
The Profile page is for viewing contact information, the activities of your connections, your personal document library, your location in the organization's hierarchy, and a list of the documents you access the most.

Look at other people's Profile pages to see the same information about them.

All Profile pages include the following information:


Contact Information and Overview

The Profile page provides contact information and an overview of connections and business contacts. This information appears on the Profile page no matter which subtab is selected.

Element Description

Contact information

Shows contact information such as profile photo, user name, email address, phone number, local time, and so on.

You can perform actions on contact information:

  • Click the email address to start an email.

  • In your own profile, click either Edit Profile, your profile photo, or one of the editable contact information elements to edit your information. (Editable contact information elements show a box around them when you mouse over the element.)

Edit Profile

When viewing your own profile, click Edit Profile to edit your contact information. More


  • The Edit Profile button is available only when viewing your own profile.

  • The information you see and the information you can edit depends on settings configured by your system administrator.


When viewing another person's profile, click Connect to send a connection invitation to them.

Note: The Connect button is available only when viewing the profile of a person you are not connected to.

Download vCard

When viewing a profile, click Download vCard to download that person's electronic business card (a .vcf file).

Business Contact

Lists the business contact information of the person profiled. The information shown under Business Contact is determined by your application administrator. More


Lists your connections.

  • Click a connection to navigate to that person's profile.

  • Click See all your connections to open the Connections tab.

    The See all your connections link appears when you have at least one connection.


The Profile page Activities tab is for posting and sharing content, like updates, documents, and links, and for viewing and interacting with the content you and others have posted. More

Element Description

Text box

When viewing your own profile, enter a message in the box to post to your activity stream.

When viewing another person's profile, enter a message in the box to post to that person's message board. If you do not want all of your connections to see the message, select Private, so only that person can view your message.

Attach: File

Click to post a file to the activity stream.

Note: Attach: File is available only when viewing your own profile.

Attach: Link

Click to post a link to the activity stream.


Click to publish your message, file, or link to the activity stream.

Note: When you attach a link, the Publish button is not enabled by default. You must hover over the Publish button to enable it.

Recent Activities

Shows streaming activities. Each activity includes the profile image of the person who performed the activity, their name, the action performed, actions you can take on the activity (comment, like, share), and when the activity took place.

User name

Shows the name of the person who performed the activity. Click the name to view the user's profile.


Shows the activity performed. If the activity includes creating an object (for example, a portal, a page, or a document), you can click the object to view it.

Delete icon

Mouse over a message and Delete icon appears. Click Delete icon to delete the message.

Note: Delete icon appears only for messages and not for any other activity.


Click to comment on the activity (for example, to respond to a message or give feedback on an attached file).


Click to show that you like a particular activity. Liking an activity makes it appear in your connections' activity stream, so you can use liking as a way to share portal activities.


Click to share the activity with your connections. More

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the list of activities.


The Profile page Connections tab is for viewing and managing your connections. More

Element Description

Invite icon Invite People

Click to invite someone to be your connection. More

Invite People is available when the SOA server is configured.

Invitations icon

Click to list the unanswered invitations in your queue.

Each listed name includes the person's profile photo and position. Click the name to view that person's profile.

You can accept, decline, or ignore a pending invitation. More


Click to organize your connections into connection lists.

In the Organize Connections and Lists dialog, you can create or delete connections lists, add or remove connections from lists, or remove connections. More


Select the type of connections you want to list:

  • All Connections—Show all of your connections.

  • Pending Invitations—Show a list of the unanswered invitations in your queue. In this view, you can accept, decline, or ignore an invitation.

  • Sent Invitations—Show the users to whom you have sent invitations to connect but who have not replied.

    To send an email to someone you invited to be a connection, click Send Mail icon. To revoke an invitation, click Remove. The invitation will disappear from the other user's list of pending invitations.


Enter a name or part of a name in the box and click Search icon to filter the list of connections. Click Clear icon to clear the filter.

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the list of connections.


Each user in the list includes the user's photo, user name, and job title. Click the user's name to view the user's profile.


The Profile page Documents tab is for viewing and accessing the documents and folders in the Public folder of your personal document library. More

  • Click a folder to open it and to and navigate to subfolders. Use the breadcrumbs at the top of the list to navigate back.

  • Click a file to open it on a Preview tab. Use tab controls to adjust your view. If the file type does not support a preview (for example, .mp3 music files, video files, or .zip files), the preview pane lists file properties. Use the Back link to navigate back.

  • Click in a row (not on the folder or file name) to view information about the file or folder. Right-click anywhere in the row to select actions to perform on the folder or file.

  • Select the check box next to a file or folder to show a row of action icons above the list.

Element Description

Browse menu

Click to show and navigate all the Libraries you can access.

Note: This action removes the folder search criteria and shows the Libraries page.

Search field

Click to show and search all the documents you can access.Note: This action removes the folder search criteria and shows the main document search page.

[user] menu

Use the options on this menu to search for all library elements that include your name (for example, as the author of a document); get a link to your personal library; and view library properties.

Upload menu

Use the options on this menu to upload files to a library. You can do a standard upload or select an upload profile to upload only files that fit the profile's parameters.

New Folder icon

Click to create a new folder in your personal library.

Select menu

Use the options on this menu to select everything listed in your current view (All) or to deselect all selections (None).

Sort By menu

Select a column heading from the menu to apply a sort order of your current view.

View menu

Click to select the current view to show:

  • Search—Search for a folder or document

  • Browse—Browse available document libraries

  • Favorites—View a list of your favorite folders and documents

  • Clipboard—Access various renditions of an uploaded file (more)

  • Home—Returns you to the top view of your folders and files

Refresh icon

Click to refresh your view of the library.


The Profile page Organization tab is for viewing a detail of your company's organization chart. This view shows the current user's position in the company hierarchy. On the Organization tab, you can click through three views of the current user's Profile information (by clicking the left and right arrows Lef and right arrow icons). Different views show the current user's contact information; the user's address and current time in the user's locale; and a summary "About Me" statement. You can also expand, contract, or isolate your view of a particular user by clicking the controls below that user's details.


The Profile page About tab is for viewing additional profile details. The information shown on this tab depends on the settings configured by your system administrator.