Configuring the Ksplice Uptrack Client

You can configure the Ksplice Uptrack client by editing values in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf.
  • Configure the client to use a proxy server to access the Uptrack server.

    The configuration file for both the Ksplice Uptrack client and the Ksplice Enhanced client is /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf. You can change this file to configure a proxy server, install updates automatically at boot time, and apply new updates automatically.

    If the system is registered with the Ksplice Uptrack repository, the client communicates with the Uptrack server by connecting to You can either configure the firewall to allow the connection through port 443, or you can configure the client to use a proxy server. To configure the client to use a proxy server, set the following entry in the /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf file:

    https_proxy = https://proxy_URL:https_port
  • Configure automatic installation of Ksplice updates.

    You receive an email notification when Ksplice updates are available for the system.

    To instruct the client to install all updates automatically, as they become available, set the following entry in the /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf file:

    autoinstall = yes


    Enabling the automatic installation of updates doesn't automatically update the Ksplice client itself. Oracle notifies you by email when you can upgrade the Ksplice software by using the dnf command.

  • Configure updates on reboot.

    Setting the autoinstall entry value to yes also installs updates automatically at boot time. When you boot the system, the /etc/init.d/uptrack script reapplies the installed Ksplice updates.

    To install all available updates at boot time, uncomment the following entry in the /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf file:

    upgrade_on_reboot = yes


    The upgrade_on_reboot setting isn't implemented for user space updates.