Outbound SCI Objects


Provides information about a library event.

  • long eventId - The unique id for this event.

  • string comment - A text comment, used for debugging.

  • date timeStamp - The date and time when the event occurred.

  • EventCategory category - The category for this event. Categories control which events are sent to which destination.

  • EventSeverity severity - Severity of the event. ERROR indicates human intervention is required to correct the fault. WARNING indicates faults that do not require immediate attention.

  • RequestDto request - The request for this event.

  • EventType type - type of the event, tells the subclass for the specific event.

  • string libSerialNumber - serial number of library that generated the event.


Sent when a cartridge moves to or from a CAP.

  • long capId - device ID of the CAP that has moved.

  • long partitionId - partition ID of the partition that owned the CAP when it was moved.

  • string moveDirection - whether the CAP opened or closed.

  • CellDto cells - list of cells in the CAP and their contents.


Sent when a CAP is opened or closed.

  • CapMoveDto capMove - information about the cap and the operation performed


Sent when the ownership of a CAP is overridden.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • CapDto cap - the CAP who has its ownership overridden.


Sent when the CAP is ready to open.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • long capId - ID of the CAP that is ready to be opened.


Sent when a cartridge is moved within the library.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • LibraryDto library - The Library which created and sent the event.

  • CellDto sourceCell - The source cell.

  • CellDto destinationCell - The destination cell.

  • DriveDto sourceDrive - The source drive.

  • DriveDto destinationDrive - The destination drive.

  • CartridgeDto cartridge - The contents of the source cell before the move.

  • List of RobotMoveDto robotMoves - A list of the individual robotic moves performed to complete the cartridge movement.

  • List of DriveOperationDto srcDriveOperations - A list of the source drive operations.

  • List of DriveOperationDto dstDriveOperations - A list of the destination drive operations.

  • date mountStartTime - time the mount operation was started.

  • date mountEndTime - time the mount operation completed.

  • date dismountStartTime - time the dismount operation started.

  • date dismountEndTime - time the dismount operation completed.


Provides information about a device in relation to a library event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • long supportBundleId - The unique id of the support bundle that was created for this event.

  • ErrorCode errorCode - Error identifier provided by the device.

  • string wrappedServiceUserId - The encrypted userid for the service role user created to deal with this event.

  • string wrappedServicePassword - The encrypted password for the service role user created to deal with this event.

  • List of SystemReportDto systemReports - The system reports that contributed to this event.

  • DeviceDto device - The device that generated the event.


Sent when the library door opens or closes.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • DoorStateDto doorState - state information for the door that was opened or closed.


Provides information retrieved from the drive during mounts and dismounts.

  • DriveProtocol protocol - type of protocol used to communicate with the drive.

  • string protocolVersion - drive protocol version string.

  • base64Binary command - command issued to the drive to retrieve data.

  • base64Binary results - results returned by the drive from the command.

  • boolean success - TRUE indicates the command was successful in retrieving data from the drive. If FALSE, the "results" field will be null.

  • DriveActivityStatusCode statusCode - status of the drive operation that was being performed when this data was retrieved.

  • CommandTiming commandTiming - drive operation that was being performed when this data was retrieved.


Sent when the drive indicates it needs cleaning.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • DriveDto drive - the drive that needs cleaning


Provides information about a fault event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • FaultDto faultReport - fault information


Provides information about a media validation event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • DriveDto drive - the drive performing the media verification.

  • List DriveActivityDataDto driveActivities - List of DriveActivityDataDtos retrieved from the drive at the completion of the mount, but before acknowledging the move to the client that initiated the mount.

  • int validationPercent - percentage complete of the media validation operation.


Provides information about the library that experienced an event.

Extends EventDataDto.


Provides information about a change in capacity.

Extends LibraryComplexEventDataDto. Contains no additional attributes.


Provides information about the library that experienced an event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • LibraryDto library - The library that experienced the event.


Sent when the initial library audit after startup completes.

Extends LibraryEventDataDto.

  • List AuditActivityDataDto auditActivities - contains the results of the audit, cell by cell.

  • List RobotMoveDto robotMoves - contains a list of moves performed by the robots during the audit.


Provides information about the audit.

  • CellDto cell - cell and its contents after the audit.

  • date startTime - start date and time of the audit.

  • date endTime - end date and time of the audit.


Provides library statistics.


Provides information about a list cartridge.

Extends EventDataDto.


Provides information about a change to the media validation pool.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • List DriveDto - list of drives in the media validation pool.


Provides information about the rail that experienced an event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • RailDto rail - The rail that experienced the event.


Provides information about the partition that was involved with the event.

Extends EventDataDto.

  • PartitionDto partition - partition that has been modified.


Provides data about an individual robotic action involving a tape.

  • CellDto sourceCell - cell ID for the cartridge at the start of the move.

  • CellDto destinationCell - cell ID for the cartridge at the end of the move.

  • string moveType - type of the move. Options are:

    • HAND — For motion performed by the robot. This involves a specific robot moving to a location, fetching a cartridge, moving to another location, and putting the cartridge into the destination cell.

    • ELEVATOR — For motion performed by an elevator. This is the movement of the elevator from one rail to another. The four physical cells have a set of Cells on each rail. A robot will put a cartridge in an elevator cell when the elevator is positioned on one rail. The elevator will then move to another rail. A different robot will then fetch the cartridge from the same physical cell. Because the physical cell is on a different rail, the fetch operation is from a different cell than the source.

    • PTP — For motion performed by a pass-thru port (PTP). This is the same as for elevators, but the source and destination cells are in different libraries in a library complex.

  • date startTime - date/time stamp when the move was started.

  • date endTime - date/time stamp when the move ended.

  • RobotStatusCode moveStatus - status of robot after attempting this move. SUCCESS indicates the operation was successful. Other values indicate an error.


Provides information about a test event.

Extends EventDataDto.