
A  B  C  D  E  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z  


  • add device command 2.2.3
  • adding memory 2.2.2
  • adding network devices 2.2.4
  • adding storage devices 2.2.3
  • ADI 1.5
  • amount of kernel zone physical memory
  • anet resource 2.2.4
  • archiveadm command 3.4
  • authorizations
    • migration of kernel zones and 5.2
  • Automated Installation (AI) manifests
    • using for kernel zone installations 3.1.2
  • auxiliary states 7.4


  • boot loader 7.7
  • boot order
  • bootpri property 2.2.3
  • branded zones
    • solaris-kz 1.1


  • capped-memory resource type 2.2.2
  • cloning a kernel zone 3.4
  • cold migration 5.6
  • compatibility for migration 5.5.2
  • configuring
    • immutable kernel zone 7.2
    • kernel zone resources 2.2
    • kernel zones 2
    • memory live zone reconfiguration 4.3.3
    • memory reservation pools
    • read-only kernel zone 7.2
    • strict method of memory live zone reconfiguration 4.3.4
  • core files 7.9
  • cpu-arch resource type 5.5.3
  • CPUs
  • cross-CPU migration


  • databases
  • DAX 1.5
  • dedicated-cpu resource type
  • direct installation 3.1.1
  • duplicate process IDs


  • enabling
  • encryption
    • during migration 5.5.4
    • keysource for migrated kernel zone 7.6.2
  • evacuation
    • after migration 6
    • checking status 6.5.2
    • ending maintenance mode 6.6
    • example 6.8
    • methods 6.5
    • overview 6.1
    • requirements 6.2
    • returning zone to original system 6.7
    • setting maintenance mode 6.4
    • setting target host 6.3
    • sysadm command and 6.1.2
  • exclusive-IP kernel zones 2.2.4


  • general zones concepts 1.2


  • halting a kernel zone 3.3
  • hardware requirements 1.4.2
  • hierarchical zones 7
  • host-compatible property 1.5
  • host-compatible resource type 5.5.3
  • host data 7.6
  • host ID 7.6
  • host requirements 1.4


  • immutable zone 7.2
  • increasing root disk size 2.2.3
  • InfiniBand 2.2.8
  • installation image
    • using for kernel zone installations 3.1.4
  • installing
    • AI manifest method 3.1.2
    • directly 3.1.1
    • installation image method 3.1.4
    • installation log files 3.1
    • sysconfig profile method 3.1.3
  • iov property 2.2.5


  • kernel zone boot failures,
  • kernel zone boot loader 7.7
  • kernel zone installations
    • Automated Installation (AI) manifests 3.1.2
    • command-line 3.1.1
    • direct 3.1.1
    • installation image 3.1.4
    • installation image and AI manifest
    • sysconfig profiles
  • kernel zone migration failures
  • kernel zones
    • administering 7
    • AI manifest installation 3.1.2
    • auxiliary states shown in global zone 7.4
    • benefits of using 1.1
    • boot loader 7.7
    • boot order 2.2.3
    • cloning 3.4
    • cloning by using archiveadm 3.4
    • cold migration 5.6
    • compatibility requirements for migration 5.5.2
    • configuring 2
    • core files 7.9
    • databases and
    • definition 1.1
    • differences from global zone 7.1
    • displaying processes 7.1.1
    • duplicate process IDs 7.1.2
    • evacuating 6
    • host information 7.6
    • immutable zones and 7.2
    • InfiniBand and anet resource type 2.2.8
    • installation image install method 3.1.4
    • installation methods 3.1
    • installing 3.1
    • installing directly 3.1.1
    • live migration 5.9
    • managing memory 2.2.2
    • managing resources 2.2
    • memory and SYSsolaris-kz template
    • migrating 5
    • migrating to different OS or CPU 5.5.3
    • migration methods 5.3
    • migration requirements 5.4
    • network devices 2.2.4
    • NFS storage URIs and 7.8
    • Oracle VM VirtualBox and 1.1
    • overview 1.1
    • PCIe device sharing 2.2.5
    • performance troubleshooting 2.2.5
    • related concepts 1.2
    • removable devices 7.3
    • requirements 1.4
    • resource management 7.1.4
    • resuming after migration 5.8.2
    • rights profiles 1.3
    • root disks 2.2.2
    • running native zones inside 7.5
    • securing migration 5.5.4
    • shutting down 3.3
    • Software in Silicon and 1.5
    • storage devices 2.2.3
    • suspending and resuming 2.2.6
    • sysadm command 6.1.2
    • sysconfig profile installation 3.1.3
    • SYSsolaris-kz-minimal template 2.2.2
    • SYSsolaris-kz template 2.1.1
    • unchangeable zonepath 7.1.3
    • Unified Archives and 3.4
    • uninstalling 3.2
    • using Unified Archive to install 3.4
    • verified boot 2.2.7
    • verifying requirements 1.4.3
    • warm migration 5.8
  • kernel zones and
    • memory live zone reconfiguration 4.3
  • kernel zones and memory reservation pools
  • keysource
    • migrated kernel zone and 7.6.2
  • kz-migr service 5.4.3


  • live migrating a kernel zone 5.9
  • live migration 5.9
  • Live Zone Reconfiguration
  • lofi devices 7.3
  • log files
    • zone installation 3.1


  • MAC addresses
  • Maintenance and Repair rights profile 6.2
  • managing 2
  • memory
  • memory live zone reconfiguration
  • memory live zone reconfiguration and
    • kernel zones 4.3
  • memory live zone reconfiguration software requirements 4.3.1
  • memory reservation pools
  • memory size change error messages
  • memory size change warning messages
  • migrating a kernel zone 5.6
  • migration
    • by non-root users 5.2
    • choosing a method 5.3
    • cold 5.6
    • compatibility requirements 5.5.2
    • DAX and 1.5
    • iov property 2.2.5
    • live 5.9
    • overview 5.1
    • pagesize-policy and
    • preparing for 5.5
    • RAD requirements 1.4.2
    • requirements 5.4
    • requirements for warm and live migration 5.4.2
    • resuming kernel zone after 5.8.2
    • secure 5.5.4
    • warm 5.8
    • zones, of 5
  • modifying


  • native zones 7
    • adding to kernel zone 7.5.3
    • requirements inside kernel zones 7.5.1
    • running inside kernel zones 7.5
  • nested zones 7
  • net resource 2.2.4
  • network devices
  • NFS storage URIs 7.8


  • Oracle Solaris Kernel Zones 1
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox
    • kernel zones, and 1.1


  • pagesize-policy property 2.2.2,
  • PCIe devices
    • sharing among virtual machines 2.2.5
  • persistent Live Zone Reconfiguration
    • applying to live configuration 4.1.4
    • overview 4.1.2
  • process IDs
    • visibility in kernel zones 7.1.1


  • RAD
  • read-only kernel zone 7.2
  • reloading live zone configurations 4.1.6
  • removable device configuration 7.3
  • requirements
    • compatibility for migration 5.5.2
    • migration 5.4
    • warm and live migration 5.4.2
  • resource management
  • resuming a kernel zone 2.2.6
  • resuming kernel zone
  • rights profiles
    • Maintenance and Repair 6.2
    • migration of kernel zones, for 5.2
    • overview for zone administrators 1.3


  • secure migration 5.5.4
  • security features
  • shadow VNIC
  • shutting down a kernel zone 3.3
  • Silicon Secured Memory 1
  • SMF services
  • Software in Silicon features
    • enabling in kernel zone 1.5
  • software requirements 1.4.1
  • solaris-kz branded zone 1.1
  • solaris zones
    • adding to kernel zone 7.5.3
    • requirements inside kernel zones 7.5.1
  • SPARC firmware requirements 1.4.2
  • SR-IOV 2.2.5
  • SR-IOV enabled kernel zones
  • SSM 1.5
  • storage devices 2.2.3
  • strict method of memory live zone reconfiguration
  • suspending a kernel zone 2.2.6
  • suspend resource type 2.2.6
  • sysadm evacuate command
  • sysadm maintain command
  • sysconfig profiles
    • kernel zone installations
  • SYSsolaris-kz-minimal template 2.2.2
  • SYSsolaris-kz template 2.1.1,


  • temporary Live Zone Reconfiguration 4.1.3
  • test run
    • Live Zone Reconfiguration 4.1.5
  • troubleshooting
    • database and pagesize
    • encryption key incorrect 7.6.2
    • host-to-virtual switch traffic 2.2.5
    • insufficient memory 2.2.2


  • Unified Archives
    • cloning and 3.4
    • installing kernel zone with 3.4
  • uninstalling a kernel zone 3.2
  • using
    • kernel zones and memory reservation pools


  • VA Mask 1.5
  • verified boot 2.2.7
  • verifying
    • host support for kernel zones 1.4.3
  • virtinfo command 1.4.3
  • virtual-cpu resource type
  • virtual LANs 2.2.9
  • virtual LANS
    • dynamic MAC addresses and VLAN IDs 2.2.10
  • VLAN-aware kernel zones
    • definition 2.2.9
    • dynamic MAC addresses and VLAN IDs 2.2.10
  • VLAN tagging 2.2.9


  • warm migration


  • x86 BIOS requirements 1.4.2


  • zoneadm boot command 7.7
  • zoneadm clone command 3.4
  • zoneadm halt command 3.3
  • zoneadm install command
  • zoneadm list -s command 7.4
  • zoneadm migrate command 5.1, 5.5.1
  • zoneadm reboot command 3.3
  • zoneadm shutdown command 3.3
  • zoneadm suspend command 2.2.6
  • zoneadm uninstall command 3.2
  • zonecfg bwshare anet property
  • zonecfg command 4.1.1
  • Zone Cold Migration rights profile 5.2
  • Zone Configuration rights profile 5.2
  • Zone Migration rights profile 5.2
  • zonepath, unchangeable 7.1.3
  • zones
    • branded 1
    • live reconfiguration 4.1
    • migration of 5
    • rights profiles and 1.3
    • running in kernel zones 7.5
    • zonecfg command 4.1.1