Notification Objects


Provides information about a destination used for notifications.

This is a superclass of ASR Destination, SNMP Destination, Email Destination, and Outbound SCI Destination.

  • long destinationId - unique ID of the destination.

  • EventCategory eventCategories - list of categories to which this destination is subscribed.

  • DestinationType type - type of destination.


Provides information about an email recipient.

A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • string emailAddress - alerts will be mailed to this address.

  • string locale - the email will be localized for this locale.


Provides information about SCI outbound destinations.

A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • string host - IP address for the destination for outbound SCI calls, reachable through the customer network.

  • string port - port for the destination for outbound SCI calls.

  • string path - URL for outbound SCI calls.

  • string userName - user ID used to log into the outbound SCI interface.

  • string password - password used to log into the outbound SCI interface.

  • int retentionTimeLimit - a time limit for retaining notifications if the destination is unreachable. The library will attempt to retain events up to this time limit, and will periodically retry. It will send the queued events once the destination returns.


Provides information about an ASR destination (used for SDP).

A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • NetworkSettingsType asrNetworkAdapter - The network interface that is used for the connection to SDP2.

  • string address - IP address of the SDP2 server.

  • int port - Port number for the connection to SDP2.

  • string clientId - Identity of the library, used by SDP2.

  • boolean enabled - TRUE when the connection to SDP2 is enabled


Provides information about a SNMP destination.

A subclass of DestinationDto. This object contains the parameters for an SNMP destination.

  • string host - hostname or IP address of the destination host.

  • string protocolVersion - SNMP protocol version (VTWOC, VTHREE). For V2, you must provide a community string. For V3, you must specify all other parameters.

  • string community - for V2 only. A password or phrase. Cannot be "community".


    Configuring “public" or “private" as valid community strings is a major security risk. These are commonly used and easily guessed.

  • string userName - for V3 only. Text name for the SNMP user. Limited to upper and lower case letters and !@#$%^*()-+\=\~.

  • string authenticationType - for V3 only. Enumeration for the type of authentication for this user: MD5, SHA, or NONE.

  • string authenticationPassphrase - for V3 only. String passphrase for this user.

  • string privacyType - for V3 only. Enumeration for the type of privacy to be used on notifications (traps) that are sent to the user. This determines how traps sent to this destination are encrypted. DES, AES or NONE.

  • string privacyPassphrase - for V3 only. String passphrase used for privacy.

  • string engineId - for V3 only. String engine ID for this destination. If not specified, the library will use its own engine ID.


Provides information about an ASR for a service request.

  • string assignedCaseNumber - ASR identifier assigned by Oracle support.

  • long serviceBundleId - ID of the service bundle generated when the fault was detected.

  • date submitTime - date/time stamp when the ASR was submitted.

  • FaultDto fault - fault object for the fault that triggered the ASR.


Provides information about the library for a service request.

  • string contactName - string name of the contact person.

  • string phoneNumber - string phone number for the contact person.

  • string streetAddr - string street address where the library is installed.

  • string city - string city where the library is installed.

  • string state - string state or other region where the library is installed.

  • string country - country where the library is installed.

  • string zipCode - string postal code for the library.

  • string description - string description for the contact person.