Logging and Fault Objects

The library tracks system reports and faults that occur in the library.

Faults represent events requiring service intervention to correct. A fault can be a hardware failure requiring replacement of a part. It can also be a software problem that requires intervention to correct.

System reports are the input to faults, and record significant events that occur in the library. They can be created as the result of an error, but can also occur as the result of successful library operations. These provide a history of actions in the library that allow the library to perform analysis to determine when a fault occurred.


Provides information about the log.

  • string loggerName - Each log message has an associated logger name. The logger names are for different categories of messages and different devices. Examine the logging level settings in the GUI to see these names.

  • string loggerLevel - The logging level represents the severity of the message. Only log messages at or above the specified logging level are captured in the library logs. Possible values (most severe to least) are SEVERE, WARNING, CONFIG, FINE, and FINER. A value of INHERITED means this logger uses its parent logger's level.


Provides information about a support bundle created by the library.

A support bundle is a large file containing a data dump about the library. Support bundles can be created on demand and are also automatically captured when the library detects a fault. They can be downloaded and transferred to Oracle support for problem diagnosis.

  • long supportBundleId - unique ID for the support bundle.

  • SupportBundleOriginator originator - how the support bundle was generated.

  • SupportBundleState state - the state of the support bundle.

  • date timeStamp - Date and time this support bundle was generated.


Provides information about the system report created by the library.

  • long systemReportId - unique ID for the system report.

  • date timestamp - date/time stamp when the system report was created.

  • SystemReportType reportType - type of system report.

  • ErrorCode statusCode - code for the specific fault.

  • HardwareStatusCode hardwareStatusCode - code for the hardware fault.

  • long createdRequestId - unique ID of the request that was being processed when the system report was generated.

  • long createdJobId - ID of the job created to process this system report, if any.

  • long sourceRequestId - ID of the request being processed when this system report was created.

  • long sourceJobId - unit ID of the job that was being processed when the system report was generated, if any.

  • long originatingDeviceId - device ID for the device that created the system report.

  • long reportedDeviceId - device ID for the device that was reported by this system report.

  • SensorDto reportedComponentIdentifier - SensorDto for the reported component.


Provides information about the fault created by the library.

A FaultDto is created when the library detects a fault. This object includes a list of devices. If the library can identify a specific device that is the source of the fault, that fault will be the only device in the list. If not, multiple devices will appear in the list, ordered with the most likely cause first. "Device added" and "device removed" event types will have only a single device snapshot object.

  • long faultId - unique integer ID for the event.

  • FaultSymptomCodeType faultSymptomCode - a code for the specific fault.

  • date timestamp - date/time stamp when the event was detected.

  • List of SuspectFruDto suspectFrus - list of possible fault causing devices.

  • List of SystemReportDto systemReports - list of SystemReportDto system reports.

  • long serviceBundleId - ID of the service bundle generated when the fault was detected.

  • boolean reviewed - whether someone has reviewed the fault. This is set to false when the fault is created.

  • EventSeverity severity - severity of this fault. Usually ERROR because most faults require intervention. A value of WARNING is used for faults that do not require immediate intervention.

  • CorrectiveActionsType correctiveAction -indicates actions that need to be taken to eliminate the fault.


Provides information about the suspected component that caused the fault.

  • long faultId - unique ID of the fault for this suspect FRU.

  • DeviceType deviceType - device type for this suspect FRU. The combination of device type, frame number and slot number identify the location of the slot where this suspect FURU is installed.

  • int frameNumber - identifier for the module where this suspect FRU is located.

  • int slotNumber - identifier for the slot where this suspect FRU is located.

  • int priority - priority in the list of suspect FRUs. A value of 1 is for the most likely device. Higher values are for less likely devices.

  • DeviceDto device - The device DTO for the suspect FRU