Robot Objects


Provides information about a robot in the library.

RobotDto extends DeviceDto.

  • int trackPosition - track position of the robot.

  • long railNumber - rail number associated with the robot.

  • RobotHomeEnd robotHomeEnd - home end for the robot.

  • string ipAddresses - Internal IP address of the robot.


Provides information about a robot calibration for a specific cell array. This data is used by Oracle service and engineering to evaluate the robot's condition


Provides the depth of a cell recorded by the robot.

  • double cellDepth - Depth of cells is in mils (thousandths of an inch).


Provides statistical information about a robot.

  • int auditTotal - total number of audits performed.

  • int auditFailures - total number of audit failures.

  • int auditRetries - total number of audit retries.

  • int fetchTotal - total number of fetches performed.

  • int fetchFailures - total number of fetch failures.

  • int fetchRetries - total number of fetch retries.

  • int targetTotal - total number of targets scanned.

  • int targetFailures - total number of target scan failures.

  • int targetRetries - total number of target scan retries.

  • int putTotal - total number of puts performed.

  • int putFailures - total number of put failures.

  • int putRetries - total number of put retries.


Provides information about the robot mechanisms.

  • string mechName - Name of the robot mechanism that this data applies to. Can be TRACK (upper track motor), STRACK (lower track motor), ZMECH (Z or vertical motor), WRIST, REACH, or GRIP.

  • double distance

  • double moveTime

  • double maxPositionError

  • double minPositionError

  • double avgPositionError

  • double maxCurrentCommand

  • double minCurrentCommand

  • double avgCurrentCommand

  • boolean endMode

  • double settlingTime

  • double settlingAvgCurrent

  • double settlingAvgPositionError

  • double stallDistance

  • double stallTime

  • double stallCurrentMax

  • double stallCurrentMin

  • double stallCurrentAvg

  • double stallStartPosErr


Provides information about the robot hand.

  • double t - track position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)

  • double z - Z (vertical) position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)

  • double w - wrist position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)


Provides information about the robot retries and speed.

  • boolean retriesEnabled - TRUE (default) indicates robot retries are enabled. FALSE indicates retries are disabled and the robot will return a fault if any action fails on the first attempt.

  • int trackMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for track, as a percentage of maximum possible speed.

  • int zMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for Z.

  • int wristMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the wrist mechanism.

  • int reachMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the reach mechanism.

  • int gripMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the grip mechanism.


Provides information about a single robot move. A series of these DTOs will show the motion of the robot over the time period covered by the series.

  • long id - unique id for this robot position history record.

  • long robotId - device id of the robot performing this move.

  • RobotHomeEnd robotHomeEnd - home end of the robot.

  • int trackPosition - position of the robot after the move.

  • DeviceStateType currentState - state of the robot during the move. This will be an active state such as PUTTING, FETCHING or MOVING.

  • DeviceStateType nextState - state of the robot after the move. This will usually be INACTIVE, but could be FAILED_IMMOVEABLE or FAILED_MOVEABLE if a problem occurred during the move.

  • RobotStatusCode robotStatusCode - status code from the robot for the move.

  • RobotHardwareStatusCode robotHardwareStatusCode - a more detailed status code from the robot after the move.

  • boolean operationSuccessful - TRUE if the move was successful.

  • string command - the command being performed.

  • date timestamp - time the move completed.

  • long jobId - job ID for the job performing the move.


Provides statistical information about a robot.

  • int auditRetries - total number of audit retries.

  • int auditFailures - total number of audit failures.

  • int fetchTotal - total number of fetches performed.

  • int fetchRetries - total number of fetch retries.

  • int fetchFailures - total number of fetch failures.

  • int putTotal - total number of puts performed.

  • int putRetries - total number of put retries.

  • int putFailures - total number of put failures.

  • int targetTotal - total number of targets scanned.

  • int targetRetries - total number of target scan retries.

  • int targetFailures - total number of target scan failures.


Provides information on the range of travel for a physical mechanism.

Methods that return this object typically return a list, one item for each mechanism for the device being queried. The operating min and max values are the limits of normal robot motion. The operating range is slightly smaller than the physical range as shown by the physical min and max values. The physical min and max values are the physical limit of motion.

  • string name - name for the specific mechanism. Options are TRACK, ZMECH, WRIST, REACH, GRIP, STRACK, and CAP.

  • double operatingMax - integer value in mils.

  • double operatingMin - integer value in mils.

  • double physicalMax - integer value in mils.

  • double physicalMin - integer value in mils.