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Reference for Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4

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Updated: March 2019

clressharedaddress (8CL)


clressharedaddress, clrssa - manage Oracle Solaris Cluster resources for shared addresses


/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress [subcommand] -?
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress -V
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress [subcommand [options]] -v 
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress create -g resource-group 
[-h lhost[,…]] [-N netif@node[,…]] [-X node[,…]] 
[-p name=value] [-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] [-d] saresource
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress create -i 
{- | clconfiguration} [-a] [-g resource-group[,…]] [-X 
node[,…]] [-p name=value] [-d] {+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress delete [-g resource-group[,…]]
[-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] [-F] {+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress disable [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-R] [-n node[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] {+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress enable [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-R] [ -n node[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}]{+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress export [-o {- | configfile}] 
[+ | saresource…]
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress list [-s state[,…]] 
[-g resource-group[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name[,…] | global | all}] 
[+ | saresource…]
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress list-props [-l listtype] 
[-p name[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name[,…] | global | all}] 
[+ | lhresource…]
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress monitor [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] {+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress reset [-f errorflag] 
[-g resource-group[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] 
{+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress set [-i {- | clconfiguration}] 
[-g resource-group[,…]] [-X node[,…]] [-p name[+|-]=value] 
[-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] {+ | saresource…}
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress show [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-p name[,…]] [-Z {zone-cluster-name[,…] | global | all}] 
[+ | saresource…]
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress status [-s state[,…]] 
[-n node[,…]] [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-Z {zone-cluster-name[,…] | global | all}] [+ | saresource…]
/usr/cluster/bin/clressharedaddress unmonitor [-g resource-group[,…]] 
[-Z {zone-cluster-name | global}] {+ | saresource…}


The clressharedaddress command manages resources for Oracle Solaris Cluster shared addresses. The clrssa command is the short form of the clressharedaddress command. The clressharedaddress command and the clrssa command are identical. You can use either form of the command.

You can also use the clresource(8CL) command to manage resources for a shared address.

Some subcommands of the clressharedaddress command modify the resource configuration. You can use these subcommands from the global cluster or a zone cluster. The following subcommands modify resource configuration:

  • disable

  • enable

  • monitor

  • reset

  • set

  • unmonitor

Some subcommands of the clressharedaddress command only obtain information about resources.

  • export

  • list

  • list-props

  • show

  • status

To avoid unpredictable results from this command, run all forms of the command from the global-cluster node.

The general form of this command is:

clressharedaddress [subcommand] [options] [operands]

You can omit subcommand only if options specifies the option –? or –V.

Each option of this command has a long form and a short form. Both forms of each option are given with the description of the option in the OPTIONS section of this man page.

Operation with Zone Clusters

In a zone cluster, you can use the clressharedaddress command with all subcommands.

From the global cluster only, you can also use the –Z option with all subcommands except export to specify the name of a particular zone cluster to which you want to restrict an operation. And, you can also attach the zone-cluster name to a resource name (zone-cluster-name:resource) for all subcommands except export to restrict an operation to a particular zone cluster.

You can access all zone cluster information from a global-cluster node, but a particular zone cluster is not aware of other zone clusters. If you do not restrict an operation to a particular zone cluster, the subcommand you use operates in the current cluster only.

Sub Commands

The following subcommands are supported:


Creates the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command.

When you use create with the –i option to specify a configuration file, the subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand. When you use the + operand, all resources in the configuration file that do not exist are created.

When you run create with the –i option in a zone cluster,  for all the resources that need to be created, remove any inter cluster dependency in the configuration file. For these resources, Inter-cluster dependencies need be re-configured in the global cluster after the resources  are created.

Before you use the create subcommand, ensure that the /etc/netmasks file has IP-address subnet and netmask entries for all logical hostnames. If necessary, edit the /etc/netmasks file to add any missing entries.

By default, resources are created in the enabled state with monitoring enabled. However, a resource comes online and is monitored only after the resource's resource group is brought online. To create resources in the disabled state, specify the –d option.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To create a shared-address resource in a zone cluster from the global cluster, use the –Z option to specify the name of the zone cluster.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.modify authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the delete subcommand.


Deletes the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that all resources are deleted.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To delete a shared-address resource in a zone cluster from the global cluster, use the –Z option to specify the name of the zone cluster.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are deleted. The –g option deletes only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

  • By default, a resource is deleted only if the following conditions are met:

  • The resource must be disabled.

  • All dependencies on the resource must be eliminated.

  • To ensure that all specified resources are deleted, specify the –F option. The effects of the –F option are as follows:

  • All specified resources are deleted, even resources that are not disabled.

  • All specified resources are removed from resource-dependency settings of other resources.

Resources are deleted in the order that is required to satisfy dependencies between the resources, regardless of the order in which resources are specified on the command line.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.modify authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the create subcommand.


Disables the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that all resources are disabled.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are disabled. The –g option disables only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

To ensure that all required resource dependencies are satisfied, specify the –R option. The –R option disables any resources that depend on the resources that are specified as operands to the command, even if the resources are not specified as operands to the command. The –g option and the –t option do not apply to resources that are to be disabled solely to satisfy resource dependencies.

Resources are disabled in the order that is required to satisfy dependencies between the resources, regardless of the order in which resources are specified on the command line.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To disable the shared-address resources that are registered in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.admin authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the enable subcommand.


Enables the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that all resources are enabled.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are enabled. The –g option enables only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

To ensure that all required resource dependencies are satisfied, specify the –R option. The –R option enables any resources that depend on the resources that are specified as operands to the command, even if the resources are not specified as operands to the command. The –g option does not apply to resources that are to be enabled solely to satisfy resource dependencies.

Resources are enabled in the order that is required to satisfy dependencies between the resources, regardless of the order in which resources are specified on the command line.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To enable the shared-address resources that are registered in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.admin authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the disable subcommand.


Exports the shared-address resource configuration in the format that is described by the clconfiguration(7CL) man page.

You can use this subcommand in the global zone and zone cluster.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.read authorization to use this subcommand.


Displays a list of the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. By default, all resources are displayed.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are displayed. The –g option displays only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types. If no operands are supplied, all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types are displayed.

If you specify the –v option, the resource group and resource type of each resource in the list is also displayed.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To view the shared-address resources that are registered in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.read authorization to use this subcommand.


Displays a list of the properties of the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. By default, the extension properties of all resources are displayed.

The following options filter the list of operands to limit the resources whose properties are displayed:

–g resource-group-list

Displays the properties only of the shared-address resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

The –l option specifies the type of resource properties that are to be displayed:

–l all

Specifies that standard properties and extension properties are displayed.

–l extension

Specifies that only extension properties are displayed. By default, only extension properties are displayed.

–l standard

Specifies that only standard properties are displayed.

If you do not specify the –l option, only extension properties are displayed, unless you specify a standard property explicitly by using the –p option or the –y option.

The –p option limits the set of resource properties that is to be displayed. The –p option displays only the properties that are specified in namelist. You can specify standard properties and extension properties in namelist.

If you specify the –v option, the description of each property is also displayed.

This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types. If no operands are supplied, properties of all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types are displayed.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To view the list of properties of the shared-address resources of a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.read authorization to use this subcommand.


Turns on monitoring for the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that monitoring is turned on for all resources.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are monitored. The –g option monitors only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

If monitoring is turned on for a resource, the resource is monitored only if the following conditions are met:

  • The resource is enabled.

  • The resource group that contains the resource is online on at minimum one cluster node.

Note -  When you turn on monitoring for a resource, you do not enable the resource.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To monitor the resources in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.admin authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the unmonitor subcommand.


Clears an error flag that is associated with the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that the error flag is cleared for all resources.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are reset. The –g option resets only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

By default, the reset subcommand clears the STOP_FAILED error flag. To specify explicitly the error flag that is to be cleared, use the –f option. The only error flag that the –f option accepts is the STOP_FAILED error flag.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To reset the shared-address resources in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.admin authorization to use this subcommand.


Modifies specified properties of the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that the specified properties of all resources are modified.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources that are modified. The –g option modifies only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To set the properties of shared-address resources in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.modify authorization to use this subcommand.


Displays the configuration of the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. By default, the configuration of all resources is displayed.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources for which the configuration is displayed. The –g option displays the configuration of only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

The –p option limits the set of resource properties that is to be displayed. The –p option displays only the properties that are specified in namelist. You can specify standard properties and extension properties in namelist.

This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types. If no operands are supplied, the configuration of all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types are displayed.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To view the configuration of the shared-address resources in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.read authorization to use this subcommand.


Displays the status of the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. By default, the status of all resources is displayed.

The following options filter the list of operands to limit the list of resources for which the status is displayed:

–g resource-group-list

Displays the status of only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

–n nodelist

Displays the status of only the resources in the list of operands that are hosted on the nodes in nodelist.

–s statelist

Displays the status of only the resources in the list of operands that are in the states in statelist.

This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types. If no operands are supplied, the status of all resources in the specified resource groups or that are instances of the specified resource types are displayed.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To view the status of the shared-address resources in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.read authorization to use this subcommand.


Turns off monitoring for the shared-address resources that are specified as operands to the command. This subcommand accepts the plus sign (+) as an operand to specify that monitoring is turned off for all resources.

If you turn off monitoring for a resource that is disabled, the resource is not affected. The resource and its monitor are already offline.

Note -  When you turn off monitoring for a resource, you do not disable the resource. However, when you disable a resource, you do not need to turn off monitoring for the resource. The disabled resource and its monitor are kept offline.

The –g option filters the list of operands to limit the resources for which monitoring is turned off. The –g option turns off monitoring for the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups in resource-group-list.

You can use this subcommand in the global cluster or in a zone cluster.

To turn off monitoring for a shared-address resource in a zone cluster from the global cluster, specify the zone-cluster name using the –Z option.

Users other than the root role require solaris.cluster.admin authorization to use this subcommand.

See also the description of the disable subcommand and the monitor subcommand.


The following options are supported:


Displays help information. When this option is used, no other processing is performed.

You can specify this option without a subcommand or with a subcommand.

If you specify this option without a subcommand, the list of subcommands for this command is displayed.

If you specify this option with a subcommand, the usage options for the subcommand are displayed.

The effect of this option with specific subcommands is as follows:


When specified with the –g option, this option displays help information for all resource properties of the specified resource group.


Displays help information for properties of the resources that are specified as operands to the command.


Automatically performs the following additional operations when resources are being created from cluster configuration information:

  • Registering resource types

  • Creating resource groups

  • Creating resources on which the resources that are specified in the list of operands depend

The cluster configuration information must contain sufficient information to do all of the following:

  • Enable the resource types to be registered

  • Enable the resource groups to be created

  • Enable the resources to be create

You can specify this option only with the create subcommand. If you specify this option, you must also specify the –i option and provide a configuration file.


Disables a resource when the resource is created. You can specify this option only with the create subcommand. By default, resources are created in the enabled state.

Enabling a resource does not guarantee that the resource is brought online. A resource comes online only after the resource's resource group is brought online on at minimum one node.

–f errorflag

Specifies explicitly the error flag that is to be cleared by the reset subcommand. You can specify this option only with the reset subcommand. By default, the reset subcommand clears the STOP_FAILED error flag.

The only error flag that the –f option accepts is the STOP_FAILED error flag.


Forces the deletion of resources that are not disabled. You can specify this option only with the delete subcommand.

–g resource-group[,…]
–-resourcegroup resource-group[,…]

Specifies a resource group or a list of resource groups.

For subcommands except create, the command acts on only the resources in the list of operands that are members of the resource groups that the –g option specifies.

The effect of this option with specific subcommands is as follows:


Specifies that the resource is created in the specified resource group. When you use –g with the create subcommand, you can specify only one resource group.

–h lhost[,…]
–-logicalhost lhost[,…]

Specifies the host name list. You must use the –h option either when more than one logical host needs to be associated with the new SharedAddress resource or when the logical host does not have the same name as the resource itself. All logical hosts in a HostnameList for a SharedAddress resource must be on the same subnet. If you do not specify the HostnameList property, the HostnameList will be the same as the SharedAddress resource.

The logical host names for a SharedAddress resource must be on the same subnet.

You can use –h option instead of setting the HostnameList property with –p; however, you cannot use –h and explicitly set HostnameList in the same command.

You can only use –h option with the create subcommand.

–i {- | clconfiguration}
–-input {- | clconfiguration}

Specifies configuration information that is to be used for creating or modifying shared-address resources. This information must conform to the format that is defined in the clconfiguration(7CL) man page. This information can be contained in a file or supplied through standard input. To specify standard input, specify - instead of a file name.

Only the resources that are supplied as operands to the command are created or modified. Options that are specified in the command override any options that are set in the configuration information. If configuration parameters are missing in the configuration information, you must specify these parameters on the command line.

The effect of this option with specific subcommands is as follows:


When specified with the –a option, this option registers all required resource types and creates all required resource groups. You must supply all information that is required for the registration and configuration. All other configuration data is ignored.

–l listtype
–-listtype listtype

Specifies the type of resource properties that are to be displayed by the list-props subcommand. You can specify this option only with the list-props subcommand.

You must specify one value from the following list for listtype:


Specifies that standard properties and extension properties are displayed.


Specifies that only extension properties are displayed. By default, only extension properties are displayed.


Specifies that only standard properties are displayed.

If you do not specify the –l option, only extension properties are displayed, unless you specify a standard property explicitly by using the –p option.

–n node[,…]
–-node node[,…]

Specifies a node or a list of nodes in the target global cluster or zone cluster. You can specify each node as node name or a node ID.

If the –Z option is specified, then you can specify only zone-cluster hostnames with the –n option and not the global-cluster hostnames. If the –Z option is not specified, then you can specify only the global-cluster hostnames with the –n option.

The subcommands with which you can specify this option are as follows:


Disables only the resources in the list of operands that are hosted on the specified nodes.


Enables only the resources in the list of operands that are hosted on the specified nodes.


Reports the status only of resources in the list of operands that are hosted on the specified nodes.

–N netif@node[,…]
–-netiflist netif@node[,…]

Specifies a resource property. The –N option enables you to set the NetIfList property without using the –p option for the property. If you do not specify –N, the clressharedaddress command attempts to set the NetIfList property for you based on the available interface groups for public networking, and the subnet associated with the HostnameList property. The supported interfaces for public networking include IPMP groups, trunk and DLMP link aggregations, and VNICs that are directly backed by link aggregations.

You can specify the NetIfList property in the form of pnm-object@node[,…]. However, –N accepts both pnm-object@ node[,…] and publicNIC@ node[,…]. If you do not use –N, or if you use it with publicNIC@node, the clressharedaddress command attempts to create the necessary IPMP interface groups. The system creates a set of one or more single-adapter IPMP groups with a set of default later modified to include multiple adapters using standard Oracle Solaris interfaces.

You can use –N instead of directly setting the NetIfList property with –p; however, you cannot use –N and explicitly set NetIfList in the same command.

You can only use –N with the create subcommand.

–o {- | clconfiguration}
–-output {- | clconfiguration}

Specifies the location where resource configuration information is to be written. This location can be a file or standard output. To specify standard output, specify - instead of a file name. If you specify standard output, all other standard output for the command is suppressed. You can specify this option only with the export subcommand.

Configuration information is written only for the resources that are supplied as operands to the command. The information is written in the format that is defined in the clconfiguration(7CL) man page.

–p name=value
–p name-=array-values
–-property name=value
–-property name+=array-values
–-property name-=array-values

Sets the standard properties and extension properties of a resource. You can specify this option only with the create subcommand and the set subcommand.

For a description of standard properties, see the r_properties(7) man page.

For a description of a resource type's extension properties, see the documentation for the resource type.

The operators to use with this option are as follows:


Sets the property to the specified value. The create subcommand and the set subcommand accept this operator.


Adds a value or values to a string array value. Only the set subcommand accepts this operator. You can specify this operator only for string array values.


Removes a value or values from a string array value. Only the set subcommand accepts this operator. You can specify this operator only for string array values.

If a per-node property is to be set only on a subset of cluster nodes, specify the nodes where the property is set by appending the list of nodes in braces to the property name as follows:


nodelist is a comma-separated list of node names or node IDs. For more information about per-node properties, see the rt_properties(7) man page.

–p name[,…]
–-property name[,…]

Specifies a list of properties for the list-props subcommand and show subcommand.

You can use this option for standard properties and extension properties of a resource.

For a description of standard properties, see the r_properties(7) man page.

For a description of a resource type's extension properties, see the documentation for the resource type.

Without this option, the list-props subcommand and show subcommand list all or most resource properties, depending on whether the –v option is also specified.


Recursively enables or disables resources to ensure that all required dependencies are satisfied. You can specify this option only with the disable subcommand and the enable subcommand.

The effect of this option with these subcommands is as follows:


Disables any resources that depend on the resources that are specified as operands to the command, even if the resources are not specified as operands to the command.


Enables any resources on which resources that are specified as operands to the command depend, even if the resources are not specified as operands to the command.

–s state[,…]
–-state state[,…]

Specifies a list of states for the list subcommand and status subcommand.

This option limits the output to include only those resources that are in one of the specified states on one or more nodes in the node list.

The possible states are as follows:

  • degraded

  • detached

  • faulted

  • monitor_failed

  • not_online - specifies any state other than online or online_not_monitored

  • offline

  • online

  • online_not_monitored

  • start_failed

  • stop_failed

  • unknown

  • unmonitored

  • wait


Displays the version of the command.

Do not specify this option with subcommands, operands, or other options. The subcommands, operands, or other options are ignored. The –V option only displays the version of the command. No other operations are performed.


Displays verbose messages to standard output.

You can specify this option with any form of the command.

Do not specify the –v option with the –o- option. The–v option is ignored. The –o- option suppresses all other standard output.

–X node[,…]
–-auxnode node[,…]

Sets the AuxNodeList SharedAddress resource property.

The nodes in the AuxNodeList list can host the set of logical hosts that is associated with the shared-address resource. However, these nodes cannot serve as the primary node during a failover.

–Z {zone-cluster-name | global | all}
–-zonecluster={zone-cluster-name | global | all}
–-zonecluster {zone-cluster-name | global | all}

Specifies the cluster or clusters in which the resource exists and on which you want to operate.

This option is supported by all subcommands except the export subcommand.

The –Z option is not valid when the command is run from a zone-cluster node.

If you specify this option, you must also specify one argument from the following list:


Specifies that the command with which you use this option is to operate on all specified resources in only the zone cluster named zone-cluster-name.


Specifies that the command with which you use this option is to operate on all specified resources in the global cluster only.


Specifies that the command with which you use it is to operate on all specified resources in all clusters, including the global cluster and all zone clusters.


The following operands are supported:


Specifies that the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource names should be accepted as operands. If the subcommand accepts more than one resource, you can use the plus sign (+) to specify all shared-address resources.

Exit Status

If the command is successful for all specified operands, it returns zero (CL_NOERR). If an error occurs for an operand, the command processes the next operand in the operand list. The returned exit code always reflects the error that occurred first.

This command returns the following exit status codes:


No error

The command that you issued completed successfully.


Not enough swap space

A cluster node ran out of swap memory or ran out of other operating system resources.


Invalid argument

You typed the command incorrectly, or the syntax of the cluster configuration information that you supplied with the –i option was incorrect.


Permission denied

The object that you specified is inaccessible. You might need the root role or authorization to issue the command. See the rbac(7) man page for more information.


Object is in wrong state

You tried to modify a property, a resource group, or other object that you cannot modify at that particular time or at any time.


Resource method failed

A method of a resource failed. The method failed for one of the following reasons: (1)The validate method failed when you tried to create a resource or modify the properties of a resource. (2) A method other than validate failed when you tried to enable, disable, or delete a resource.


Invalid property

The property or value that you specified with the –p, –y, or –x option does not exist or is not allowed.


I/O error

A physical input/output error has occurred.


No such object

The object that you specified cannot be found for one of the following reasons: (1) The object does not exist. (2) A directory in the path to the configuration file that you attempted to create with the –o option does not exist. (3)The configuration file that you attempted to access with the –i option contains errors.


Object exists

The device, device group, cluster interconnect component, node, cluster, resource, resource type, resource group, or private string that you specified already exists.

These exit values are compatible with the return codes that are described in the scha_calls(3HA) man page.


Example 1 Creating a Shared-Address Resource

This command creates a resource that is named sharedhost1 in a resource group that is named rg-failover. The resource is created in the enabled state, with monitoring enabled.

# clressharedaddress create -g rg-failover sharedhost1

Both of the following two commands create a resource that is named sharedhost1 in the zone cluster ZC. These commands can be executed in the global-cluster node or inside the zone cluster ZC.

# clressharedaddress create -g rg-failover -Z ZC sharedhost1
# clressharedaddress create -g rg-failover ZC:sharedhost1
Example 2 Creating a Shared-Address Resource With a Different Logical Host Name

This command creates a resource named rs-sharedhost1 in a resource group that is named rg-failover.

The logical host name is not the same as the resource name, but the name and IP address of the logical host remain the same.

# clressharedaddress create -g rg-failover \
-h sharedhost1 rs-sharedhost1
Example 3 Specifying the IPMP Groups for a Shared-Address Resource

This command sets the IPMP groups for the sharedhost1 resource.

# clressharedaddress create -g rg-failover \
-N ipmp0@black,ipmp0@white sharedhost1
Example 4 Deleting a Shared-Address Resource

This command deletes a resource that is named sharedhost1.

# clressharedaddress delete sharedhost1
Example 5 Listing Shared-Address Resources

This command lists all shared-address resources.

# clressharedaddress list
Example 6 Listing Shared-Address Resources With Resource Groups and Resource Types

This command lists all shared-address resources with their resource groups and resource types.

# clressharedaddress list -v
Resources   Resource Groups Resource Types
---------   --------------- --------------
sharedhost1 rg-failover-1   SUNW.SharedAddress
sharedhost2 rg-failover-2   SUNW.SharedAddress
Example 7 Listing Extension Properties of Shared-Address Resources

This command lists the extension properties of all shared-address resources.

# clressharedaddress list-props -v
Properties       Descriptions
----------       ------------
NetIfList        List of IPMP groups on each node
AuxNodeList      List of nodes on which this resource is available
HostnameList     List of hostnames this resource manages
CheckNameService Name service check flag


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

clreslogicalhostname(8CL), scha_calls(3HA), clconfiguration(7CL), r_properties(7), rbac(7), Intro(8CL), clresource(8CL), clresourcegroup(8CL), clresourcetype(8CL), cluster(8CL)


The root role user can run all forms of this command.

Any user can run this command with the following options:

  • –? option

  • –V option

To run this command with subcommands, users other than the root role require authorizations. See the following table.
