About Deploying Oracle Integration 3 on Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone

This Solution Playbook shows how you can use Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone, Oracle Integration 3, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Idenity and Access Management Identity Domain (OCI IAM) together to create a secure, scalable, and efficient cloud environment for your integration requirements.

The Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone provides the foundational layer of this architecture. It's a pre-configured environment that complies with the CIS OCI Foundations Benchmark, ensuring that your cloud infrastructure follows globally-recognized security best practices. This environment hosts your Oracle Integration 3 instances, providing them with a secure and compliant platform on which to operate.

The Oracle Integration 3 is the heart of this architecture. Deployed within the secure environment provided by the Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone, Oracle Integration 3 allows you to integrate your applications, automate business processes, and build web and mobile applications. It provides pre-built integrations, a low-code application development platform, and robust analytics capabilities.

OCI IAM is the gatekeeper of this architecture. For each Oracle Integration 3 instance, a new or existing OCI IAM Identity Domain is required. These domains manage the identities and access within and across your Oracle Integration 3 instances, ensuring that only authorized users can access your resources. They provide an additional layer of security by isolating resources and users in different environments (that is, development, test, and production).

Together, the Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone, Oracle Integration 3, and OCI IAM Identity Domain create a secure, compliant, and efficient environment for your integration services, allowing you to leverage the benefits of cloud computing while minimising the risks associated with security and compliance

Understand the Benefits of Deploying Oracle Integration 3 on Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone

Deploying Oracle Integration 3 on the Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone provides benefits, particularly in terms of compliance, security, and scalability.

  • Compliance

    The Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone meets the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark, a set of globally recognised best practices for securing IT systems and data. Deploying Oracle Integration 3 on this platform ensures that your integration services are in line with these stringent standards, reducing the risk of noncompliance penalties and will enhance trust with stakeholders.

  • Security

    The Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone provides a secure foundation for your cloud environment. It includes features such as identity and access management, data encryption, and network isolation, which are critical for protecting sensitive data processed by Oracle Integration 3. By using separate OCI IAM Identity Domains the environments are independent regarding API rate limits and other limits that might have impact on registered applications. Stress testing and penetration testing on development and test environments will therefore have no impact on the production environment.

  • Scalability

    Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone is built on OCI, which is known for its high performance and scalability. This means that as your integration requirements grow, you can easily scale your Oracle Integration 3 instances to meet the demand.

Understand Key Components

The key components of this architecture are:

  • Oracle Integration 3

    Oracle Integration 3 is a comprehensive, unified solution that enables organizations to integrate disparate systems.

  • OCI Identity and Access Management Domain (OCI IAM ID)

    OCI IAM Identity Domains is a cloud-based identity and access management service.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

    OCI is the cloud platform that hosts Oracle Integration 3 and OCI IAM ID.

  • Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone

    The Oracle Self-Service Landing Zone is a pre-configured set of security controls that are deployed on OCI.

Understand the Limits to Oracle Integration 3 Implementations

You should understand is that once an Oracle Integration 3 instance is provisioned, you cannot change the Oracle Integration instance association to another OCI IAM Identity Domain.

When you create a Oracle Integration 3 instance, it gets associated with the OCI IAM Identity Domain instance against which you are authenticated during the creation process. The association is permanent and cannot be modified after the instance is created. The procedure in this playbook is applicable for both Oracle Integration 3 and Oracle Integration for Oracle SaaS.

Additionally, there's no way to provision or divide a single instance into multiple parts, such as for development, testing or production purposes. To achieve separation, each part must be established as a individual Oracle Integration 3 instance