Create/Edit Column

The Create/Edit Column dialog enables you to create or edit list columns and specify the types of values to allow for column data. More


The fields that appear in this dialog depend on the data type you select for the list column.

The following data types are supported:


When users enter a value for the column, the value is validated based on the data type and any restrictions that were specified for the column. If users enter an invalid value for the column, then an error message prompts them to try again. Keep in mind, however, that this validation is run when data is first entered. If the column is edited and the restrictions on column data are changed (maximum length, range, and so on), then preexisting data is not revalidated.

You can revise every detail of a list column. That is, you can rename the column, change the column data type, require a value, or remove a value requirement. Keep in mind, however, if you change a column data type, any values currently entered in the list column are either converted to the new data type or removed irrevocably. For example, when you move from a String data type to a Number data type, values that can be converted to a number are retained; other values are removed. If any values are removed by the change, then you are asked for confirmation. In contrast, when you move from a Number data type to a String data type, all values are retained.

A list supports up to 30 columns.


The Boolean data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Boolean data type to allow entry of only YES or NO or TRUE or FALSE in the column. These values are rendered as a check box that can be either selected (YES, TRUE) or deselected (NO, FALSE).

Default Value

Select whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select this check box for a default value of YES or TRUE.

  • Deselect this check box for a default value of NO or FALSE.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.

Date Time

The Date Time data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Date Time data type to allow entry of only date and time information in the column.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.


Select the data entry formats.

  • Date—Users enter a date.

  • Time—Users enter a time.

  • Date and Time—Users enter both date and time.

Default Value

Indicate the column default value. (Optional)

Enter a default value to suggest the type of data to enter in this column. When users enter list data, they can keep the default value or enter a value of their own. Click the Select Date icon (Select Date icon) to open a calender and select a date.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.


The Number data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Number data type to allow only numeric entries in the column.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.


Select the data entry format.

  • Number—An unformatted number that may be positive or negative and contain decimal places. The decimal separator is based on the locale specified in your application preferences.

  • Currency—A formatted currency value. The currency symbol and decimal separator are based on the locale specified in your application preferences.

  • Percent—A value formatted as a percentage. The value 0.6 is formatted as 0.6%; the value 60 is formatted as 60%.

Default Value

Indicate the column default value. (Optional)

Enter a default value to suggest the type of data to enter in this column. When users enter list data, they can keep the default value or enter a value of their own.

Minimum Value

Enter the lowest number that users can enter in this column.

Maximum Value

Enter the highest number that users can enter in this column.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.


The Person data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Person data type to allow entry of only WebCenter Portal user names in the column.

The Person data type works in conjunction with Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP). When a user name displays in a list, users can click the name or its associated icon to open the Presence menu and select from a variety of instant-contact options.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.

Range of Users

Specify whether the list is restricted to Portal Members or All Users.

Default Value

Indicate the column default value. (Optional)

Enter a default value to suggest the type of data to enter in this column. When users enter list data, they can keep the default value or enter a value of their own. You can search for and select a user name.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.

Hint Text

Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.


The Picture data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Picture data type to allow entry of a path to an image in the column.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.

Plain Text

The Plain Text data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Plain Text data type for unrestricted simple text entry. Users enter data in a text field with no controls for adding styles to text. To enable users to add styles to their text entries, select Rich Text.

Note: If the data type is changed and the list has existing rows, then the column values are converted to the new data type, if it is possible. For existing values that cannot be converted, the application asks you if you want to proceed with the change. If you do, then values that cannot be converted are lost.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.

Default Value

Enter a default value to use as the initial value for the column in a new row. (Optional)

When users create a list row, they can keep the default value or enter a value of their own.

Maximum Length

Enter the maximum number of characters to allow for a given entry in this column, including spaces.

Number of Lines for Editing

Indicate the number of lines to make available for editing.

Users can edit the entire entry, but they can do so line-by-line when you enter 1; two lines at a time when you enter 2; and so on.

Allow Links

Specify whether content in a list column can be linked to other web locations.

  • Select to allow hyperlinking.

  • Deselect to prohibit hyperlinking.

Link Window

Options are selectable only when Allow Links is also selected.

Options for opening the link target.

  • New Window—Open the link target in a new browser window or a new browser tab.

  • Current Window—Open the link target in the current browser window.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.

Rich Text

The Rich Text data type includes the following fields.

Element Description


Enter a display name for the column.

Data Type

Select the column data type.

Select the Rich Text data type for unrestricted rich text entry. Users enter data in a Rich Text Editor that provides controls for adding styles to the text entry. Styles include font selection, font color, bullet and numbered lists, and the like. To prevent users from adding styles to their text entries, select Plain Text.

Note: If the data type is changed and the list has existing rows, then the column values are converted to the new data type if possible. For existing values that cannot be converted, the application asks you if you want to proceed with the change. If you do, then values that cannot be converted are lost.


Specify whether a value is required for the column.

  • Select to indicate that a value is required for the column. An asterisk appears next to required fields.

  • Deselect to make a value optional.

Display Width

Enter a number value in pixels for setting the column width.


Enter text to assist the user in understanding the content to enter into the column. This text appears when focus is on this column in edit row mode.