Installing Ksplice Uptrack from ULN


If using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Ksplice is already installed by default (on all Oracle Linux instances launched after August 25, 2017). For more information, see Oracle Ksplice on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Verify the system meets requirements:

  • Must have access to the internet.

  • Must be registered with ULN.

  • Must be running a supported Oracle Linux release, with a supported version of either UEK or RHCK installed. You can verify the kernel version by using the uname -a command. For more details, see Maintained Kernels.

  • Ensure that the running kernel is also the kernel you want to update, as Ksplice Uptrack applies updates to the running kernel only.

The following procedure explains how to install the Ksplice Uptrack client from ULN.


This procedure uses the dnf command to describe many package management actions. On releases earlier than Oracle Linux 8, substitute the commands with the appropriate yum commands.
  1. (Optional) Configure proxy settings on the system.

    If you use an Internet proxy, configure the HTTP and HTTPS settings for the proxy in the shell.

    • For the sh, ksh, or bash shells, use commands such as the following:

      sudo http_proxy=http://proxy_URL:http_port
      sudo https_proxy=http://proxy_URL:https_port
      sudo export http_proxy https_proxy

      For the csh shell, use commands such as the following:

      sudo setenv http_proxy=http://proxy_URL:http_port
      sudo setenv https_proxy=http://proxy_URL:https_port                       
  2. Update the system ULN subscriptions.

    Using a browser, sign in at with your ULN username and password, then follow these steps:

    1. On the Systems tab, click the link that's named for the system in the list of registered systems.
    2. On the System Details page, click Manage Subscriptions.
    3. On the System Summary page, from the list of available channels, select the appropriate Ksplice for Oracle Linux channel for the Oracle Linux release system's architecture (x86_64 or aarch64).
    4. Click the right arrow (>) to move the selection to the list of subscribed channels.
    5. Save the subscription and log out of ULN.
  3. Install the uptrack package.

    On the system, use the dnf command to install the uptrack package.

    sudo dnf install -y uptrack

    The access key for Ksplice Uptrack is retrieved from ULN and added to /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf, for example:

    accesskey = 0e1859ad8aea14b0b4306349142ce9160353297daee30240dab4d61f4ea4e59b
  4. (Optional) Configure automatic installation of updates.

    To enable automatic installation of updates, change the value of the autoinstall entry in the /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf file from no to yes:

    autoinstall = yes

For information about configuring Ksplice Uptrack, see Configuring the Ksplice Uptrack Client.

For information about managing Ksplice updates, see Using Uptrack Commands to Manage Ksplice Updates.