Network Objects


Provides information about settings associated with FC ports on drives. These settings are only meaningful on an arbitrated loop configuration.

  • boolean hardAssignedPhysicalAddress - TRUE if the port is set to use a specific physical address (an ArbitratedLoopAddress must be specified). If FALSE, you should set the SoftAssignedPhysicalAddress attribute.

  • int arbitratedLoopAddress - a specific loop ID value from 0 to 125.

  • string softAssignedPhysicalAddress - Used when hardAssignedPhysicalAddress is FALSE, the drive will seek a physical address. HI means addresses are searched in descending order. LO means the addresses are searched in ascending order.

  • FcPortState fcPortState - state of the FC port.


Provides IP address information.

  • string defaultGateway - IP address of the first router connected to this interface.

  • string ipAddress - IP Address value.

  • IpAddressType ipAddressType - IPv4 or IPv6.

  • string netmask - netmask for IPv4 IP addresses.

  • int prefixLength - prefix length for IP v6 addresses.


Provides internal network information for devices inside the library. These addresses are internal to the library and are not visible through any of the external interfaces.

  • string name - This field is not used.

  • string host - IP address of the device.

  • string port - port number used to communicate to the device.

  • List of string webServiceUri - URI for the device's web service interface.


Provides information on the type of IP address used.


Provides information about network performance of switches.

Network switch ports represent a port on a switch chip on a card connecting to another device. The names used for these measurement points identify the device on the other end of the connection. This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:

  • int portSpeed - network speed in Mbps

  • int txOctets - total number of good bytes of data transmitted by a port

  • int txDroppedPackets - number of packet dropped by a port (incremented only if not counted by either the TxLateCollision or the TxExcessiveCollision counters)

  • int txCollisions - number of collisions experienced by a port during packet transmissions

  • int txPausePackets - number of pause events on a port

  • int rxOctets - number of bytes of data received by a port (including bad packets).

  • int rxDroppedPackets - number of good packets received by a port that were dropped due to lack of resources (incremented only if the receive error was not counted by the RxAlignmentErrors or the RxFCSErrors counters).

  • int rxPausePackets - number of pause frames received by a port.

  • int rxAlignmentErrors - number of packets received by a port that have a length between 64 and standard max frame size and a bad FCS with a non-integral number of bytes.

  • int rxFcsErrors - The number of packets received by a port that have a length between 64 and standard max frame size and a bad FCS with an integral number of bytes.

  • int rxSymbolErrors - The total number of times a valid length packet was received at a port and at least one invalid data symbol was detected. Counter increments only once per carrier event and does not increment on detection of collision during the carrier event.


Provides information about the network settings used for an interface.


Provides a information about the traceroute.

  • list of string traceHops - output of the traceroute command for each router along the route to the target of the traceroute command.