Try It Out!

Ensure that there is a candidate in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service that has accepted an offer (the acceptedDate field has a value).
Activate and run the integration. Verify that candidate data is imported into Oracle E-Business Suite and that the record in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service is updated with an employee number.

Finally, create a schedule to run the integration at the intervals that you define.

Activate the Main Integration

Activate the main integration flow before you run it.

  1. In the Integrations list, find the integration that you want to activate, and go to the far right.
  2. Click the switch.
  3. Select the options that are appropriate for your integration.
    Element Description

    Contribute integration mappings to Oracle Recommendations Engine

    Click to enable the Oracle Recommendations Engine.

    Uses the collective intelligence to recommend which fields should be mapped while developing an integration. These recommendations are built based on the mappings contributed to Oracle Recommendations Engine anonymously. You can change this setting on the Recommendations page. Select, Settings, and click Recommendations.

    Enable tracing

    Click to enable detailed tracing information in the activity stream.

    When this checkbox is selected, detailed logging information is collected about messages processed by this integration flow at runtime. This option can help you troubleshoot issues. However, detailed tracing can affect performance. To disable tracing, you must deactivate the integration, and then reactivate it without selecting the Enable tracing checkbox.

  4. Click Activate.

Run the Integration

Start an on-demand integration run to verify your implementation.

  1. On the Integrations page, find the scheduled integration that you want to run.

  2. From the menu Actions, to the right of the row, select Submit Now.

    If the submission is successful, then the following is displayed:
    Submit Now request to run integration integration_name (version_number) was submitted successfully with request id number.
  3. Click the ID number.

    The Track Runs page is displayed. If the submitted integration isn’t listed, then click the Refresh icon. Details about the run are displayed.

View the New Record in Oracle E-Business Suite

After the integration run succeeds, verify that Oracle E-Business Suite contains the imported employee records.

  1. Sign in to Oracle E-Business Suite as the hrms user or a user with similar entitlements.
  2. Click Enter and Maintain.
  3. Search for a person using details (such as first and last name) of a candidate who was accepted an offer in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service. Verify that the employee record exists, and note the assigned employee number.

View the Updated Candidate Record in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service

Use the Search feature to find the candidate’s record that you created in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service to confirm it was updated with the employee number Oracle E-Business Suite assigned to the candidate.

  1. In the Search tool, select Candidates.
  2. Enter the candidate’s first name, last name, identification number, user name or e-mail address, and click Search.
  3. Display the record for the candidate that you created. Verify that the Employee Number field contains a value.

    This value is the employee number that Oracle E-Business Suite assigned to the candidate.

Create a Schedule

Create a schedule to run integrations at the intervals that you define.

The integration runs automatically according to the schedule that you create.
  1. Go to the Integration page.
  2. Find an integration that can be triggered by a schedule.
    An integration that can be triggered by a schedule has a Schedule icon that looks like a calendar.
  3. From the menu on the right, select Add Schedule.
  4. In the Frequency section, click the icon to display a drop-down list for selecting the frequency that you want the integration to run at. As you define a frequency, you can select additional values by clicking the icon to the right of the Frequency section.
  5. For each frequency type that you select, Click the check mark.
  6. To validate your frequency settings, click Save.
  7. In the This schedule is effective section, click the link to the right of From.
    A menu is displayed for defining the start date of the schedule.
  8. If you want to start the integration run when the schedule is activated, then click When schedule starts.
  9. If you want to explicitly set an integration run’s start date, then select Modify start date:
    1. Click the Calendar icon, and set the time to start running the integration.
    2. Click OK.
  10. In the Until section, click the link to the right.
    A menu is displayed for defining the expiration date.
  11. If you don’t want the schedule to expire, select Never (repeat indefinitely).
  12. If you want the schedule to have an expiration date, then select Choose expiry date.
    1. Click the Calendar icon, and set the time to stop running the integration.
    2. Click OK.
  13. Click Save.