Setting Replication Start and Finish Alerts (BUI)

The volume of start and finish alerts for scheduled updates can obscure other important alerts. Use this procedure to disable or enable replication start and finish alerts.

Finish alerts provide statistics about each replication update. In the CLI, the stats node of a replication action provides statistics for the most recently completed update or for accumulated totals for this replication action.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, then Remote Replication, then Properties.
  2. Disable or enable posting start/finish alerts.
    • To disable posting start/finish alerts, uncheck the Enable Start/Finish Alerts button.

      Make sure the button does not display a check mark.

    • To enable posting start/finish alerts, check the Enable Start/Finish Alerts button.

      Make sure the button displays a check mark.

      To view alerts, from the Maintenance menu, select Logs, then Alerts.

  3. Click the APPLY button in the top-right corner of the Properties page.

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