Configure the Library Step 4 of 6: Set the Drive Element Addressing Mode

The drive element addressing mode affects how the library assigns SCSI element IDs to tape drives.


Code versions before 2.0 will not include this step.
Set Drive Element Address Mode screen
  1. Select the Drive Element Addressing Mode from the list. The options are:

    Address All Drive Slots (Recommended)

    All drives, including empty drive slots, are assigned a sequential SCSI element address which is always reported to attached hosts. In this mode, the library does not need to be restarted for newly installed drives to become usable by attached hosts, and drive SCSI element addresses never change. Also, empty drive slots can be assigned to a partition.

    You should select this setting if using STA. Otherwise, media validation drives will not show within STA.

    Address Only Installed Drives

    Only installed drives are assigned a sequential SCSI element address. Empty drive slots are not assigned a SCSI element address and are not reported to attached hosts. In this mode, the library must be restarted before newly installed drives are usable by attached hosts, and drive SCSI element addresses may change. Also, only installed drives can be assigned to a partition.

    You must select this setting if using ACSLS.

  2. Tap Next.