Opening System Web Interface

  1. On an Oracle Solaris 11.4 system named host-name, make sure the webui-server package is installed:

    $ pkg list webui-server
  2. Make sure the svc:/system/webui/server:default and svc:/system/sstore:default services are online:

    $ svcs webui/server sstore
  3. Open the following location in a browser:


    By default, System Web Interface listens on port 6787. To listen on a different port, see Configuring System Web Interface Listening Ports. An administrator can allow the use of shorter URLs, as described in Allowing Alternative System Web Interface URLs.

    A self signed certificate is automatically generated at start time. Because the certificate is self signed, the certificate might fail validation. Follow the instructions from your browser to add an exception to complete this connection. To configure your own SSL certificate chain, see Ensure the Certificate and Key are Installed.

  4. Log in as any Oracle Solaris user that is configured to log into host-name.

    By default you are on the Solaris Dashboard page. See Setting the Landing Page to set the default landing page to the Solaris Analytics page.

    If this is the first time you have logged into System Web Interface for host-name, the Welcome page of the online help is displayed. Display the online help at any time by clicking the Help option at the top of the user name menu.

    To set preferences, see Customizing System Web Interface.