Create the Main Integration

Create a connection to theOracle E-Business Suite integration, and create the main scheduled integration flow.

This integration:

  • Exports data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service using a SOAP wrapper that’s deployed to the same Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the Taleo Connect Client

  • Copies the export file from the Oracle Java Cloud Service host to the Oracle Integration Cloud host

  • Reads each candidate’s record in the file and invokes the other integration to import information into Oracle E-Business Suite

  • Handles responses from Oracle E-Business Suite that correlate the employee numbers to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service record numbers and write these values to an import file

  • Copies the import file from the Oracle Integration Cloud host to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host

  • Imports employee numbers to the candidate’s records in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service using a SOAP wrapper that’s deployed to the same Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the Taleo Connect Client

Create a REST Connection to Invoke the Oracle E-Business Suite Flow

Create a REST connection to invoke the Oracle E-Business Suite integration.

  1. From the Connections page, click Create.
  2. In the search field, enter REST, and press Enter to filter the results. On the REST adapter tile, click Select.
  3. In the Name field, enter ebs-rest-invoke.
  4. From the Role list, select Trigger and Invoke. Click Create.
  5. Click Configure Connectivity. From the Connection Type list, select REST API Base URL, and paste the URL of the Oracle E-Business Suite integration that you activated in the Connection URL field.
  6. Click Configure Security. From the Security Policy list, select No Security Policy, and click OK.
  7. Click Test.
  8. After you see a success message, click Save, and click Close.

Create a Scheduled Integration

Create an orchestration integration pattern to export data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service and to invoke the Oracle E-Business Suite integration according to a schedule that you define.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Integrations.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Orchestration tile, click Select.
  4. Next to What triggers this integration?, select Schedule.
  5. Enter a name for your integration, and click Create.
An empty integration canvas is displayed.

Start the File Export from Taleo Connect Client Using the SOAP Adapter

Configure the SOAP adapter to send a request to the SOAP wrapper, starting a Taleo Connect Client export job.

  1. From the Invokes panel, click SOAP, and drag the TCCExport SOAP adapter to the + after the schedule on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your endpoint TriggerTCCExport, and click Next until you reach the last page of the wizard. Click Done.
  3. Edit the mapping for the TriggerTCCExport endpoint.
  4. Set the value for the JobPath element in the Target panel to /home/tcc/tcc/exportdef/TCC-Candidate-export_cfg.xml.
  5. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Import a File into Oracle Integration Cloud Using the FTP Adapter

Use the FTP adapter to copy the export file to from the Oracle Java Cloud Service host to the Oracle Integration Cloud host.

  1. From the Invokes panel, click FTP, and drag the GetFTP FTP adapter to the + after the TriggerTCCExport endpoint on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your endpoint GetFTP, and click Next.
  3. From the Select Operation list, select Download File.
  4. In the Input Directory field, enter /home/tcc/tcc/exportdata. Set the File Name to Candidate.csv, and set the Download Directory to /temp.
  5. Close the wizard.
  6. Edit the mapping for the GetFTP endpoint.
  7. Set the filename element’s value in the Target panel to Candidate.csv.
  8. Set the directory element’s value in the Target panel to /home/tcc/tcc/exportdata.
  9. Set the DownloadDirectory element’s value in the Target panel to /temp.
  10. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Read the Records in the File

Use the Stage File action to create a loop that reads each candidate record in the export file.

  1. From the Actions panel, drag the Stage File action to the + after the GetFTP endpoint on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your action LoopReadTCCExport, and click Next.
  3. From the Choose Stage File Operation list, select Read File in Segments.
  4. For the file name, enter "Candidate.csv", and enter "/temp" for the directory to read from. Click Next, and then click Next again.
  5. Find and select the sample Candidate.csv file that you created earlier. For the record name, enter Candidate, and for the recordset name, enter Candidates. For the field delimiter, select Comma (,), and select values from the Character Set and Optionally Enclosed By lists.
  6. Ensure that Use First Row as Column Headers is selected. Indicate whether each column is mandatory or optional by selecting the value from the list. Click Next.
  7. Close the wizard, and save the changes to the integration.
  8. From the Actions panel, drag the For Each action to the + after the LoopReadTCCExport action on the integration canvas.
  9. In the Name field, enter forEachCandidate, and in the Current Element Name field, enter currentCandidate.
  10. From the Source tree, expand the LoopReadTCCExport, ReadResponse, and Candidates nodes. Drag the Candidate node to the Repeating Elements field.
  11. Click Create.

Invoke the Oracle E-Business Suite Integration Using the REST Adapter

Configure the REST adapter to invoke the integration that contains the Oracle E-Business Suite adapter.

The Oracle E-Business Suite integration is invoked once for each record read from the export file.
  1. From the Invokes panel, click REST, and drag the ebs-rest-invoke REST adapter to the + after the For Each action (inside the loop) on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your endpoint PostToEBS and give it a relative resource URL: /ebs/candidate
  3. Change the endpoint action to POST. Select the Configure a request payload for this endpoint and Configure this endpoint to receive the response options, and click Next.
  4. Select the JSON Sample request payload format, and click <<< inline >>>. Paste the JSON code, and click OK.
    {  "CandidateData" : {   "FirstName"   : "John",   "LastName"   : "Myers",   "EmailAddress"  : "",   "Address"   : "Berliner Strasse 30",   "City"   : "Potsdam",   "ZipCode"   : "01976"  } } 
  5. Click Next. Select the JSON Sample response payload format, and click <<< inline >>>. Paste the JSON code, and click OK.
    {  "OutputParameters" :   {       "P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE" : "2016-12-01",       "P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE" : "2047-12-31",       "P_PERSON_ID" : "489191"   } } 
  6. Click Next, and click Done.
  7. Edit the mapping for the PostToEBS endpoint.
  8. In the Source panel, expand the $currentCandidate and Candidate nodes. In the Target panel, expand the execute, request-wrapper, and CandidateData nodes.
  9. Map the following elements in the Source panel to the corresponding elements in the Target panel:
    • FirstName

    • LastName

    • EmailAddress

    • Address

    • City

    • ZipCode

  10. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Add a Stage File Action to Create the Import File

Use the Stage File action to write the employee number returned from each record imported into Oracle E-Business Suite to a file.

This file updates each exported record in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service with the employee number from Oracle E-Business Suite.
  1. From the Actions panel, drag the Stage File action to the + after the PostToEBS endpoint (inside the loop) on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your action WriteToLocalFile, and click Next.
  3. From the Choose Stage File Operation list, select Write File.
  4. For the file name, enter "TCCImportFile.csv", and for the output directory, enter "/temp". Select the Append To Existing File option. Click Next, and then click Next again.
  5. Find and select the sample TCCImportFile.csv file that you created earlier. For the record name, enter TCCUpdate and for the recordset name, enter TCCUpdates. For the field delimiter, select Comma (,), and then select values from the Character Set and Optionally Enclosed By lists.
  6. Ensure that Use First Row as Column Headers isn’t selected and that all the columns are mandatory. Click Next.
  7. Close the wizard, and save the changes to the integration.
  8. Edit the mapping for the WriteToLocalFile action.
  9. In the Source panel, expand these nodes:
    • $currentCandidate

    • Candidate

    • $PostToEBS

    • executeResponse

    • response-wrapper

    • OutputParameters

  10. In the Target panel, expand the Write, TCCUpdates, and TCCUpdate nodes.
  11. Map the P_PERSON_ID element in the Source panel to the C2 element in the Target panel. Map the Number element in the Source panel to the C1 element in the Target panel.
  12. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Add a Stage File Action to List the File

Use the Stage File action to read the TCCImportFile.csv file, preparing it for transfer to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host.

  1. From the Actions panel, drag the Stage File action to the + after the WriteToLocalFile endpoint (outside the box on the very last + in the flow) on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your action ListLocalFile, and click Next.
  3. Ensure that List Files is selected from the Choose Stage File Operation list.
  4. For the directory to list files from, enter "/temp", and for the file pattern to use, enter TCCImportFile.csv. Ensure that the List Files Recursively option is selected.
  5. Close the wizard, and save the changes to the integration.

Send a File Using the FTP Adapter

Use the FTP adapter to copy the import file from the Oracle Integration Cloud host to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host.

  1. From the Invokes panel, click FTP, and drag the PutFTP FTP adapter to the + after the ListLocalFile action on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your endpoint PutFTP, and click Next.
  3. From the Select Operation list, select Write File.
  4. For the output directory, enter /home/tcc/tcc/ebsexport, and for the file name pattern, enter TCCImportFile.csv. Click Next.
  5. Don’t define a schema for the endpoint, and close the wizard.
  6. Edit the mapping for the PutFTP endpoint.
  7. In the Source panel, expand:
    • $ListLocalFile

    • ListFilesResponse

    • ListFilesResponse

    • FileList

    • ICSFile

  8. In the Target panel, expand the WriteFile and ICSFile nodes.
  9. Map the FileReference element in the Source panel to the FileReference element in the Target panel.
  10. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Start the File Import from Taleo Connect Client Using the SOAP Adapter

Configure the SOAP adapter to send a request to the SOAP wrapper, triggering a Taleo Connect Client import job.

  1. From the Invokes panel, click SOAP, and drag the TCCImport SOAP adapter to the + after the PutFTP endpoint on the integration canvas.
  2. Name your endpoint TriggerTCCImport, and click Next until you reach the last page of the wizard. Click Done.
  3. Edit the mapping for the TriggerTCCImport endpoint.
  4. In the Target panel, set the JobPath element’s value to /home/tcc/tcc/importdef/TCC_EBSUpdate_cfg.xml.
  5. Close the mapper, and save the changes to the integration.

Assign a Business Identifier for the Main Integration

Assign a business identifier to track message payload fields sent through the main integration.

At runtime, the status of business identifiers is visible on the Tracking page and (if integration errors have occurred) the Errors page.

  1. From the hamburger menu menu, select Tracking.
  2. From the Source section, expand schedule, and drag the startTime field to the Drag a trigger field here section.
  3. Click Done, and click Save.