The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

1.2.5 Release 1.1.4

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.1.4 of Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment.

Kata Containers Updated: Kata Containers is updated to resolve an issue where the Kata package had a hard coded dependency of a specific version of the kernel-uek-container package.

Kubernetes Updated: Kubernetes is updated to set the Kata version in the Kata meta-package.

Platform Agent Updated: The Platform Agent is updated to resolve an issue pulling container images using a proxy server. The Platform Agent now uses crictl pull instead of podman pull to pull container images.

CRI-O Updated: CRI-O is updated to resolve an issue with the default cni-plugins directory. This is now set to /opt/cni/bin instead of /usr/libexec/cni.

For information about updating to this errata release, see Updates and Upgrades.