Manually Disengage the Robot

Manually disengage the robot when you cannot get the robot to retract by other methods. Use this as a last resort.


Perform this procedure only if either the library power down (Step 1 of Park and Lock the Robot) or Manually Retract the Robot does not work. This procedure damages the robot assembly.

Cut the Robot Cables

To manually remove the robot, you must cut the cables to the robot to allow the Z-platform to move.

  1. Make sure the library is powered down.
  2. Remove all tape drives from the Base Module.
  3. Cut the accordion cable (folded ribbon cable).
  4. Reach into the library and cut both rear suspension cables.
  5. Cut the front suspension cables. The Z platform should settle to the floor of the bottom module.

Manually Remove the Robot CRU

With the cables cut, you can manually remove the Robot Module.

  1. Loosen the robot module thumbscrews.
  2. Grasp the robot module thumbscrews and pull the robot approximately 25cm (10 inches) out of the Base Module.
  3. Reposition your hands along the sides of the extended robot and close to the Base Module.
  4. Pull the robot completely out of the Base Module, and set it aside.

Manually Remove the Z Platform

With the cables cut, the Z platform of the robot will be at the bottom of the library. You must raise it and slide it out of the Robot CRU opening.

  1. Remove the cartridge magazines from the Base Module.
  2. Remove cartridge magazines from Expansion Modules until you locate the Z platform.


    You can also perform this procedure at the rear of the library by removing the tape drives or drive fillers from the modules, and reaching through the drive openings.

  3. Grasp the platform by reaching through either the magazine or tape drive openings.
  4. Raise the platform by hand to the top of the Base Module.
  5. Push the platform through the robot CRU opening at the rear of the Base Module far enough so that it does not slip back inside the library.
  6. Go to the back of the library, grasp the robot CRU, and remove it from the library.

Clean Up After Manually Removing the Robot

Verify no components are left within the library and that you replace all magazines.

  1. Inspect the library floor and remove any debris resulting from the broken robot.
  2. Replace all cartridge magazines and tape drives removed during this procedure.
  3. Follow the replace robot procedures. See Replace the Robot Module.