Cartridge Methods

Cartridge methods move, mount, dismount, and get information for cartridges in the library.

The async parameter determines when the method returns. If async=false, the method does not return until the cartridge mounts. If async=true, the method returns once the request is submitted. If you submit the request asynchronously, you can use getRequest()to determine when the move completes.


Dismounts a tape cartridge from the drive specified by cellId and moves the tape to the cell specified by destinationCellId.

The cellId is the cell id for the drive, not the drive id. If force is true, the library issues a rewind/unload command to the drive before removing the tape.


Moving tapes between partitions may confuse some applications requiring you to re-sync the application with the library.

Used by WWOPs.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

long sourceCellId,

long destinationCellId,

boolean force,

boolean async


C2Foot 1,S1,I



Footnote 1

C2 users can only dismount cartridges to cells within the same partition, while C3, service, and installation roles can dismount cartridges to any cell.


Dismounts a tape cartridge from a tape drive.

The volser specifies the tape to be dismounted and destinationCellId specifies the destination. When drive dismounts a tape, the library returns it to the specified cell. If force is true, the library issues a rewind/unload command to the drive before removing the tape.

Used by ACSLS.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

string volser,

long destinationCellId,

boolean force,

boolean async


C2Foot 2,S1,I



Footnote 2

C2 users can only dismount the cartridges to cells within the same partition, while C3, service, and installation roles can dismount cartridges to any cell.


Returns information about all cartridges for the given volser (use if there are duplicate volsers).

Used by STA.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

string volser

List of CartridgeDto




Returns information about all cartridges for the given set of volsers.

Used by STA.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

List of string volsers

List of CartridgeDto




Returns a list of cartridge information for the lost cartridges.

Lost cartridges can occur when the library finds a cartridges in a robot hand during library startup and the library cannot determine the proper location for the cartridge. The library will examine jobs that were in progress when the library went down to attempt to find the source cell for the cartridge. It it cannot find the source cell, the library will leave the cartridge in system a cell and notify all connected applications using the lostCartridges() outbound SCI method.

Used by STA.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors


List of CartridgeDto




Mounts a cartridge on a tape drive.

Specify the cell id of the cartridge source (cellId) and the cell id of the destination drive (destinationCellId). The destinationCellId is the cell id for the drive, not the drive id. If readOnly is true, the drive makes the cartridge read-only.

Used by WWOPs.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

long sourceCellId,

long destinationCellId,

boolean readOnly,

boolean async


C2Foot 3,S1,I



Footnote 3

C2 users can only mount cartridges to drives within the same partition, while C3, service, and installation roles can mount cartridges to any drive.


Mounts a cartridge on a tape drive.

Specify the volume serial number (volser) of the cartridge and the cell id of the destination drive (destinationCellid). The destinationCellId is the cell id for the drive, not the drive id. If readOnly is true, the drive makes the cartridge read-only.

Used by ACSLS.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

string volser,

long destinationCellId,

boolean readOnly,

boolean async


C2Foot 4,S1,I



Footnote 4

C2 users can only mount cartridges to drives within the same partition, while C3, service, and installation roles can mount cartridges to any drive.


Moves a cartridge from one storage slot to another.

Specify the source cell (cellId) to the destination cell (destinationCellId). Neither source nor destination can be a tape drive.


Moving cartridges between partitions may confuse some applications requiring you to re-sync the application with the library.

Used by ACSLS and WWOPs.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

long sourceCellId,

long destinationCellId,

boolean async


C1Foot 5,S1,I



Footnote 5

C1 users can only move cleaning cartridges to and from a CAP. C2 users can only move cartridges to cells within the same partition, while C3, service, and installation roles can move cartridges to any cell.