whether or not to expose the page style in the Home portal or other portals. More


Enter a full or partial search string then click The Search icon. to refresh the list with all the page styles for which a match is found in the Display Name or Description.

To clear the current search string and display all page styles, click Clear Search icon.

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the list of page styles.

Page Styles

Lists page styles.

Click a page style name to preview the page style. More

The Shared icon icon next to a page style name indicates that the page style is a shared page style that is available for use in the current portal.


Select to indicate whether the page style is published or not. More

  • A check mark (Available) indicates that the page style is published and available for others to use.

  • An empty check box (Hidden) indicates that the page style is not yet published.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user who last edited the page style and the date and time at which the changes were made.


Click Edit to edit the page style in the page editor. More

You cannot edit the built-in page styles.

Related Topics

"Working with Page Styles" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Creating, Editing, and Managing Assets" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Working with Shared Assets" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Developing Page Styles" in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal