Show Properties

Use the Show Properties dialog to view the properties associated with the currently selected asset. These include the asset's general settings, availability, and attributes. While general settings and availability properties are common across assets, attributes vary from asset to asset. More

Asset availability applies only to shared assets, not to portal assets.

The Show Properties dialog is arranged in the following sections:


The General section of the Show Properties dialog enables you to view general information about the selected asset.

Element Description

Display Name

Displays the display name of the asset.


Displays the description of the asset.

Icon URI

Displays the URI path to the icon that is associated with the asset.


Displays the category under which the asset is classified.

Asset Type

Displays the type of the asset, such as skin or page style.

Internal ID

Displays the unique internal identification number associated with the asset. WebCenter Portal identifies an asset through its internal ID.

Content Directory

Displays the path where dependent objects of the asset, such as images, are stored.

JSPx File

Displays the path to the .jspx file of the asset.

Page Definition

Displays the path where the page definition (.xml file) of the asset is stored. Page definitions are used for page templates, task flows, page styles, and task flow styles.

Metadata File

Displays the path where the metadata files, if any, of the asset are stored.

Created By

Displays the user name of the user who created the asset.

Date Created

Displays the date and time when the asset was created.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user who last modified the asset.

Date Modified

Displays the date and time when the asset was last modified.

Locked By

Displays the user name of the user who most recently locked the asset

Date Locked

Displays the date and time when the asset was most recently locked.

Exclude Asset Usage

The Exclude Asset Usage section of the Show Properties dialog enables you to see in which portals a shared asset is available.

Note: This section is available only for shared assets, not for portal assets.

Element Description

Exclude From Home Portal

Displays whether or not the asset is available in the Home portal.

Exclude From Portal(s)


  • Include in All Portals if the asset is available for use in all portals.

  • Exclude from All Portals if the asset is restricted from being available in any portal; the asset is available only at the application level.

  • Exclude from Selected Portals if the asset is restricted from being available in a specific list of portals.


The Attributes section of the Show Properties dialog enables you to view information about specific attributes defined for the selected asset.

Element Description


Displays the names of the attributes associated with the asset.


Displays the values assigned to the attributes.

Every time a user uses the asset, the attribute value is considered and the asset behaves accordingly.

Related Topics

"Creating, Editing, and Managing Assets" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Working with Shared Assets" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal