Portal Templates

Use the Portal Templates page to view all the portal templates that are available to you, including:

  • Portal templates that you create and own

  • Out-of-the-box portal templates

  • Published portal templates available for general use

Your role and permissions determine which additional actions you can perform on this page:

  • To create a new portal template, rename, hide, or delete a portal template that you own, you need the Portal Templates-Create permission.

  • To publish a portal template that you create for others to use, you need the Portal Templates-Manage All permission.


Element Description

Create icon Create

Click to open the Create Portal Template dialog, where you can create a new portal template. More

Actions icon Actions menu

Select a template and click Actions to perform any of the following actions on the template:

About Portal Template

View information about the portal template. More

Rename Portal Template Display Name

Open the Rename Portal Template Display Name dialog, where you can give the selected template a new name and optional description. This action is available only to template creators and users granted Portal Templates-Manage All permission. More

Set Template Access

Open the Set Template Access dialog, where you can grant access to the selected template. This action is available only to template creators and users granted Portal Templates-Manage All permission. More

Make Public

Publish one or more selected templates to all users. This action is available only to template creators with Portal Templates-Manage All permission, who can publish their private templates on their Portal Templates page. Other users, even if they have the Portal Templates-Manage All permission, will not see private templates created by other users here. However, the application specialist (or users with Portal Templates-Manage All permission) can view and manage all private templates on the application-level Portal Templates page. More

Remove Public Access

Hide one or more selected public templates from all users. This action is available only to template creators and users granted Portal Templates-Manage All permission. More

Delete Portal Template

Permanently remove one or more selected templates from WebCenter Portal. This action is available only to the template creators and users granted Portal Templates-Manage All permission. More


Enter a full or partial search term, then click Search icon to refresh the list with all portal templates for which a match is found in the name or description.

To clear the current search string and display all portal templates, click Clear Search icon.


Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the list of portal templates. Make sure that any prior search is cleared (click Clear Search icon), and no filter is specified in the filter panel.