Requests, Jobs, and Resources Objects


Provides information about the library request. Requests may come from the GUI, SCI, and SCSI interfaces, or may be created internally by the library.

  • long requestId - unique identifier for the request.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the request was created.

  • string parameters - a string representation of the request inputs.

  • RequestSource source - the interface that created the request.

  • RequestStatus status - current status of the request.

  • JobDto jobs - a list of zero or more JobDtos that were created to perform the request. Not all requests result in jobs.

  • RequestErrorDto error - an object that contains more detailed information about the outcome of the request for failed requests.

  • RequestOutputMessageDto outputMessages - a list of raw messages produced by the request.


Provides details about errors encountered while executing the request.

Only consider the request error object final if the state of the request is "Failed". During execution, a request may encounter recoverable errors that will be reflected in the request error if the state of the request is "Active". The request error will not apply if the state of the request is "Submitted", "Complete", or "Cancelled".

This DTO is included in a RequestDto.


Contains raw data for each message produced as the library processes the request. A program may find the raw messages useful.

This DTO is included in a RequestDto.

  • long requestOutputMessageId - a unique internal identifier for each request output message.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the message was created.

  • string messageKey - identifies the message. Used to look up the localized message format strings.

  • string outputParameters list - an array of zero or more parameters associated with the message. To create the localized version, parameter values are substituted into the message format string.


Provides information about jobs which have be created as a result of a request. Jobs are individual tasks inside the library which either interact with devices or create child jobs.

  • long jobId - unique id for the job.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was created.

  • date startDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was started executing.

  • date completedDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was completed.

  • JobStateType jobState - an enumeration showing the current state of the job.

  • JobType jobType - an enumeration showing the type of the job.

  • JobParameter jobParameter - a list of key/value pairs that are the parameters used by the job.

  • long parentJobId - job id of the parent job, if any.

  • JobDto childJobs - a list of child jobs of this job, if any.

  • long requestId - unique id of the request that created (directly or indirectly) this job.

  • boolean markedForCancellation - true if a request has been made to cancel the job and the cancellation is in progress.

  • ResourceDto resources - a list of resources needed or used by the job. Once a job completes this shows the specific devices, cells, or rail segments used by the job.


Name/value pairs that control what the job does.

  • string key - name of the parameter.

  • string value - value of the parameter.


Provides information about the resources used by a job.

Resources can include devices and segments of a rail or cells. In the JobDto, the resources attribute is a list of ResourceDtos. The actual objects will be one of three specific object types:

In object-oriented terms, these are subclasses of ResourceDto. The list of resources will never contain a ResourceDto object. It will only contain objects of the three subtypes.

  • ResourceType type - the type of resource.

  • long jobId - job ID for the job using this resource.

  • ResourceState state - current state of this resource.

  • ResourceName name - name for the resource in the context of its job.

  • date allocatedDateTime - date/time stamp when the resource was allocated.

  • date freedDateTime - date/time stamp when the resource was freed.


Provides information about the cell used by a job.

  • long cellID - unique ID of the cell used by the job.


Provides information about the device used by a job.

  • long deviceId - unique ID of the device used by the job.

  • DeviceType deviceType - enumeration for the type of device.


Provides information about the portion of a rail used for an active job.

  • long railNumber - unique ID for the rail.

  • int startMil - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the start of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int endMil - mil (on thousandth of an inch) position of the end of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.


Record of the resources used after a job completes. The library stores this data for seven days. Use this data to analyze the usage of resources over time.

  • long jobId - id of the job that used this resource

  • JobType jobType - type of the job that used this resource

  • long parentJobId - job id of the parent job of the job that used this resource

  • long requestId - request id of the request that resulted in the job that used this resource.

  • ResourceName name - An internal name for this resource, as defined by the job.

  • ResourceType type - Type of this resource (CELL, DEVICE, or RAIL_SEGMENT).

  • ResourceState state - Current state of this resource. Can be NEEDED (the job needs this resource and has not yet been able to allocate it), ALLOCATED (the job has allocated this resource), or COMPLETE (the job is finished with this resource).

  • date allocatedDateTime - Date and time when the resource was allocated.

  • date freedDateTime - Date and time when the job was finished with the resource and it was freed.


Provides information about the portion of the rail that was used by a completed job.

  • long railNumber - unique ID for the rail.

  • int startMil - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the start of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int endMil - mil (on thousandth of an inch) position of the end of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int sourceMilPosition - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the starting point of the robot when performing the move.

  • int targetMilPosition - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the ending point of the robot when performing the move.

  • int safeColumn - column number where the robot can safely swing the wrist.