Import a VM From a Disk Image

Using the Virtual Machines page in the web console, administrators can import other preconfigured VM instances on the host system to Cockpit for management using the disk file image. The Cockpit virtual machine import process preserves all guest properties associated with the imported disk image.

What Do You Need?


Using the Cockpit web console, follow these steps to import a host VM disk image to Cockpit for management.

  1. In the Cockpit navigation pane, click Virtual machines.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. In the Virtual machines page, click Import VM.

    The Import a virtual machine dialog appears.

  3. In the Import a virtual machine dialog, perform the following:
    1. Specify the applicable properties:
      Name In the Name text box, enter a unique name for the imported VM guest image.
      Connection Click either the System or User session radio button. For more details about these options, click the question mark icon (next to the Connection property title).
      Disk Image In the Disk Image list box, specify the host file path to the disk image.
      Operating system In the Operating system list box, select the disk image OS name.
      Memory Choose to accept the default memory size provided or change the memory size property as needed.
    2. Click one of the following:
      • Import and Run. Upon completing the import operation the VM guest OS is started and the VM instance appears in a Running state.

        The VM [import VM name] page appears.

      • Import and Edit. Upon completing the import operation, the VM guest OS is loaded and the VM instance appears in a Shut down state.

        The VM [import name] page appears.


      To change the state of the newly imported VM, see Start, Shutdown, Remove, or Interrupt a VM Instance


      To view and interact with the newly imported VM, see Configure Console for VM Interaction.


      If the import operation fails, see the virtualization host log files to help diagnose the issue.