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Reference for Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4

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Updated: March 2019

r_properties (7)


r_properties - resource properties


The following information describes the standard resource properties that are defined by Oracle Solaris Cluster software. Standard properties have a common meaning across all resource types in which they are used. These descriptions have been developed for data service developers. For more information about a particular data service, see the man page for that data service.

Besides the standard properties, each resource type can define its own type-specific resource properties, called extension properties. Both standard and extension properties are declared in the Resource Type Registration (RTR) file. The RTR file defines the initial configuration of a data service when the cluster administrator registers the data service with Oracle Solaris Cluster software.

You can specify that a cluster administrator can set an extension property on a per-node basis or for the entire cluster. However, you cannot specify (in the RTR file) that the cluster administrator can do the same for a standard property. Standard properties implicitly can apply to all nodes or to particular nodes. Whether standard properties apply to all nodes or only to particular nodes depends on the particular definition of each standard property.

For more information about the RTR file, see the rt_reg(5) man page. For information about the individual attributes that you can set for resource properties, see the property_attributes(7) man page.

Note -  A resource must have the Scalable resource property set to TRUE before it can use the network load balancing features of Oracle Solaris Cluster software. Scalable resources can use the Affinity_timeout, Generic_affinity, Load_balancing_policy, Load_balancing_weights, Conn_threshold, Round_robin, Port_list, UDP_affinity, and Weak_affinity properties.

Some resource types can run on multiple nodes without using network load balancing. The Scalable property for such a resource is set to False, and such a resource does not use the preceding additional properties.

Standard Resource Property Categories


The cluster administrator must specify a value when creating a resource with an administrative utility.


If the cluster administrator does not specify a value when creating a resource group, the system supplies a default value.


The Resource Group Manager (RGM) creates the property only if the property is declared in the Resource Type Registration (RTR) file. Otherwise, the property does not exist and is not available to the cluster administrator. A conditional property that is declared in the RTR file is optional or required, depending on whether a default value is specified in the RTR file. For details, see the description of each conditional property.


Cannot be set directly by an administrative tool.

The cluster administrator can edit all tunable properties by using the following command:

# clresource set -p property=new-value resource

Standard Resource Property Descriptions

Note -  Property names, such as Affinity_timeout and Cheap_probe_interval, are not case sensitive. You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters when you specify property names.
Affinity_timeout (integer)

Length of time, in seconds, during which connections from a given client IP address for any service in the resource are sent to the same server node.

If you set this property to -1, all connections are sent to the same node. If you set this property to 0, all open connections are sent to the same node. If you set this property to n, for n number of seconds after the last connection has closed, all new connections are sent to the same node as the last connection.

In all cases, if the server node leaves the cluster as a result of a failure, a new server node is selected.

This property is relevant only when Load_balancing_policy is either Lb_sticky or Lb_sticky_wild. In addition, Weak_affinity must be set to False (the default value).

This property is used only for scalable services.






Any time

Application_user (string)

An Oracle Solaris user name to be used for execution of application programs related to the resource.

Application programs that are executed by resource methods or monitors might execute as root or as a non-root user (the "application user"), depending on how the particular agent is implemented. The application_user resource property does not exist for all resource types; only those resource types that declare this property allow it to be set.

A resource type that declares the application_user resource property is typically an agent that uses the scha_check_app_user(8HA) interface to perform additional checks on the executable file ownership and permissions of application programs. If the application program executable is not owned by root but is to be executed by root, or if the executable has group or world write permissions, an insecurity exists. In this case, if the resource_security property is set to SECURE, execution of the application program fails at run time and an error is returned. If resource_security has any other setting, the application program is allowed to execute with a warning message.

A resource type that declares the application_user property sets the user ID for execution of application programs according to the setting of the resource_security cluster property. If resource_security is set to COMPATIBILITY, the setting of the application_user resource property is ignored and the application user will be the effective user ID of the caller (usually root). This behavior is compatible with previous releases of Oracle Solaris Cluster.

If resource_security is set to OVERRIDE , the application_user property is ignored and the application user will be the owner of the application program executable file.

If resource_security is set to SECURE or WARN, the application user will be the value of the application_user resource property; however, if application_user is unset or empty, the application user will be the owner of the application program executable file.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the RTR file, the tunability of the property is When_disabled.




The empty string


When disabled

Cheap_probe_interval (integer)

The number of seconds between invocations of a quick fault probe of the resource. This property is only created by the RGM and available to the cluster administrator if this property is declared in the RTR file.

This property is optional if a default value is specified in the RTR file. If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the resource-type file, the Tunable value for the property is When_disabled.




See above


When disabled


Determines whether a node participates in the scalable service, and receives client requests from the load balancer, when not all ports that are specified in the Port_list property have an active listening process. This property is only applicable to scalable services.

Supported values include:

  • FALSE (default) - A node participates in the scalable service when at least one of its ports has an active listening process.

  • TRUE - A node participates in the scalable service only when all ports have an active listening process.






When disabled

Conn_threshold (integer)

Maximum number of active connections or clients supported when Round_robin load distribution is enabled. TCP connections are considered active if the connection endpoint remains alive on the server node. UDP sessions are considered active if there is traffic flow within the UDP session active timeout window setting (see the udp_session_timeout cluster property).






When disabled

Failover_mode (enum)

Modifies the recovery actions that the RGM takes when a resource fails to start or stop successfully, or when a resource monitor finds a resource to be unhealthy and consequently requests a restart or failover.

NONE, SOFT, or HARD (method failures)

These settings affect only failover behavior when a start or stop method (Prenet_start, Start, Monitor_stop, Stop, Postnet_stop) fails. The RESTART_ONLY and LOG_ONLY settings can also affect whether the resource monitor can initiate the execution of the scha_control command or the scha_control() function.

NONE indicates that the RGM is not to take any recovery action when one of the previously mentioned start or stop methods fails. SOFT or HARD indicates that if a Start or Prenet_start method fails, the RGM is to relocate the resource's group to a different node. For Start or Prenet_start failures, SOFT and HARD are the same.

For failure of a stop method (Monitor_stop, Stop, or Postnet_stop), SOFT is the same as NONE. If Failover_mode is set to HARD when one of these stop methods fails, the RGM reboots the node to force the resource group offline. The RGM might then attempt to start the group on another node. However, if the resource group is being quiesced by the clresourcegroup quiesce subcommand, the node will not be rebooted even if the Failover_mode is HARD and a stop method fails. In this case, the resource will instead move to a STOP_FAILED state.


Unlike NONE, SOFT, and HARD, which affect failover behavior when a start or stop method fails, RESTART_ONLY and LOG_ONLY affect all failover behavior. Failover behavior includes monitor-initiated (scha_control) restarts of resources and resource groups, and give overs that are initiated by the resource monitor.

RESTART_ONLY indicates that the monitor can run scha_control to restart a resource or a resource group. The RGM allows Retry_count restarts within Retry_interval. If Retry_count is exceeded, no further restarts are permitted.

Note -  A negative value of Retry_count, which is permitted by some but not all resource types, specifies an unlimited number of resource restarts. A more dependable way to specify unlimited restarts is to do the following:
  • Set Retry_interval to a small value such as 1 or 0.

  • Set Retry_count to a large value such as 1000.

If the resource type does not declare the Retry_count and Retry_interval properties, an unlimited number of resource restarts is permitted.

If Failover_mode is set to LOG_ONLY, no resource restarts or give overs are permitted. Setting Failover_mode to LOG_ONLY is the same as setting Failover_mode to RESTART_ONLY with Retry_count set to zero.

RESTART_ONLY or LOG_ONLY (method failures)

If a Prenet_start, Start, Monitor_stop, Stop, or Postnet_stop method fails, RESTART_ONLY and LOG_ONLY are the same as NONE. That is, the data service is not failed over or rebooted.

Effect of Failover_mode Settings on a Data Service

The effect that each setting for Failover_mode has on a data service depends on whether the data service is monitored or unmonitored and whether it is based on the Data Services Development Library (DSDL).

  • A data service is monitored if it implements a Monitor_start method and monitoring of the resource is enabled. The RGM starts a resource monitor by executing the Monitor_start method after starting the resource itself. The resource monitor probes the health of the resource. If the probes fail, the resource monitor might request a restart or a failover by calling the scha_control() function. For DSDL-based resources, probes might reveal partial failure (degradation) or a complete failure of the data service. Repeated partial failures accumulate to a complete failure.

  • A data service is unmonitored if it does not provide a Monitor_start method or if monitoring of the resource has been disabled.

  • DSDL-based data services include those that are developed with Agent Builder, through the GDS, or by using the DSDL directly. Some data services, HA Oracle for example, were developed without using the DSDL.

NONE, SOFT, or HARD (probe failures)

If you set Failover_mode to NONE, SOFT, or HARD, if the data service is a monitored DSDL-based service, and if the probe fails completely, the monitor calls the scha_control() function to request a restart of the resource. If probes continue to fail, the resource is restarted up to a maximum of Retry_count times within Retry_interval. If the probes fail again after the Retry_count number of restarts is reached, the monitor requests a failover of the resource's group to another node.

If you set Failover_mode to NONE, SOFT, or HARD and the data service is an unmonitored DSDL-based service, the only failure that is detected is the death of the resource's process tree. If the resource's process tree dies, the resource is restarted.

If the data service is a not a DSDL-based service, the restart or failover behavior depends on how the resource monitor is coded. For example, the Oracle resource monitor recovers by restarting the resource or the resource group, or by failing over the resource group.

RESTART_ONLY (probe failures)

If you set Failover_mode to RESTART_ONLY, if the data service is a monitored DSDL-based service, and if the probe fails completely, the resource is restarted Retry_count times within Retry_interval. However, if Retry_count is exceeded, the resource monitor exits, sets the resource status to FAULTED, and generates the status message Application faulted, but not restarted. Probe quitting.. At this point, although monitoring is still enabled, the resource is effectively unmonitored until it is repaired and restarted by the cluster administrator.

If you set Failover_mode to RESTART_ONLY, if the data service is an unmonitored DSDL-based service, and if the process tree dies, the resource is not restarted.

If a monitored data service is not DSDL-based, the recovery behavior depends on how the resource monitor is coded. If you set Failover_mode to RESTART_ONLY, the resource or resource group can be restarted by a call to the scha_control() function Retry_count times within Retry_interval. If the resource monitor exceeds Retry_count, the attempt to restart fails. If the monitor calls scha_control() to request a failover, that request fails as well.

LOG_ONLY (probe failures)

If you set Failover_mode to LOG_ONLY for any data service, all scha_control() requests to restart the resource or resource group or to fail over the group are precluded. If the data service is DSDL-based, a message is logged when a probe completely fails, but the resource is not restarted. If a probe fails completely more than Retry_count times within Retry_interval, the resource monitor exits, sets the resource status to FAULTED, and generates the status message Application faulted, but not restarted. Probe quitting.. At this point, although monitoring is still enabled, the resource is effectively unmonitored until it is repaired and restarted by the cluster administrator.

If you set Failover_mode to LOG_ONLY, if the data service is an unmonitored DSDL-based service, and if the process tree dies, a message is logged but the resource is not restarted.

If a monitored data service is not DSDL-based, the recovery behavior depends on how the resource monitor is coded. If you set Failover_mode to LOG_ONLY, all scha_control() requests to restart the resource or resource group or to fail over the group fail.






Any time

Global_zone_override (boolean)

This property is allowed only for resource types that set the Global_zone=TRUE property in the RTR file. The setting of the Global_zone_override property overrides the value of the resource type property Global_zone for the particular resource. See the rt_properties(7) man page for more information.

Setting the Global_zone_override property to FALSE forces the resource methods to execute in the non-global zone in which the resource group is configured, rather than always executing in the global zone as they usually would when the Global_zone property is set to TRUE.

This property is optional if a default value is specified in the RTR file.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the RTR file, the Tunable value for the property is At_creation. You can set the Tunable attribute in the RTR file to At_creation, When_disabled, or Anytime.

Note -  Use caution when you set the Tunable attribute to Anytime in the RTR file. Changes to the Global_zone_override property take effect immediately, even if the resource is online. For example, suppose that the Global_zone_override tunability is set to ANYTIME and the Global_zone_override property is currently set to FALSE on a resource that is configured in a non-global zone. When the resource is switched online, the starting methods are executed in the non-global zone. If you then set the Global_zone_override property to TRUE and the resource is switched offline, the stopping methods are executed in the global zone. Your method code must handle this possibility. If your method code does not handle this possibility, you must set the Tunable attribute to When_disabled or At_creation instead.





At creation

Load_balancing_policy (string)

A string that defines the load-balancing policy in use. This property is used only for scalable services. The RGM automatically creates this property if the Scalable property is declared in the RTR file.

Load_balancing_policy can take the following values:

  • Lb_weighted (the default). The load is distributed among various nodes according to the weights set in the Load_balancing_weights property.

  • Lb_sticky. The set of ports is known at the time the application resources are configured. A given client (identified by the client's IP address) of the scalable service is always sent to the same node of the cluster.

  • Lb_sticky_wild. The port numbers are not known in advance but are dynamically assigned. A given client (identified by the client's IP address) that connects to an IP address of a wildcard sticky service is always sent to the same cluster node regardless of the port number to which that IP address is coming.






At creation

Load_balancing_weights (string_array)

For scalable resources only. The RGM automatically creates this property if the Scalable property is declared in the RTR file. The format is weight@node,weight@node…, where weight is an integer that reflects the relative portion of load distributed to the specified node. The fraction of load distributed to a node is the weight for this node divided by the sum of all weights. For example, 1@1,3@2 specifies that node 1 receives 1/4 of the load and node 2 receives 3/4. The empty string (“”), the default, sets a uniform distribution. Any node that is not assigned an explicit weight receives a default weight of 1. You can specify weight 0 to assign no load to a node.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the resource-type file, the Tunable value for the property is Anytime. Changing this property revises the distribution for new connections only.






Any time

method_timeout for each callback method (integer)

A time lapse, in seconds, after which the RGM concludes that an invocation of the method has failed.

Note -  You cannot specify a maximum value for a method timeout (using the Max attribute). Likewise, you cannot specify a minimum value of zero (Min=0).



3,600 seconds (one hour) if the method itself is declared in the RTR file


Any time

Monitored_switch (enum)

You cannot directly set this property. Rather, it is set to Enabled or to Disabled by the RGM, either on a particular node or for the entire cluster. The RGM does so if the cluster administrator enables or disables the monitor with an administrative utility, either on a particular node or for the entire cluster. If disabled, the Monitor_start method is not called on the resource until monitoring is enabled again. If the resource does not have a monitor callback method, this property evaluates to Disabled.




Enabled, if the resource type has monitoring methods, disabled otherwise


See the description

Network_resources_used (string_array)

A list of logical-hostname or shared-address resources on which this resource has a dependency. This list contains all network-address resources that appear in the properties Resource_dependencies, Resource_dependencies_weak, Resource_dependencies_restart, or Resource_dependencies_offline_restart.

The RGM automatically creates this property if the Scalable property is declared in the RTR file. If the Scalable property is not declared in the RTR file, Network_resources_used is unavailable unless it is explicitly declared in the RTR file.

If you do not assign a value to the Network_resources_used property, its value is updated automatically by the RGM, based on the setting of the resource-dependencies properties. You do not need to set this property directly. Instead, set the Resource_dependencies, Resource_dependencies_offline_restart, Resource_dependencies_restart, or Resource_dependencies_weak property. If per-node dependencies are specified, the derived value of the Network_resources_used property includes only those dependencies which are in effect on the local node. The value might differ on each node.

To maintain compatibility with earlier releases of Oracle Solaris Cluster software, you can still set the value of the Network_resources_used property directly. If you set the value of the Network_resources_used property directly, the value of the Network_resources_used property is no longer derived from the settings of the resource-dependencies properties. If you add a resource name to the Network_resources_used property, the resource name is automatically added to the Resource_dependencies property as well. The only way to remove that dependency is to remove it from the Network_resources_used property. If you are not sure whether a network-resource dependency was originally added to the Resource_dependencies property or to the Network_resources_used property, remove the dependency from both properties. For example, the following command removes a dependency of resource r1 upon network resource r2, regardless of whether the dependency was added to the Network_resources_used or Resource_dependencies property:

# clresource set -p Network_resources_used-=r2 \
-p Resource_dependencies-=r2 r1

For simplicity, avoid setting a value for the Network_resources_used property. Set only the resource dependency properties, and treat the Network_resources_used property as a read-only property.




The empty list


Any time

Num_resource_restarts on each cluster node (integer)

The number of restart requests that have occurred on this resource within the past n seconds, where n is the value of the Retry_interval property.

A restart request is any of the following calls:

  • The scha_control command with the RESOURCE_RESTART argument

  • The scha_control() function with the SCHA_RESOURCE_RESTART argument

  • The scha_control command with the RESOURCE_IS_RESTARTED argument

  • The scha_control() function with the SCHA_RESOURCE_IS_RESTARTED argument

The RGM resets the restart counter to zero for a given resource on a given node whenever that resource executes one of the following:

  • The scha_control command with the GIVEOVER argument

  • The scha_control() function with the SCHA_GIVEOVER argument

The counter is reset whether the give over attempt succeeds or fails.

If a resource type does not declare the Retry_interval property, the Num_resource_restarts property is not available for resources of that type.




No default


See description

Num_rg_restarts on each cluster node (integer)

The number of resource-group restart requests that have occurred for this resource within the past n seconds, where n is the value of the Retry_interval property.

A resource-group restart request is either of the following calls:

  • The scha_control command with the RESTART argument

  • The scha_control() function with the SCHA_RESTART argument

If a resource type does not declare the Retry_interval property, the Num_rg_restarts property is not available for resources of that type.




No default


See description

On_off_switch (enum)

You cannot directly set this property. Rather, it is set to Enabled or to Disabled by the RGM, either on a particular node or for the entire cluster. The RGM does so if the cluster administrator enables or disables the resource with an administrative utility, either on a particular node or for the entire cluster. If disabled, a resource has no callbacks invoked until it is enabled again.






See description


Specifies whether the scalable service uses the virtual network address (see Network_resources_used property) in initiating outgoing requests to servers outside the cluster. The load balancer ensures that any incoming replies are forwarded to the initiating node.

Note -  Only one node of the cluster can initiate requests to a given server at a time.

This property is only applicable to scalable services with Generic_Affinity set to TRUE andLoad_balancing_policy set to LB_STICKY_WILD. Supported values include:

  • FALSE (default) - The scalable service does not initiate outgoing requests to external servers by using the virtual network address that is specified in the Network_resources_used property.

  • TRUE - The scalable service initiates outgoing requests to external servers by using the virtual network address that is specified in the Network_resources_used property. The load balancer forwards incoming replies to the initiating node.






At creation

Port_list (string_array)

A comma-separated list of port numbers on which the server is listening. Appended to each port number is a slash (/) followed by the protocol that is being used by that port, for example, Port_list=80/tcp or Port_list=80/tcp6,40/udp6.

Possible protocols that you can specify include:

  • tcp, for only TCP IPv4

  • tcp6, for both TCP IPv4 and TCP IPv6

  • udp, for only UDP IPv4

  • udp6, for both UDP IPv4 and UDP IPv6

If the Scalable property is declared in the RTR file, the RGM automatically creates Port_list. Otherwise, this property is unavailable unless it is explicitly declared in the RTR file.

Setting up this property for use with Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Apache is described in the Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Apache Guide.




No default


Any time

Pre_evict (boolean)

Evictions of lower-priority resource groups may be performed in connection with a resource group switch, if another group declares a strong negative affinity for the group being switched, or if hard load limits are exceeded on the node.

This property determines whether the RGM attempts to perform resource group evictions before initiating a switchover of the resource group containing this resource.

Supported values include:

  • FALSE (default) - Resource group evictions are executed when the switching resource group begins to go online on the target node.

  • TRUE - Resource group evictions are executed on the switchover target node before the switching resource group begins to go offline from its current master. This setting is effective only for single-mastered resource groups, that is resource groups that have the Maximum_primaries property set to 1.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the RTR file, the Tunable value of the property is When disabled.






When disabled

R_description (string)

A brief description of the resource.




The empty string


Any time

Resource_dependencies (string_array)

A list of resources in the same group or in different groups upon which this resource has a strong dependency. This resource cannot be started if the start of any resource in the list fails. If this resource and one of the resources in the list start at the same time, the RGM waits until the resource in the list starts before the RGM starts this resource. If the resource in this resource's Resource_dependencies list does not start (for example, if the resource group for the resource in the list remains offline or if the resource in the list is in a Start_failed state), this resource also remains offline. If this resource remains offline because of a dependency on a resource in a different resource group that fails to start, this resource's group enters a Pending_online_blocked state.

If this resource is brought offline at the same time as those in the list, this resource stops before those in the list. However, if this resource remains online or fails to stop, a resource in the list stops anyway.

By default in a resource group, application resources have an implicit strong resource dependency on network address resources. Implicit_network_dependencies in the rg_properties(7) man page contains more information.

Within a resource group, Prenet_start methods are run in dependency order before Start methods. Postnet_stop methods are run in dependency order after Stop methods. In different resource groups, the dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to finish Prenet_start and Start before it runs Prenet_start. The depended-on resource waits for the dependent resource to finish Stop and Postnet_stop before it runs Stop.

To specify the scope of a dependency, append the following qualifiers, including the braces ({ }) or at-sign (@), to the resource name when you specify this property.


Extends the specified dependency to any node. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource on any node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on any primary node before it starts itself. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.


Specifies that the scope of the resource dependency is derived from the RG_affinities relationship of the resource groups to which the resources belong. If the dependent resource's group has a positive affinity for the depended-on resource's resource group, and they are starting or stopping on the same node, the dependency is {LOCAL_NODE}. If no such positive affinity exists, or if the groups are starting on different nodes, the dependency is {ANY_NODE}.


Limits the specified dependency to a per-node basis. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource only on the same node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on the same node. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.

If the {LOCAL_NODE} dependent resource is in a failover (that is, single-mastered) resource group, and if the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is unsatisfied on one node, the resource group might fail over to a different node on which the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is satisfied, rather than remaining in the Pending_online_blocked state on the node where the dependency is unsatisfied.


Specifies a {LOCAL_NODE} dependency which is limited to a particular node and has no effect on other nodes. This allows a resource to have different dependencies on each node of the cluster. The nodename is a node name or node ID.

For example, the following list indicates a dependency on resource res1 on node node1 and a dependency on resource res2 on node node2:


If the same dependency is applicable on multiple nodes, repeat the resource name with each node name. For example:


Resource dependencies between two resources that are located in the same resource group are always {LOCAL_NODE}.

If you do not specify a qualifier, FROM_RG_AFFINITIES is used by default.

The scha_resource_get(8HA), scha_resource_open(3HA), and scds_property_functions(3HA) man pages document alternate query forms to obtain the dependency list with qualifiers or without qualifiers.




The empty list


Any time

Resource_dependencies_offline_restart (string_array)

A list of resources in the same group or in different groups upon which this resource has an offline-restart dependency.

This property works just as Resource_dependencies does, except that, if any resource in the offline-restart dependency list is stopped, this resource is stopped. If that resource in the offline-restart dependency list is subsequently restarted, this resource is restarted.

This resource cannot be started if the start of any resource in the list fails. If this resource and one of the resources in the list start at the same time, the RGM waits until the resource in the list starts before the RGM starts this resource. If the resource in this resource's Resource_dependencies list does not start (for example, if the resource group for the resource in the list remains offline or if the resource in the list is in a Start_failed state), this resource also remains offline. If this resource remains offline because of a dependency on a resource in a different resource group that fails to start, this resource's group enters a Pending_online_blocked state.

If this resource is brought offline at the same time as those in the list, this resource stops before those in the list. However, if this resource remains online or fails to stop, a resource in the list stops anyway.

If a fault occurs on a “depended-on” resource on a node, and the resource cannot recover, the RGM brings that resource on that node offline. The RGM also brings all of the depended-on resource's offline-restart dependents offline by triggering a restart on them. When the cluster administrator resolves the fault and re-enables the depended-on resource, the RGM brings the depended-on resource's offline-restart dependents back online as well.

To specify the scope of a dependency, append the following qualifiers, including the braces ({ }) or at-sign (@), to the resource name when you specify this property.


Extends the specified dependency to any node. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource on any node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on any primary node before it starts itself. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.


Specifies that the scope of the resource dependency is derived from the RG_affinities relationship of the resource groups to which the resources belong. If the dependent resource's group has a positive affinity for the depended-on resource's resource group, and they are starting or stopping on the same node, the dependency is {LOCAL_NODE}. If no such positive affinity exists, or if the groups are starting on different nodes, the dependency is {ANY_NODE}.


Limits the specified dependency to a per-node basis. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource only on the same node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on the same node. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.

If the {LOCAL_NODE} dependent resource is in a failover (that is, single-mastered) resource group, and if the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is unsatisfied on one node, the resource group might fail over to a different node on which the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is satisfied, rather than remaining in the Pending_online_blocked state on the node where the dependency is unsatisfied.


Specifies a {LOCAL_NODE} dependency which is limited to a particular node and has no effect on other nodes. This allows a resource to have different dependencies on each node of the cluster. The nodename is a node name or node ID.

For example, the following list indicates a dependency on resource res1 on node node1 and a dependency on resource res2 on node node2:


If the same dependency is applicable on multiple nodes, repeat the resource name with each node name. For example:


Resource dependencies between two resources that are located in the same resource group are always {LOCAL_NODE}.

If you do not specify a qualifier, FROM_RG_AFFINITIES is used by default.

The scha_resource_get(8HA), scha_resource_open(3HA), and scds_property_functions(3HA) man pages document alternate query forms to obtain the dependency list with qualifiers or without qualifiers.




The empty list


Any time

Resource_dependencies_restart (string_array)

A list of resources in the same group or in different groups upon which this resource has an restart dependency.

This property works just as Resource_dependencies does, except that, if any resource in the restart dependency list is restarted, this resource is restarted. The restart of this resource occurs after the resource in the list comes back online.

This resource cannot be started if the start of any resource in the list fails. If this resource and one of the resources in the list start at the same time, the RGM waits until the resource in the list starts before the RGM starts this resource.

If the resource in this resource's Resource_dependencies_restart list does not start (for example, if the resource group for the resource in the list remains offline or if the resource in the list is in a Start_failed state), this resource remains offline. If this resource remains offline because of a dependency on a resource in a different resource group that fails to start, this resource's group enters a Pending_online_blocked state.

If this resource is brought offline at the same time as those in the list, this resource stops before those in the list. However, if this resource remains online or fails to stop, a resource in the list stops anyway.

Within a resource group, Prenet_start methods are run in dependency order before Start methods. Postnet_stop methods are run in dependency order after Stop methods. In different resource groups, the dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to finish Prenet_start and Start before it runs Prenet_start. The depended-on resource waits for the dependent resource to finish Stop and Postnet_stop before it runs Stop.

To specify the scope of a dependency, append the following qualifiers, including the braces ({ }) or at-sign (@), to the resource name when you specify this property.


Limits the specified dependency to a per-node basis. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource only on the same node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on the same node. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.

If the {LOCAL_NODE} dependent resource is in a failover (that is, single-mastered) resource group, and if the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is unsatisfied on one node, the resource group might fail over to a different node on which the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is satisfied, rather than remaining in the Pending_online_blocked state on the node where the dependency is unsatisfied.


Extends the specified dependency to any node. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource on any node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on any primary node before it starts itself. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.


Specifies a {LOCAL_NODE} dependency which is limited to a particular node and has no effect on other nodes. This allows a resource to have different dependencies on each node of the cluster. The nodename is a node name or node ID.

For example, the following list indicates a dependency on resource res1 on node node1 and a dependency on resource res2 on node node2:


If the same dependency is applicable on multiple nodes, repeat the resource name with each node name. For example:


Specifies that the scope of the resource dependency is derived from the RG_affinities relationship of the resource groups to which the resources belong. If the dependent resource's group has a positive affinity for the depended-on resource's resource group, and they are starting or stopping on the same node, the dependency is {LOCAL_NODE}. If no such positive affinity exists, or if the groups are starting on different nodes, the dependency is {ANY_NODE}.

Resource dependencies between two resources that are located in the same resource group are always {LOCAL_NODE}.

If you do not specify a qualifier, FROM_RG_AFFINITIES is used by default.

The scha_resource_get(8HA), scha_resource_open(3HA), and scds_property_functions(3HA) man pages document alternate query forms to obtain the dependency list with qualifiers or without qualifiers.




The empty list


Any time

Resource_dependencies_weak (string_array)

A list of resources in the same group or in different groups upon which this resource has a weak dependency. A weak dependency determines the order of method calls within the group. The RGM calls the Start methods of the resources in this list before the Start method of this resource. The RGM calls the Stop methods of this resource before the Stop methods of those in the list. The resource can still start if those in the list fail to start or remain offline.

If this resource and a resource in its Resource_dependencies_weak list start concurrently, the RGM waits until the resource in the list starts before the RGM starts this resource. If the resource in the list does not start (for example, if the resource group for the resource in the list remains offline or the resource in the list is in a Start_failed state), this resource starts. This resource's resource group might enter a Pending_online_blocked state temporarily as resources in the this resource's Resource_dependencies_weak list start. When all resources in the list have started or failed to start, this resource starts and its group reenters the Pending_online state.

If this resource is brought offline at the same time as those in the list, this resource stops before those in the list. However, if this resource remains online or fails to stop, a resource in the list stops anyway.

Within a resource group, Prenet_start methods are run in dependency order before Start methods. Postnet_stop methods are run in dependency order after Stop methods. In different resource groups, the dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to finish Prenet_start and Start before it runs Prenet_start. The depended-on resource waits for the dependent resource to finish Stop and Postnet_stop before it runs Stop.

To specify the scope of a dependency, append the following qualifiers, including the braces ({ }) or at-sign (@), to the resource name when you specify this property.


Limits the specified dependency to a per-node basis. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource only on the same node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on the same node. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.

If the {LOCAL_NODE} dependent resource is in a failover (that is, single-mastered) resource group, and if the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is unsatisfied on one node, the resource group might fail over to a different node on which the {LOCAL_NODE} dependency is satisfied, rather than remaining in the Pending_online_blocked state on the node where the dependency is unsatisfied.


Extends the specified dependency to any node. The behavior of the dependent is affected by the depended-on resource on any node. The dependent resource waits for the depended-on resource to start on any primary node before it starts itself. The situation is similar for stopping and restarting.


Specifies a {LOCAL_NODE} dependency which is limited to a particular node and has no effect on other nodes. This allows a resource to have different dependencies on each node of the cluster. The nodename is a node name or node ID.

For example, the following list indicates a dependency on resource res1 on node node1 and a dependency on resource res2 on node node2:


If the same dependency is applicable on multiple nodes, repeat the resource name with each node name. For example:


Specifies that the scope of the resource dependency is derived from the RG_affinities relationship of the resource groups to which the resources belong. If the dependent resource's group has a positive affinity for the depended-on resource's resource group, and they are starting or stopping on the same node, the dependency is {LOCAL_NODE}. If no such positive affinity exists, or if the groups are starting on different nodes, the dependency is {ANY_NODE}.

Resource dependencies between two resources that are located in the same resource group are always {LOCAL_NODE}.

If you do not specify a qualifier, FROM_RG_AFFINITIES is used by default.

The scha_resource_get(8HA), scha_resource_open(3HA), and scds_property_functions(3HA) man pages document alternate query forms to obtain the dependency list with qualifiers or without qualifiers.




The empty list


Any time

Resource_name (string)

The name of the resource instance. Must be unique within the cluster configuration and cannot be changed after a resource has been created.




No default



Resource_project_name (string)

The Oracle Solaris project name (see projects(1)) associated with the resource. Use this property to apply Solaris resource management features such as CPU shares and resource pools to cluster data services. When the RGM brings resources online, it launches the related processes under this project name. If this property is not specified, the project name will be taken from the RG_project_name property of the resource group that contains the resource (see the rg_properties(7) man page). If neither property is specified, the RGM uses the predefined project name default. The specified project name must exist in the projects database (see the projects(1) man page and Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones).

Note -  Changes to this property take affect the next time the resource is started.





Any time

Valid value

Any valid Oracle Solaris project name, or null

Resource_state on each cluster node (enum)

The RGM-determined state of the resource on each cluster node. Possible states include: Online, Offline, Start_failed, Stop_failed, Monitor_failed, Online_not_monitored, Starting, and Stopping.


The starting methods (Prenet_start, Start, and Monitor_start) have executed successfully on the resource on this node.


The resource has not yet started for the first time on this node, or the stopping methods (Monitor_stop, Stop, and Postnet_stop, as applicable to the particular resource) have executed successfully on the resource on this node.


A Prenet_start or Start method failed on the resource on this node. Start_failed means that the method exited with a nonzero exit status or timed out. The service that is represented by the resource might or might not actually have started on this node.


A Monitor_stop, Stop, or Postnet_stop method failed on the resource on this node. Stop_failed means that the method exited with a nonzero exit status or timed out. The service that is represented by the resource might or might not actually have stopped on this node.

When a resource enters this state, the resource-group state becomes Error_stop_failed and requires you to intervene. Error_stop_failed is described in more detail in the rg_properties(7) man page.


The resource successfully executed its Prenet_start or Start methods (as applicable to the specific resource type). However, the resources' Monitor_start method exited with a nonzero exit status or timed out. The resource monitor might or might not actually have started on this node.


The resource successfully executed its Prenet_start or Start methods (as applicable to the specific resource type). The Monitor_start method has not yet been executed on the resource. A resource that is unmonitored (that is, for which there is no Monitor_start method, or for which monitoring has been disabled) remains in this state when the resource group goes to Online state.


The resource is running the Prenet_start or Start method in an attempt to go online.


The resource is running the Start or Postnet_stop method in an attempt to go offline.

You cannot configure this property.




No default



Retry_count (integer)

The number of times a monitor attempts to restart a resource if it fails. If the Retry_count is exceeded, depending on the particular data service and the setting of the Failover_mode property, the monitor might do one of the following:

  • Allow the resource group to remain on the current primary, even though the resource is in a faulted state

  • Request a failover of the resource group onto a different node

This property is created by the RGM and is made available to the cluster administrator only if this property is declared in the RTR file. This property is optional if a default value is specified in the RTR file.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the resource-type file, the Tunable value for the property is When_disabled.

If you specify a negative value for this property, the monitor attempts to restart the resource an unlimited number of times.

Note -  Some resource types do not allow you to set Retry_count to a negative value. A more dependable way to specify unlimited restarts is to do the following:
  • Set Retry_interval to a small value such as 1 or 0.

  • Set Retry_count to a large value such as 1000.




See above


When disabled

Retry_interval (integer)

The number of seconds in which to count attempts to restart a failed resource. The resource monitor uses this property in conjunction with Retry_count. This property is created by the RGM and made available to the cluster administrator only if it is declared in the RTR file. This property is optional if a default value is specified in the RTR file.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the resource-type file, the Tunable value for the property is When_disabled.

Note -  If the Retry_interval property is not declared, the call to scha_resource_get (num_*_restarts) fails with exit 13 (SCHA_ERR_RT).



See above


When disabled

Round_robin (boolean)

Assigns incoming requests to specific server nodes in a round-robin fashion taking into account the relative load_balancing_weights value assigned to each node. Requests are assigned on a connection basis for resources with a non-sticky load_balancing_policy setting; otherwise, requests are assigned on a per-client IP address basis.

Round_Robin should be enabled for resources that require deterministic load distribution of incoming requests where a small number of connections or clients are expected.

A resource property, Conn_threshold, and a cluster property, udp_session_timeout, support the Round Robin scheme and can optionally be configured if the Round_robin resource property is set for a service.

No existing resource type registration (RTR) files need to be upgraded to use the Round_robin property.






When disabled

Scalable (boolean)

Indicates whether the resource is scalable, that is, whether the resource uses the networking load balancing features of Oracle Solaris Cluster software.

If this property is declared in the RTR file, the RGM automatically creates the following scalable service properties for resources of that type: Affinity_timeout, Load_balancing_policy, Load_balancing_weights, Network_resources_used, Port_list, UDP_affinity, and Weak_affinity. These properties have their default values unless they are explicitly declared in the RTR file. The default for Scalable, when it is declared in the RTR file, is True.

If this property is declared in the RTR file, it is not permitted to be assigned a Tunable attribute other than At_creation.

If this property is not declared in the RTR file, the resource is not scalable, you cannot tune this property, and no scalable service properties are set by the RGM. However, you can explicitly declare the Network_resources_used and Port_list properties in the RTR file, if you want, because these properties can be useful in a non-scalable service as well as in a scalable service.

You use the Scalable resource property in combination with the Failover resource-type property, as follows:

Do not specify this illogical combination.
Specify this combination for a failover service.
Specify this combination for a scalable service that uses a SharedAddress resource for network load balancing. The Concepts for Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.4 describes SharedAddress in more detail.
Use this combination to configure a multi-master service that does not use network load balancing.

The description for the Failover resource-type property in the rt_properties(7) man page contains additional information.




See above


At creation

Status on each cluster node(enum)

Set by the resource monitor. Possible values are: Online, Degraded, Faulted, Unknown, and Offline. The RGM sets the value to Online when the resource is started, if it is not already set by the Start (or Prenet_start) method. The RGM sets the value to Offline when the resource is stopped, if it is not already set by the Stop (or Postnet_stop) method.




No default


Only by using the scha_resource_setstatus command

Status_msg on each cluster node (string)

Set by the resource monitor at the same time as the Status property. The RGM sets it to the empty string when the resource is brought Offline, if it was not already set by the Stop (or Postnet_stop) method.




No default


Only by using the scha_resource_setstatus

Thorough_probe_interval (integer)

The number of seconds between invocations of a high-overhead fault probe of the resource. This property is created by the RGM and available to the cluster administrator only if it is declared in the RTR file. This property is optional if a default value is specified in the RTR file.

If the Tunable attribute is not specified in the resource-type file, the Tunable value for the property is When_disabled.




No default


When disabled

Timeout_delay (boolean)

Determines whether or not to pass the –d (delay) option to the hatimerun command. A resource type that declares the Timeout_delay resource property is executing a command under a time limit imposed by the use of the hatimerun command. The –d option delays starting the timeout clock until the command has begun executing, which avoids counting pre-execution scheduling delay against the allotted time period.

Each resource type that declares this property will use it in a way particular to that resource type. For example, ORCL.gds uses hatimerun to invoke the probe command. Consult each data service's documentation for details.

The default value of the Timeout_delay property is FALSE and the default tunability is Any time. These attributes can be overridden in the RTR file.






Any time

Timeout_threshold (integer)

Specifies a percentage of the configured timeout for any of the following:

  • An RGM callback method, such as Start, Stop, or Validate, for any resource type.

  • A probe.timeout of a resource type that is based on the Generic Data Service (GDS), Agent Builder, or the Data Service Development Library. This includes the resource types for most Oracle Solaris Cluster data services.

When the amount of time that is consumed by an executing method or probe exceeds the percentage of the configured timeout that is set in the Timeout_threshold property, a syslog warning message and a corresponding event are generated.

When the cluster event SNMP interface is enabled, this event is captured in the SNMP MIB. The SNMP interface can also be configured to send out the corresponding SNMP trap for the event.

These warnings notify the administrator that the reported timeout might need to be increased, or other action needs to be taken, to avoid false failovers. If the Probe_timeout value is increased, the Retry_interval value might also need to be increased.






Any time

Type (string)

An instance's resource type.




No default



Type_version (string)

Specifies which version of the resource type is currently associated with this resource. The RGM automatically creates this property, which cannot be declared in the RTR file. The value of this property is equal to the RT_version property of the resource's type. When a resource is created, the Type_version property is not specified explicitly, though it may appear as a suffix of the resource-type name. When a resource is edited, the Type_version may be changed to a new value.


See above




Tunability is derived from the following:

  • The current version of the resource type.

  • The #$upgrade_from directive in the resource-type registration file (see the rt_reg(5) man page).

UDP_affinity (boolean)

If true, all UDP traffic from a given client is sent to the same server node that currently handles all TCP traffic for the client.

This property is relevant only when Load_balancing_policy is either Lb_sticky or Lb_sticky_wild. In addition, Weak_affinity must be set to FALSE (the default value).

This property is only used for scalable services.






When disabled

Weak_affinity (boolean)

If true, enable the weak form of the client affinity. This allows connections from a given client to be sent to the same server node except when a server listener starts (for example, due to a fault monitor restart, a resource failover or switchover, or a node rejoining a cluster after failing) or when load_balancing_weights for the scalable resource changes due to an administration action.

Weak affinity provides a low overhead alternative to the default form, both in terms of memory consumption and processor cycles.

This property is relevant only when Load_balancing_policy is either Lb_sticky or Lb_sticky_wild.

This property is only used for scalable services.






When disabled

See Also

projects(1), scds_property_functions(3HA), scha_control(3HA), scha_resource_open(3HA), rt_reg(5), property_attributes(7), rg_properties(7), rt_properties(7), clresource(8CL), clresourcegroup(8CL), clresourcetype(8CL), scha_control(8HA), scha_resource_get(8HA), scha_resource_setstatus(8HA), hatimerun(8)

Concepts for Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.4, Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones.