Personalize Pages

Use the Personalize Pages page to manage your personal view of pages in the Home portal.

Element Description

Create icon Create Page

Click to either:

  • Open the Create Page dialog where you can specify the name and style for a new personal page.

  • Immediately create a new personal page with preset defaults, as specified in the Set Page Defaults dialog.


Set Page Defaults icon Set Page Defaults

(If made available by system administrator) Click to open the Set Page Defaults dialog to select a default Page Style for your new personal pages in the Home Portal and to enable or disable one-click creation.

In the Set Page Defaults dialog, Enable One-Click Page Creation determines whether you can override the default Page Style selection:

  • Select Yes to specify that new personal pages must always use the Page Style chosen here. This enforces a common look and feel across your personal pages by overriding the Create Page dialog, and creating pages directly using this style.

  • Select No (default) to specify that you can create personal pages with a different style. with the selected Page Style displayed as the initial style in the Create Page dialog.

Note: Make sure that the page style you select does not contain any content publishing components. Content publishing is not supported in personal pages.



Enter a full or partial search term, then click Search icon to refresh the list with all pages for which a match is found in Name or Created By.

To clear the current search string and display all pages, click Clear Search icon.

Filter icon Show or hide the filter panel

Click to display a filter panel above the page list.

Enter a full or partial search string above the Name, Category, and/or Created By columns.

Note: Valid category names include System Page, Business Role Page, or Personal Page.

Click the icon again to close the panel and apply the filter. The filter continues to control the list of pages until you clear your filtering terms.

To clear the current filter and display all pages, clear the filter panel fields and press Enter.


Lists the names of pages available to you in the Home Portal. Click a name to open the page.


Click the reorder icons (Move to Top Move Up Move Down Move to Bottom) to change the order of pages in your view.

Note: You can also reorder pages by dragging and dropping the page names.

Show Page

Selected checkbox icon Page is shown as a tab in your view of the Home Portal. Click to deselect the check box and hide the page in your view.

Cleared checkbox icon Page is currently hidden in your view of the Home Portal. Click to select the check box and show the page in your view.

Even if a page is hidden when viewing the Home Portal, you can still access the page by clicking the page name here.


Indicates the page type, where available. Page type categorizations include system pages and business role pages—created by your system administrator—and the personal pages you create. These page types exist only in the Home Portal.

Created By

Identifies the user who created the page. Click the user name or its associated Presence icon for instant contact options.

Last Modified

Specifies the date and time when the page was last modified.


For a selected page, click Actions icon to perform any of the following page actions that are available to you, depending on your permissions:

Edit Page

Open the personal page in the page editor. More

Reset Layout

Remove all of your user customizations from your view of the page, such as personal rearrangements of page objects (for example, moved task flows), expand collapsed task flows, return resized task flows to their original dimensions, and so on. Only your personal user customizations are removed. Other users are unaffected. More

Copy Page

Open the Copy Page dialog, where you can enter a name for a copy of the personal page, and open the new page in the page editor for editing. The new page appears only in your personal view. More

Rename Page

Open the Rename Page dialog, where you can enter a new name for the personal page. This action affects all users or portal members who have access to the page. More

Set Page Access

Open the Set Page Access dialog, where you can customize the security for the personal page by setting permissions for available user roles. This action affects all users or portal members who have access to the page. More

Edit Source

Open the Edit Source dialog where you can edit the page in the source HTML.

Delete Page

Open the Delete Page dialog to confirm deletion of the personal page. This action affects all users or portal members who have access to the page. More

Send Mail

Compose a mail message, prepopulated with a link to the page and to the Home Portal or current portal. More

About This Page

Open the Page Information dialog, which shows Name, Created By, Date Created, Last Modified, and Direct URL to the page. More

Related Topics

"Creating and Managing Personal Pages" in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal