Configure Backup

To configure backup and prepare for disaster recovery, you must create a wave, create a diaster recovery policy, and then create a disaster recovery wave.

Create a Wave

To create a simple replication wave, the steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Replication, Waves, and click the plus + icon to open the wizard.
    1. Click Create Wave.
    2. Enter a value for Wave Name such as My PCA Wave.
  2. In the Create Wave window, select the appropriate option.
    If you know at this point that there will only be a single host in this wave, select Wave with host. If there will be multiple hosts within the wave, select Wave without a host.
  3. Open the Add Host window, and click the plus + icon to open the wizard. Follow these steps:

    If you are only adding a single host, complete its information now. If there will be multiple hosts, add them later by double-clicking on the wave name after creation, and then use the + icon to add hosts to the wave. Here we've created a wave with a single host.

    1. Add the host's details minimally by entering the values for mandatory Source fields:
      Enter a value for DNS Name / IP Address.
      Optionally enter a Friendly Name, and ensure the right OS is selected.
      Enter the value for Username.
    1. Add the host's details minimally by entering the values for mandatory Target fields:
      Select a Sync Type from the options: Direct Sync, Stage 1 & 2, Stage 1, Stage 2.
      Enter a value for DNS Name / IP Address.
      Enter a Friendly Name, and ensure the right OS is selected.
      Enter the value for Username.
    1. Click Add.


    You can add multiple hosts to a wave and see them on the Wave Detail page.
  4. To set up a target destination for backup and disaster recovery, in the Waves page, double-click the wave name.
  5. In the Wave Detail window, click the Not configured link.
  6. In the Select an environment dialog, select the target environment as rackware.
    In the form, enter the environment details including the region and VCN name.
  7. Click Apply Changes.
Once a wave is created, that wave can be run manually or automatically by setting up the certain properties. A wave can contain a single VM instance or multiple instances. For example, you can bundle database servers together but serialize them while application and web servers are bundled together and replicated in parallel. These are but a few of the many options which allow you to construct disaster recovery waves with Rackware.

Run a Wave

After creating the wave, follow these steps to run the wave:

  1. To open the wave, double-click the wave name.
  2. Click the Play icon.
On the Wave Status page, the Status column value changes to Successful in the row for that specific wave.

Create and Assign a Disaster Recovery Policy

Create a disaster recovery (DR) policy and assign it to a wave.

Create a DR policy to synchronize differences from the source to its image captured on RMM and target instance at specified intervals. You can create as many DR policies as required with different periodicity to have greater flexibility to synchronize different waves at varied intervals based on the your DR strategy.

Follow these steps to create and assign a policy to a wave and create a DR wave:

  1. Navigate to DR, Policies.
  2. To create a new policy, click the plus + icon.
  3. In the Create New DR policy window, enter the required values:
    Enter a value for DR Name.
    Select an option for Periodicity. For example, you can run it automatically on a schdule by selecting By Schedule and providing the Frequency and time value as Daily and 3 AM.
    Oracle recommends that you provide an email address as the value of Notification Email to be notified when the policy fails or completes successfully.


    Scheduling backups a few minutes off from regularly used intervals/times such as 12:00, xx:10, xx:15 can be helpful in debugging and avoiding load spikes.
    The policy is in the Paused state after creation.
  4. To assign the policy to a wave, navigate to Replication, DR, Policies.
  5. Click the policy to open the Policy Assignment window, and select the DR policy you created from the list.
  6. Assigning a policy to a wave, moves the wave from Replication, to DR, Waves.
The wave is now configured for disaster recovery.