5 CAS Properties

The following topics provide information about each property associated with the CAS category in the wcs_properties.json file:

5.1 About the Properties in the CAS Category

The properties categorized under CAS in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file configure the CAS web application, including the CSSO facility.

5.2 Properties in the CAS Category

Table 5-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the CAS category.

Table 5-1 CAS Properties

Property Description


The name of the remote host system running WebCenter Sites that the Satellite engine is caching requests for.

Default value: <wcsites.cas.host>


Used for ticket validation. In case of cluster with CAS server behind a firewall, it must point to the CAS server.

Default value: <wcsites.app.protocol>://<cas_internal_host>:<cas_internal_port>/cas


The port number for communicating with the WebCenter Sites host.

Default value: <wcsites.cas.port>