Troubleshoot a Failed Trap Channel Test

The Trap Channel test requests that the library send a test trap (13) to the STA server. If the test fails, STA indicates the date and time when the last trap or inform was received.

If the test fails or indicates Unknown, one or more of the following issues could be the cause:

  • The library firmware does not support the test trap.
  • STA is not properly configured as a trap recipient on the library.
  • If you recently upgraded to STA 2.0.x or above, the STA server's IP address is not specified in the connection details for the library.

Use this procedure to diagnose and resolve the issues.

  1. Verify that the library is running the recommended or higher firmware. Lower firmware versions may not support the test trap (13).
  2. After upgrading to STA 2.0.x or above, verify that you have selected the STA server's IP address in the library's connection details. See Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library for instructions.
  3. Use the snmp engineId (for SL500 libraries) or snmp engineId print (for SL3000 and SL8500 libraries) command to display the library engine ID. (Not applicable to SL150 libraries.)
  4. Verify that STA is configured correctly as a trap recipient. See Display All SNMP Trap Recipients for instructions.
    • Engine Id - Must match the library engine ID displayed in the step above. The entry must not contain any upper-case characters. For the SL8500 and SL3000 libraries, the entry must include the 0x prefix (the SL500 may also show this prefix).
    • Host - IP address of the STA server.
    • Version - Must be v3.
    • Auth - Must be SHA.
    • Priv - Must be DES.
    • Auth Pass and Priv Pass - Must match the passwords on the STA SNMP Client Attributes screen, as well as the passwords specified when creating an SNMP user. For SL500 libraries, verify that the passwords do not contain single quotes as text.
    • Trap Level - Must include trap 13.
  5. Verify that the library engine ID matches the value in the STA Monitored Libraries screen. See Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library for details.

    If it does not match, clear the Library Engine ID field on the screen, and then perform a library connection test. See Test the Library Connection for instructions.