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Creating and Administering Zone Clusters With Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4

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Updated: August 2018


Numbers and Symbols

/usr/cluster/bin/clsetup utility
file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
global storage devices to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
highly available local file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
ZFS storage pools to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
creating a zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
navigation tipindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
/usr/cluster/bin/clzonecluster command
booting the zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
installing the zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


file systems to a zone clusterindex iconAdding File Systems to a Zone Cluster
local file systems to a zone clusterindex iconAdding Local File Systems to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node
network address to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Network Address to a Zone Cluster
nodesindex iconAdding a Node to a Cluster or Zone Cluster
to a global clusterindex iconHow to Add a Node to an Existing Cluster or Zone Cluster
to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Node to an Existing Cluster or Zone Cluster
storage devices to zone clustersindex iconAdding Storage Devices to a Zone Cluster
admin_low template
Trusted Extensionsindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
zone clustersindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks


brand propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
tasks you can perform
add a file system to a zone clusterindex iconAdding File Systems to a Zone Cluster
add storage a zone clusterindex iconAdding Storage Devices to a Zone Cluster
create a zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
view capped memory for a zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


capped-cpu scope type
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
cipso template
global cluster IP addressesindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
zone cluster IP addressesindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
adding a network address to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Network Address to a Zone Cluster
administering a zone clusterindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
clsetup utility
file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
global storage devices to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
highly available local file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
ZFS storage pools to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
creating a zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
navigation tipindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
cluster file systems
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a UFS Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
adding to a zone cluster with clsetupindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
clzonecluster command
booting the zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
installing the zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
Trusted Extensions for use with zone clusters
index iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
index iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
Trusted Extensions softwareindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
zone clustersindex iconCreating and Configuring a Zone Cluster
cpu-shares propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


dedicated-cpu scope type
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
default routerindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
defrouter propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
DID devices
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a DID Device to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
direct mount
exporting a file system to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Remove a File System From a Zone Cluster
disk sets
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Disk Set to a Zone Cluster (CLI)


enable_priv_net propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
remote loginindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
local file systems to a zone-cluster nodeindex iconAdding a Local File System to a Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
local ZFS pools to a zone-cluster nodeindex iconAdding a Local ZFS Pool to a Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
raw-disk devices to a zone-cluster nodeindex iconAdding a Raw-Disk Device to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
adding devices to a zone cluster
DID devicesindex iconAdding a DID Device to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
disk setsindex iconAdding a Disk Set to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
adding file systems to a zone cluster
cluster file systemsindex iconAdding a UFS Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
highly available local file systemsindex iconAdding a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
StorageTek QFS shared file systemsindex iconAdding a StorageTek QFS Shared File System as a Direct Mount to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
ZFS storage poolsindex iconAdding a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (CLI)


Fair Share Scheduler sharesindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
file system
removing it in a zone clusterindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
file systems
adding to a zone clusterindex iconAdding File Systems to a Zone Cluster
highly available local file systemsindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
ZFS storage poolsindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


global storage devices
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


highly available local file systems
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
highly available ZFS storage pools
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
hostmodel propertyindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
hostname propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


zones into zone clustersindex iconImporting Zones into Zone Clusters
Trusted Extensions softwareindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
IP strict multihomingindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
ip-type propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


labeled brand zone clusters
configuring with Trusted Extensionsindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
optionsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
LDAP configuration for Trusted Extensionsindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
lightweight processes
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
file systems
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
local file systems
adding to a specific zone-cluster nodeindex iconHow to Add a Local File System to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
adding to a zone cluster
  See Alsoindex iconfile systems, adding to a zone cluster
index iconAdding Local File Systems to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node
local ZFS storage pools
adding to a specific zone-cluster nodeindex iconHow to Add a Local ZFS Storage Pool to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
locked memoryindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
locked propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
loopback mount
exporting a file system to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Remove a File System From a Zone Cluster
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


max-lwps propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
max-msg-ids propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
max-shm-ids propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
max-shm-memory propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
message queue IDs
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
mount options for cluster file systems
StorageTek QFS softwareindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
index iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
index iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


NAS devices
troubleshooting in a zone cluster installationindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
ncpus propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
network address
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Network Address to a Zone Cluster
addingindex iconAdding a Node to a Cluster or Zone Cluster
num_xip_zoneclusters propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


Oracle ACFS file systems
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add an Oracle ACFS File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager  Seeindex iconBUI
zfs storage to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
tasks you can perform
add a file system to a zone clusterindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
add a network address to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Network Address to a Zone Cluster
add a storage device to a zone clusterindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
add shared storage to a zone clusterindex iconTask Map: Adding a Node to an Existing Global or Zone Cluster
adding cluster file system to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
adding highly available local file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
adding shared storage to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
create a zone clusterindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
edit the zone cluster's Resource Security propertyindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
remove a file system from a zone clusterindex iconHow to Remove a File System From a Zone Cluster
remove a storage device from a zone clusterindex iconHow to Remove a Storage Device From a Zone Cluster
Oracle Solaris software
Trusted Extensions featureindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions


physical memory
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
physical property
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


raw-disk devices
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Raw-Disk Device to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
remote login
Trusted Extensionsindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions


scope propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
semaphore IDs
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
shared memory
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
shared memory IDs
zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
software updates
zone clustersindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
Solaris Volume Manager
disk sets
adding to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Disk Set to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
solaris brand zone clusters
optionsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
storage devices
adding global storage devices to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
adding raw-disk devices to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a Raw-Disk Device to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
adding to zone clustersindex iconAdding Storage Devices to a Zone Cluster
StorageTek QFS
adding shared file systems to a zone clusterindex iconHow to Add a StorageTek QFS Shared File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
StorageTek QFS software
mount optionsindex iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
memory for zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
swap propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
sysid configuration for zone clustersindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)


tncfg templateindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
NAS devices in a zone clusterindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
Trusted Extensions
admin_low templateindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
cipso template
global clusterindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
zone clusterindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
configuringindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
configuring a zone clusterindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
installationindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
installingindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
IP strict multihomingindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
LDAPindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
password filesindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
remote loginindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
tncfg templateindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions
txzonemgr BUIindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
zoneshare scriptindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions


Unified Archive
configuring a zone clusterindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster from the Unified Archive
installing a zone clusterindex iconHow to Install a Zone Cluster from the Unified Archive


removing a file systemindex iconHow to Remove a File System From a Zone Cluster
ZFS storage pools
adding a local pool to a zone-cluster nodeindex iconHow to Add a Local ZFS Storage Pool to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
adding to a zone cluster
index iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
index iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
zone cluster
adding network addressesindex iconHow to Add a Network Address to a Zone Cluster
administrationindex iconAdministering the Zone Cluster
cloningindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
configuring from the Unified Archiveindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster from the Unified Archive
installing from the Unified Archiveindex iconHow to Install a Zone Cluster from the Unified Archive
moving a zonepathindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
preparing it for applicationsindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
removing a file systemindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
supported direct mountsindex iconHow to Remove a File System From a Zone Cluster
zone clusters
adding an Oracle ACFS file systemindex iconHow to Add an Oracle ACFS File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
adding devices
DID devicesindex iconHow to Add a DID Device to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
disk setsindex iconHow to Add a Disk Set to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
global storage devicesindex iconHow to Add a Global Storage Device to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
raw-disk devicesindex iconHow to Add a Raw-Disk Device to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
adding file systemsindex iconAdding File Systems to a Zone Cluster
cluster file systems
index iconHow to Add a UFS Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
index iconHow to Add a Cluster File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
highly available local file systemsindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
highly available ZFS storage poolsindex iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
local file systemsindex iconHow to Add a Highly Available Local File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
local file systems for a specific zone-cluster nodeindex iconHow to Add a Local File System to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
local ZFS storage poolsindex iconHow to Add a Local ZFS Storage Pool to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node (CLI)
StorageTek QFSindex iconHow to Add a StorageTek QFS Shared File System to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
ZFS storage pools
index iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (CLI)
index iconHow to Add a ZFS Storage Pool to a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
adding local file systemsindex iconAdding Local File Systems to a Specific Zone-Cluster Node
adding storage devicesindex iconAdding Storage Devices to a Zone Cluster
brand propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
capped-cpuindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
index iconCreating a Zone Cluster
index iconCreating and Configuring a Zone Cluster
configuring to use Trusted Extensionsindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
creatingindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
dedicated-cpuindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
default routerindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
defrouter propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
enable_priv_net propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
Fair Share Scheduler sharesindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
hostmodel propertyindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
hostname propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
importing zonesindex iconImporting Zones into Zone Clusters
IP strict multihomingindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
ip-type propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
labeled brand optionsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
lightweight processesindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
locked memoryindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
locked propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
message queue IDsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
ncpus propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
num_xip_zoneclusters propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
physical memoryindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
physical property
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
scope propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
semaphore IDsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
shared memoryindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
shared memory IDsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
software updatesindex iconHow to Configure a Zone Cluster to Use Trusted Extensions
solaris brand optionsindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
swap memoryindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
swap propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
sysid configurationindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
zonepath propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
zone path
movingindex iconOverview of Zone Cluster Administrative Tasks
zone-cluster nodes
specifying IP address and NICindex iconAdding a Node to a Cluster or Zone Cluster
zonepath propertyindex iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster (clsetup)
importing into zone clustersindex iconImporting Zones into Zone Clusters
zoneshare Trusted Extension scriptindex iconHow to Install and Configure Trusted Extensions