Tape Cartridge Objects


Provides information about a cartridge with a specified volser.

Because the library cannot definitively identify cartridges, a cartridge object does not have unique IDs common in other objects.

  • string volser - if the contents state is readable, this is the volser derived from the rawLabel.

  • string rawLabel - full data read from the barcode label.

  • CartridgeTypeDto detailedType - contains information about the type of cartridge (make, model, size, and so on).

  • boolean diagnostic - TRUE indicates this is a diagnostic cartridge. Volsers for diagnostic cartridges start with "DG".

  • long cellId - unique ID of the cell that contains this cartridge.

  • long partitionId - unique ID of the partition that contains this cartridge.

  • long lostCartridgeId - a unique ID valid only for lost cartridges. This attribute will be populated only in the output from the getLostCartridges() method.


Provides information about the cartridge.

  • long cartridgeTypeId - unique ID for this cartridge type.

  • string family - family for the cartridge: T10000 or LTO.

  • string generation - generation for the cartridge. For LTO, this starts with 1 for the first generation. For T10000, this starts with A. The value of 0 is used for some cleaning cartridges.

  • int capacity - native (uncompressed) capacity of the cartridge in GB.

  • string domainCode - the domain code.

  • string typeCode - the type code.

  • boolean cleaning - TRUE indicates the cartridge is a cleaning cartridge.

  • boolean worm - TRUE indicates the cartridge is a WORM (write once, read many) cartridge.

  • string descriptiveName - name for the media type.

  • MediumType mediumType - the type of cartridge: DATA or CLEANING.

  • int recommendedMaximumUsage - manufacturer's recommendation for maximum number of uses.

  • int warningThreshold - user-specified warning threshold. The cartridge is considered expired after this number of uses.


Provides a count of the number of times the cartridge has been used for cleaning.

  • int cleanCount - number of times the cartridge has been used for cleaning