Hardware Activation Objects


Provides information about a capacity hardware activation file.

  • Feature activatedFeature - the HWAF feature which is active.

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF


Provides information about a hardware activation file.

  • long hwafId - unique ID for this HWAF.

  • Feature feature - the feature controlled by the HWAF.

  • date expirationDate - date that the HWAF expires

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF.


Provides information about a hardware activation file.

  • Feature feature - the feature controlled by the HWAF.

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF

  • string action - The action taken relating to the HWAF. For example, "ADD" and "DELETE".

  • date actionDate - the time stamp when the action takes place.

  • string userId - the user who performed the action.