13 Installer Properties

The following topics provide information about each property associated with the Installer category in the wcs_properties.json file:

13.1 About the Properties in the Installer Category

The properties categorized under Installer in the wcs_properties.json file are set during the WebCenter Sites installation.

13.2 Properties in the Installer Category

Table 13-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the Installer category.

Table 13-1 Installer Properties

Property Description



Java resource bundle to use for the Directory Services API.

Default value: com.openmarket.directory.DirectoryResources

Do not change the value of this property.



The severity threshold that determines the amount of messages that the Logging module writes to the log.

Possible values:

  • info: writes all informational, warning, error, severe, and fatal messages.

  • warning: excludes informational messages; writes warning, error, severe, and fatal messages.

  • error: excludes warning and informational messages; writes error, severe, and fatal messages.

  • severe: excludes error, warning, and informational messages; writes severe and fatal messages.

  • fatal: writes fatal messages only.

Default value: info


The number of stores to be configured. This integer determines the number and names of properties necessary in the 'Overrides for Tx Store X' categories.

There may be a set of properties in the form of tx.store_X.propName where X is an integer between 0 and tx.numStores - 1. There must be at least 1 store defined.

Default value: 2


Transact's identifier for the Store to use for purchases.

Possible values: Typically an integer greater than 400000.

Default value: 0


Transact's identifier for the Store to use for purchases.

Possible values: Typically an integer greater than 400000.

Default value: 1