Replace the Robot Module

The Robot Module slides into the rear of the Base Module.

Reinsert the Robot CRU and Unlock the Robot

The Robot Module slides into the rear of the Base Module. The robot must be unlocked before use.

  1. Remove the replacement robot from its shipping carton, and set it on the anti-static mat. Save the packaging materials for the return of the failed CRU.
  2. Grasp the robot near the center with the thumbscrews facing you.
  3. Insert the robot into the Base Module.
  4. Push the robot fully into the module.
  5. Tighten the thumbscrews on each side of the robot CRU.
  6. Unlock the Robot.

Reconnect Cabling to the Base

Reconnect the cabling to the Base Module.

  1. Plug the expansion cable for Module 2 through Module 10 into the appropriate Base Module connector . See Cable the Expansion Modules.

    For example, connect the output plug of the expansion cable to Port 2 on the robot CRU and the input plug of the cable to the Module 2 controller input port.


    The initial design of the expansion cable did not have plug labels.

  2. Plug the Ethernet cables into the appropriate Net Mgt ports.
  3. Follow the power on procedures . See Validate the Component Installation.

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