CAP Objects


Provides information about a CAP within the library. CAP objects represent both rotational CAPs and AEMs.

CapDto extends DeviceDto.

  • long capId - unique identifier for the CAP.

  • long capPoolId - unique identifier for the CAP pool which contains the CAP.

  • long owningPartitionId - partition ID for partition that owns the CAP, if any.

  • boolean locked - TRUE indicates the CAP is locked.

  • boolean open - TRUE indicates the CAP is open.

  • string capPoolUsageState - indicates the CAP is UNUSED, DEDICATED, or SHARED.

  • string modulePosition - not used.


Provides information about a CAP pool.

  • long capPoolId - unique ID for this CAP pool.

  • string name - string name for this CAP pool.

  • CapDto caps - list of CAPs in this CAP pool.

  • PartitionDto partitions - list of partitions that can use the CAPs in this CAP pool.


Provides metrics collected for a CAP.

  • long totalOperations - running total of open and close operations performed by CAP.

  • long retries - running total of retries.

  • long unrecoverableErrors - running total of unrecoverable errors for the CAP (typically zero or one because an unrecoverable error requires replacement).

  • long ipls - running total of CAP restarts (typically just one at library startup, but this can be higher if you replace the CAP controller card while the library is running)


Provides metrics collected for a CAP.

  • int totalOps - running total of open and close operations performed by CAP

  • int retries - running total of retries

  • int unrecoverableErrors - running total of unrecoverable errors for the CAP (typically zero or one because an unrecoverable error requires replacement)

  • int ipls - running total of CAP restarts (typically just one at library startup, but this can be higher if you replace the CAP controller card while the library is running)