Edit Announcement


Oracle WebCenter Portal has deprecated the support for Jive features (announcements and discussions). If you have upgraded from a prior release to Release 12c (, Jive features remain available in your upgraded instance but Oracle support is not provided for these features. In the next release, Jive features will not be available even in the upgraded instances

The Edit Announcement dialog enables you to revise announcement content, including changing the date the announcement expires. Use Rich Text Editor controls to add links and styling information.


Element Description


Enter the subject of the announcement, up to 200 characters.

The subject you enter here becomes a bold announcement headline.

Announcement Active Date

The date the announcement became active.

Announcement Expire Date

Select when the announcement should be deleted:

  • Never Expires—Never delete the announcement.

  • Expire After Days [ ]—In the field provided, specify the number of days the announcement displays before it is automatically deleted.

  • Expire on a Specific Date [ ]—Enter the date to delete the announcement, or click the Select Date icon (Select Date icon) to the right of the field and select a date from a date picker.

You can also remove an announcement manually by clicking its associated Delete icon.


Click to save your edits to the announcement and close the dialog.

Rich Text Editor Controls

The Rich Text Editor (RTE) provides controls for creating, styling, and editing HTML text.

Rich Text Editor (RTE)

In addition to the tools that integrate the RTE, the RTE is available as a standalone HTML editor, which you can add to a page. Look for the Text component in the resource catalog.

Within the RTE, if there are tags or styles that are not editable in a particular browser they are transformed into something that the specific browser can edit. Also, the RTE ignores the following types of tags for security reasons or because they are irrelevant or redundant within the RTE context:

  • Script tags

  • Form elements, such as input, select, textarea, and form

  • Frame/frameset

  • Document tags, such as html, head, body, meta, and title

  • Unknown tags, for example, <foo></foo>

The following table illustrates and describes the controls you will find in the RTE.

Element Description

Font pick list

Select a font and begin entering text, or highlight text and select a font.

Font Size picker

Click the top arrow to select a larger font size. Click the bottom arrow to select a smaller font size. If you prefer, enter a font size manually in the field provided.

Undo icon

Click to undo your last editorial action during this session. The key combination Ctrl-z produces the same effect.

Redo icon

Click to redo your last undo during this session. The key combination Ctrl-y produces the same effect.

Clear Styling icon

Select styled text and click this icon to clear the selection's styling information. This is useful for removing unwanted style effects, such as unwanted bolding, superscripting, underlining, and the like.

Rich Text Editing Mode Icon

Use this control to toggle to Rich Text Editing Mode. In this mode, you can use the style controls at the top of the editor to design your HTML's look and feel.

Source Code Editing Mode

Use this control to toggle to the Source Code Editing Mode. In this mode, you can enter all of your own HTML manually.

This mode assumes you will enter all HTML code manually; therefore, most style controls at the top of the text box are not available in Source Code Editing Mode.

Foreground (Text) Color pick list

Select a text color from this list and enter text, or highlight text and select a color from the list.

Background Color pick list

Select text and then select a highlight color, or select a highlight color and begin entering text. Text displays highlighted by a band of the selected color.

Bold icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be bold; or select text and click this icon to make the selection bold.

Italic icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be italic; or select text and click this icon to italicize the selection.

Underline icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be underlined; or select text and click this icon to underline the selection.

Subscript icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be subscript; or select text and click this icon to make the selection subscript.

Superscript icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be superscript; or select text and click this icon to make the selection superscript.

Strikethrough icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be struck through (that is, a horizontal line will mark through the middle of the text); or select text and click this icon to strike through the selection.

Justify Left icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be left-justified; or select text and click this icon to left-justify the selection.

Justify Center icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be centered; or select text and click this icon to center the selection.

Justify Right icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be right-justified; or select text and click this icon to right-justify the selection.

Justify Full icon

Click this icon and enter text, which will be justified; or select text and click this icon to justify the selection.

Bulleted List icon

Click this icon and enter text, to create a bulleted list; or select text and click this icon to convert the selection to a bulleted list.

Numbered List icon

Click this icon and enter text, to create a numbered list; or select text and click this icon to convert the selection to a numbered list.

Outdent icon

Click this icon and enter text, to create text that sets further left than the starting point of the previous line; or select text and click this icon to move the selection leftward.

Indent icon

Click this icon and enter text, to create text that sets further right than the starting point of the previous line; or select text and click this icon to move the selection rightward.

Add Link icon

Select text, and then click the Add Link icon to create a link on the selection.

Remove Link icon

Select linked text, and then click the Remove Link icon to remove the link from the selection.

The selected text remains intact, just the underlying link code is removed.

Text Box

This is where you enter content.


Use this key combination to delete highlighted selections. You can also use the keyboard Backspace and Delete buttons.