User Objects


Provides information about a user.

A user object represents a user ID that can connect to the library through the GUI or SCI interface. User authentication is performed by either the local LDAP server on the library or a customer-defined LDAP server. However, use of an external LDAP server is not allowed. The first time a user logs in to the library, a User will be created in the library controller software for that user. The User entry in the library controller software is used to track the group the user belongs to and user-specific preferences.

  • string name - text userid for the user. This must match the userid in the LDAP server.

  • string source - Text, either "local" or "enterprise". Local means the user is defined in the local (on library) LDAP server. "enterprise" means the user is defined in the enterprise LDAP server. Currently only local user are supported.

  • string group - text name of the group to which the user belongs.

  • string libraryRole - the library role for the user.

  • string enterpriseRole - the enterprise role that maps to the library role (if these roles have been defined). Not currently used.


Provides information about a group of users.

A group defines a set of users. Groups are intended for use in controlling access to partitions. However, this functionality is not currently implemented. Each partition is owned by only one group. Certain roles have access to all partitions. Other roles, however, have access only to partitions that belong to the same group as the user. When a new user logs into the library, that user will not belong to any group. An administrator must specify the user's group. This can be done before the user logs in or after. However, if the user's role limits access to partitions, that user will not be able to view or modify any partition-specific information.

  • string name - text name for the group.

  • string description - text description for the group.

  • List of UserDto users - a list of user names for users that belong to the group.


Provides information about a user role.

The library uses role-based authentication. A role defines the functions a user may perform. The library software defines a list of library roles. This list and the permissions associated with each role cannot be changed. The role names can be used in a user-defined LDAP server. Alternately, you can set up a mapping between enterprise roles and library roles. Enterprise roles are the roles used in an LDAP server. When a new user first logs into the library, the user's list of roles will be retrieved from the LDAP server and compared to the library and enterprise role names. If a match is found, the user in the library will be assigned the matching library role.

  • string libraryRole - text name of the library role.

  • string description - text description for the role.

  • string enterpriseRole - text name of a role defined in the customer's LDAP server. If not supplied, the LibraryRoles should be used in the LDAP server to control the role assigned to a user in the library software. Not currently used.