DR Scenarios

The following scenarios are various disaster reqcovery options around this solution playbook configuration.

Back Up a Single VM within Compute Cloud@Customer

In this scenario, a single VM instance running on an Compute Cloud@Customer instance will be replicated within Compute Cloud@Customer. Use this as a point-in-time data snapshot before an upgrade, or as a clone of a stateless web server.
  1. Navigate to Replication, Waves, and click the plus + icon to open the wizard.
    1. Click Create Wave.
    2. Enter a value for Wave Name such as My PCA Wave.
  2. In the Create Wave window, create the wave, and add the single host to be replicated.
  3. Once added, set up ssh keys from the RMM:
    [root@rmm-your-compute_cloud_@_customer_host .ssh]# ssh-copy-id rackware@ip-address
    /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
    /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
    /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
    rackware@ip-address's password:
    Number of key(s) added: 1
    Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'rackware@ip-address'"
    and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
    [root@rmm-your-compute_cloud_@_customer_host ~]# ssh rackware@ip-address
    Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
    Last login: Wed Dec 20 21:19:32 2023 from ip-address
    [rackware@oc3-rw-ol-src ~]$
  4. Once the ssh keys are active, click the pencil icon to edit the host in the wave.
  5. In the Edit Host window, select the Allow Direct FSCopy option.
  6. Click Modify to save the edits.
  7. In the Wave Detail window, select the autoprovision target.
  8. In the Select an environment dialog, provide the Environment, AV Domain, VCN Name, and Subnet Name values.
  9. Click Apply Changes.
  10. To open the wave, double-click the wave name.
  11. To run the wave, click the Play icon.


    If there are no choices available in the Environment drop down, set up a clouduser as discussed earlier

    When complete, the status changes to Successful'. You have just replicated your first VM instance within a single endpoint.

Replication to a different endpoint is as straightforward as changing the autoprovision environment. Now that a single VM has been replicated, you can add additional VM instances to the wave and back them up together, sequentially or in parallel. Once tested and confirmed as successful, Replication waves can be converted to DR waves as described previously.

Configure Disaster Recovery from Compute Cloud@Customer to Compute Cloud@Customer

Once a Replication wave is defined, you can create a disaster recovery (DR) policy and assign it to a wave to create a DR wave.

After you create a DR policy as described previously, follow these steps to assign a DR policy:
  1. Navigate to DR, Policies.
  2. To assign the policy to a wave, navigate to Replication, DR, Policies.
  3. Click the policy to open the Policy Assignment window, and select the DR policy you created from the list.
  4. Assigning a policy to a wave, moves the wave from Replication, to DR, Waves.
Once the policy is assigned, back up will start as scheduled in the policy. VMs will be replicated from the source to the target. In this case, from their source Compute Cloud@Customer to another. To change the destination, change the policy.

Back Up a VM from OCI to Compute Cloud@Customer

In this scenario, you can set a target as a cloud provider such as OCI instead of Compute Cloud@Customer. You have a single user in OCI named clouduser and can replicate a VM to OCI for backup.
  1. To set up a target destination for backup and disaster recovery, in the Waves page, double-click the wave name.
  2. In the Select an environment dialog, select the target environment as your OCI region and enter the AV Domain value.
    In the form, enter the environment details including the region and VCN name.
  3. Click Apply Changes.
  4. Select the VM in the wave and click the Play icon.
On the Wave Status page, the Status column value changes to Successful in the row for that specific wave. The target is now set as your OCI environment.