Partitioning Methods

Partitioning methods get information about the library partitions.

The initial configuration of a library complex has a single default physical partition that contains all drive bays, all drives, all active storage cells, and all cartridges. The output of getLibraryComplex() contains a list of partitionIds. Most partition methods take a partitionId as an input.


Returns information for a specific partition.

Used by ACSLS.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

long partitionId





Returns a list of cells and their contents for a partition.

getPartition() returns PartitionDto, which includes a count of the number of cells in the partition. The optional CellTypeSelector parameter determines the type of cells returned. If cellType is omitted, the method returns all cells.

Used by ACSLS.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

long partitionId,

CellTypeSelector cellType,

int first,

int count

List of CellDto

