Firmware Related Objects

Firmware related objects represent versions of library and drive firmware on the library.

The library will hold multiple versions of drive firmware. Drive firmware versions are first uploaded to the library and then applied to specific drives. Drive firmware versions that are uploaded to the library remain on the library until removed.


Provides information about a library firmware version.

Library firmware is the complete package of all firmware for the entire library. This object does not include the firmware itself, only data about the firmware.

  • string version - firmware version.

  • date buildDate - date and time this firmware version was created.

  • ComponentFirmwareDto componentFirmwareList - code version information for devices in the library.


Provides version information for the code running on devices inside the library.

  • DeviceType deviceType - the type of device.

  • FirmwareType firmwareType - the type of firmware.

  • string codeVersion - the code version for the device.

  • string basePartNumber - base part number for this device. See the BasePartIdentityDto for more information.

  • string basePartRevision - base part revision of the device.

  • boolean activeVersion - firmware version currently running on this device.


Provides information about the firmware running on a drive.

  • string version - drive firmware version.

  • string driveType - the type of drive to which this firmware applies.

  • date buildDate - date this firmware version was created.

  • date uploadDate - date this firmware version was uploaded.


Provides a history of firmware upgrade activity.

Each time library or drive firmware is uploaded or activated, a firmware upgrade event is captured.

  • FirmwareType firmwareType - type of firmware.

  • string version - version string

  • long driveId - ID of drive, for drive firmware actions that are specific to a drive

  • date actionDate - date/time stamp for the action.

  • string userName - name of user who performed the action.

  • string result - final status of the action