18 SiteCapture Properties

The following topics provides information about each property associated with the SiteCapture category in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file.

18.1 About the Properties in the SiteCapture Category

The properties in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file categorized under SiteCapture are set during the WebCenter Sites: SiteCapture installation. These properties specify information such as the URL of the Site Capture application and the user name and password of the WebCenter Sites general administrator.

18.2 SiteCapture Properties

Table 18-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the SiteCapture category.

Table 18-1 SiteCapture Properties

Property Description


For a single-server installation, specify the URL of the Site Capture application. For a clustered installation, specify the URL of the Site Capture load balancer.

Possible value: <sitecapture_protocol>://<sitecapture_host>:<sitecapture_port>/__admin

Default value: http://localhost:80/__admin


Specifies the CAS application the Site Capture application points to.

Possible value: <sitecapture_cas_protocol>://<sitecapture_cas_host>:<sitecapture_cas_port>/__admin

Default value: http://localhost:80/__admin


Specifies the user name of the WebCenter Sites general administrator exactly as it was specified during the Site Capture installation process.

Possible value: RestAdmin user

Default value: fwadmin


Specifies the WebCenter Sites general administrator password exactly as it was specified during the Site Capture installation process.

Possible value: Password for the RestAdmin user

Default value: xceladmin