Modify the Logging Levels

Only change the logging level when directed to by Oracle support. Otherwise, leave the logging levels at their defaults.

  1. Do not proceed unless directed to by Oracle support.
  2. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  3. Click the Logging Levels tab.
  4. Clicking Apply Defaults immediately sets and saves all logging levels to their default values. There is no undo.
  5. Select a logging level for each of the library's loggers.
  6. Click Save.

Logging Level Options

The logging level controls the amount of data collected.

  • SEVERE — Used only for situations where the library has encountered an unrecoverable error requiring human intervention. Severe level messages usually generate an ASR.
  • WARNING — Used in abnormal situations where the library has encountered a problem, but does not require immediate human intervention. The library can recover and continue operations.
  • INFO — Provides a summary of library actions about the specific logger.
  • CONFIG — Used for logging any change to the library configuration. This can be from a SCI or GUI command (such as changing partitions or reconfiguring the LDAP server) or from a hardware change (such as adding or removing a FRU).
  • FINE — Used to capture detailed debugging information. 'FINE' is not the default setting for any logger. However, Oracle support can enable 'FINE' to troubleshoot a problem. 'FINE' messages should be infrequent enough to be captured for hours or perhaps days while troubleshooting.
  • INHERITED — Uses the setting of the parent logger. For example, if deviceInterface.Controller is set to INHERITED, it will have the same logging level as deviceInterface (the parent of deviceInterface.Controller).