Library Objects


Provides information about the entire library.

  • boolean ready - TRUE means the library has completed the initial audit that may occur during startup.

  • string name - string name for the library complex.

  • string currentLibraryTime - current library time as a string.

  • TimeSettingsDto timeSettings - library complex time settings.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-controlled control state for the library complex.

  • LibraryComplexStateType operationalState - Current operational (functional) state of the library complex.

  • LibraryComplexCountsDto counts - Counts of various objects within the library.

  • boolean suppressHasBeenOpened - TRUE indicates the library will not audit after a restart if the door has been opened. This value affects only the next power cycle for the library. After powering up, it will be set back to FALSE. When selecting TRUE, you must guarantee the contents of the cells and drives will not be modified while the library is powered off, even if doors are opened. This setting applies only to the next library startup.

  • boolean checkLibraryConfiguration - TRUE indicates the library should scan the module id blocks on the next power up. This value affects only the next power cycle for the library. After powering up, it will be set back to FALSE.

  • boolean redundantFcPortsEnabled - TRUE indicates that the second FC port on each controller card is enabled. This feature requires the Redundant FC HWAF or the Redundant Ethernet HWAF.

  • boolean redundantEthernetPortsEnabled - TRUE indicates the second customer network Ethernet port on each controller card is enabled. This feature requires the Redundant Ethernet HWAF Redundant FC HWAF.

  • boolean redundantControllersEnabled - TRUE indicates the second LOC controller card is enabled.

  • boolean redundantRoboticsEnabled - TRUE indicates the library has dual robots.

  • boolean partitioningEnabled - TRUE indicates the library can have more than one partition and multiple CAP pools.

  • int licensedCapacity - the total number of cells allowed by all installed Capacity HWAFs. This is adjusted by adding or removing capacity HWAFs.

  • long auditRequestId - If an audit is in progress, this is the request id for that audit. Use getRequest() for details about the audit.

  • LabelWindowing labelWindowing - the presentation of cartridge label volsers to the client. This setting is obsolete and replaced by the partition setting of the same name.


Provides a count of the components in the library (such as slots, partitions, drive bays, robots, and so on).

  • int libraryCount - number of libraries in the complex. For SL4000, this is always 1.

  • int partitionCount - number of partitions defined in the library complex.

  • int deviceCount - number of devices in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested devices that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types (storage, drives, CAPs, and so on).

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (application-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int systemCellCount - number of system cells. These are cells reserved for internal use by the library and are not usable by external applications.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays in the library complex, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges in the library complex.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.

  • int failedRailCount - number of rails that are in a failed state.

  • int degradedRailCount - number of rails that are in a degraded state.

  • int robotCount - number of robots in the library.

  • int slotCount - number of slots in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested slots that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int moduleCount - number of modules in the library complex.

  • int diagnosticsCartridgeCount - number of diagnostic cartridges in the library complex that are in system cells.

  • int cleaningCartridgeCount - number of cleaning cartridges in the library complex that are in system cells. Cleaning cartridges in storage cells are managed by applications and are not included in this count.


Provides identifying information about the library.

  • long libraryId - the unique database identifier for the library.

  • string name - string name for the library.

  • int number - always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • LibraryIdentityDto identity - identity information for the library.

  • CardCageIdentityDto cardCageIdentity - identity information for the card cage.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto activeFirmware - information about the version of firmware that is currently running on the library.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto oldFirmware - information about the version of firmware that was previously running on the library. The version is still present on the library and the library can be rolled back to this version.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto newFirmware - information about the version of firmware that has been installed but is not currently running on the library. This version can be activated and the library will begin running this new version.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-controlled control state for the library.

  • LibraryStateType operationalState - current operational (functional) state of the library.

  • long wwnSeed - WWN seed value for the library. Used to assign WWNs to FC ports on the library and tape drives.

  • long originalWwnSeed - WWN seed value for libraries that have been upgraded from SL3000 to SL4000 libraries. For upgraded libraries, this is used for the base and first drive module to the left of the base. For upgraded libraries, any other drive module will have WWNs assigned using the wwnSeed value.

  • long fcNodeName - WWNN for the library.

  • DoorStateDto doorState - Current state of the library doors.

  • RailDto rails - list of information about the rails.

  • LibraryCountsDto counts - count information for objects in the library.

  • long AuditRequestId - if an audit is in progress for the library, this is the request ID for that audit.

  • LibraryProductionState libraryProductionState - production state for the library. Normally, "Production" is when the library has been installed at a customer site.

  • RedStackInfoDto redStackInfo - the version information for the Oracle Red Stack components used in the software.


Provides manufacturing information about the library.

  • string marketingPartNumber - marketing part number for the library

  • string systemRevision - revision level for the library.

  • string systemSerialNumber - serial number of the library.

  • string systemModelName - description of the library on the bill of materials.

  • string manufacturingPartNumber - manufacturing part number for the library.

  • string qPartNumber - part number used for some service functions.

  • string vendorId - vendor name for this part.


Provides manufacturing information about the card cage.

  • string cardCagePartNumber - manufacturing part number for the base card cage.

  • string cardCageRevision - revision level for the base card cage.

  • string cardCageSerialNumber - serial number of the base card cage.

  • string cardCageModelName - description of the base card cage on the bill of materials.


Provides a count of the components in the library (such as slots, partitions, drive bays, robots, and so on).

  • int deviceCount - number of devices in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested devices that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (application-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int systemCellCount - number of system cells. These are cells reserved for internal use by the library and are not usable by external applications.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays in the library complex, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges in the library complex.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.

  • int failedRailCount - number of rails that are in a failed state.

  • int degradedRailCount - number of rails that are in a degraded state.

  • int robotCount - number of robots in the library.

  • int slotCount - number of slots in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested slots that are inside modules and other devices.


Provides version information about the Oracle software components used internally by the library.

  • string webLogicAppServerVersion

  • string oracleClusterwareVersion

  • string oracleAdfVersion

  • string databaseServerVersion

  • string databaseDriverVersion

  • string libraryOsVersion

  • string javaRuntimeVersion


Provides identifying information about a library module.

  • long moduleId - unique ID for the module.

  • int moduleNumber - the module number used to identify the module that contains this slot. The base module has a module number of 0. Modules to the left of the base (when viewed from the front of the library) have negative values, starting at -1 for the module immediately to the left of the base. Modules to the right of the base have positive numbers, starting with 1 for the module immediately to the right of the base.

  • ModuleCountsDto moduleCounts - counts of various objects in the module.

  • ModuleType type - module type for this module.


Provides a count of the components within a module.

  • long ModuleId - unique ID for the module

  • int deviceCount - total number of devices in the module.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the module.

  • int cellCount - total number of cells in the module.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices in a failed operational state.


Provides information about the library rail.

  • long railId - unique ID for the rail.

  • int railNumber - number of the rail within the library.

  • RailCountsDto railCounts - counts of various objects associated with the rail.

  • long AuditRequestId - if an audit is in progress for the library, this is the request ID for that audit.

  • int sweptLengthMils - The actual value measured by the robots for the usableLengthMils. This value will vary slightly from usableLengthMils due to manufacturing tolerances.

  • int usableLengthMils - Nominal length of the rail in mils (thousandths of an inch). This is the distance from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail to the right-most position a robot can occupy.


Provides a count of components associated with the library rail.

  • int deviceCount - number of devices associated with the rail. This is a total count that includes all nested devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (client-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays accessible on this rail, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges accessible on this rail.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.


Provides information about a location inside the library that can hold a cartridge.

  • long cellId - unique ID for each cell.

  • CellType type - the type of cell.

  • boolean allocated - true if the cell is currently allocated to a job.

  • CellState state - physical state of the cell. PRESENT means the cell is physically present and a robot can put or get a cartridge. NOT_PRESENT means it is not physically present, such as a CAP cell when the CAP is open. UNKNOWN means the state cannot be determined at this time.

  • CellContentsState contentsState - contents state of the cartridge in this cell, if any.

  • CartridgeDto cartridge - information about the cartridge in this cell, if any.

  • CellAddressDto address - address for this cell.

  • long deviceId - the unique ID of the device that contains this cell.

  • long partitionId - the unique ID of the partition that owns this cell.

  • long libraryId - the unique ID of the library that contains this cell.

  • int scsiElementId - for cells that belong to partitions with SCSI enabled, this is the SCSI element ID assigned to the cell. These are unique within a partition, but duplicates will appear across multiple partitions.

  • string addressAsString - text string of the form L,R,C,S,R (library, rail, column, side, row).


Provides the physical address of a cell in the library.

  • int libraryNumber - library number for this cell. This is always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • int columnNumber - column number for this cell.

  • int railNumber - rail number for this cell. This is always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • int sideNumber - side number for this cell. For SL4000 libraries, 1 = back wall and 2 = front wall.

  • int rowNumber - row number for this cell.


Provides information about a slot inside a module or device that can hold a device. A slot might or might not actually contain a device.

  • long slotId - ID for the slot. Unique for all slots in a library complex.

  • int slotNumber - number for this slot. Unique for all slots within a module that can hold the same type of device.

  • long moduleId - unique database identifier for the module that contains this slot.

  • int moduleNumber - the number used to identify the module that contains this slot. The base module has a module number of 0. Modules to the left of the base (when viewed from the front of the library) have negative values, starting at -1 for the module immediately to the left of the base. Modules to the right of the base have positive numbers, starting with 1 for the module immediately to the right of the base.

  • long libraryId - this is null for SL4000 libraries.

  • int libraryNumber - this is null for SL4000 libraries.

  • long parentDeviceId - for slots inside devices, this is the unique Device ID for the containing device. For slots located directly within a module, this is null.

  • ComponentLocationState controlState - a state that controls whether or not a device inserted into this slot is automatically brought online.

  • DeviceType slotDeviceType - type of device this slot can contain.

  • DeviceDto containedDevice - DeviceDto for the device in the slot, if any.

  • string locationName - name of the slot location.


Provides the state of the module doors.

  • boolean demDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the DEM door is open. Only one value is available, even if there are multiple DEMs in the library.

  • boolean leftAemDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the left AEM door is open.

  • boolean rightAemDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the right AEM door is open.

  • boolean baseDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the Base door is open.

  • boolean leftAemSafetyDoorOpen - TRUE indicates left AEM safety door is open.

  • boolean rightAemSafetyDoorOpen - TRUE indicates right AEM safety door is open

  • DoorState leftAemSafetyDoor - indicates the left AEM safety door status.

  • DoorState rightAemSafetyDoor - indicates the right AEM safety door status.


Provides information about a partition in the library.

  • long partitionId - unique ID for this partition.

  • string name - user-assigned name for the partition.

  • string group - name of the user group to which the partition belongs.

  • PartitionStateType operationalState - provides the current operational state of the partition. INOPERATIVE indicates a failure has left this partition unusable.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-defined control state of the partition. When OFFLINE, a partition will reject all host commands that cause robotic actions.

  • long capPoolId - unique ID of the CAP pool assigned to this partition. Use with getCapPool() to get details of the CAP pool.

  • FastLoadType fastload - controls when SCSI Move Medium commands return:

    • IMMEDIATE: the command returns as soon as it has been validated. Not currently supported.

    • FAST: the command returns as soon as the cartridge has been loaded into the drive. The drive may not be ready at that time.

    • NORMAL: the command waits for the drive to thread the tape and become ready before returning.

  • boolean driveSerialNumberSpoofing - controls whether tape drive serial numbers are "spoofed". TRUE returns the first 10 digits of the drive tray serial number. FALSE returns the drive manufacturer's serial number. This only applies to LTO drives. T10000 drives do not support spoofing.

  • LabelWindowing labelWindowing - controls which characters of the barcode are presented to clients.

  • boolean autoCleaning - TRUE means the library will sense when drives in the partition need cleaning, and will automatically mount, run, and then dismount a cleaning cartridge (from the system cells) before the next mount. FALSE means the host software must manage drive cleaning.

  • boolean scsiAllowed - TRUE indicates the partition can be accessed as a SCSI Medium changer device. If TRUE, SCI commands that move cartridges will be rejected. If FALSE the partition is not exposed as a SCSI medium changer LUN and only SCI commands can be used to move cartridges.

  • PartitionCountsDto partitionCounts - counts of the various objects in the partition.

  • string scsiPartitionCode - A two character code assigned to each partition. This is combined with the library serial number so that each partition has a unique serial number in the response to INQUIRY commands.

  • boolean PartitionMediaValidationDrivePool - TRUE indicates that the partition is the media validation partition.


Provides a count of cells, CAPs, drives, and drive bays in the library.

  • int cellCount - total number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - total number of storage cells (client-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int capCellCount - total number of CAP cells.

  • int cartridgeCount - total number of cartridges in the partition.

  • int driveCount - total number of drives in the partition.

  • int driveBayCount - total number of drive bays.


Provides information about a SCSI host.

  • long wwnn - wwnn for the SCSI host.

  • long wwpn - wwpn for the SCSI host.

  • long abortFlag - the value of the abortFlag for the SCSI host.

  • string name - a text name for the host, supplied by the user.

  • ScsiHostState scsiHostState - the state of the SCSI host.

  • long lunIds - list of IDs for the corresponding logical units.


Provides information about a SCSI LUN.

  • long scsiHostID - ID of the SCSI host that participates in this nexus.

  • long partitionId - ID of the partition that participates in this nexus.

  • int lunNumber - Logical Unit Number for this nexus.

  • string source - AUTOMATIC means this SCSI Logical Unit was added automatically by the library. USER means it was explicitly added by a user through the GUI.

  • boolean enabled - if TRUE, commands are allowed using this SCSI logical unit. If FALSE, commands are blocked. It is set to FALSE by configuring access using the GUI.


Provides information about how the clocks are set on the library.

  • string ntpServers - NTP servers, in string format.

  • boolean ntpEnabled - true if NTP has been configured.

  • boolean forceEnabled - reserved for future use. This parameter is not currently used.

  • date currentTime - current time on the library when this DTO was created.