Replication Alerts

Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance posts alerts when any of the following replication events occurs:

  • A manual or scheduled replication update starts or finishes successfully (both source and target). See Start and Finish Alerts.

  • An administrator explicitly cancels an update (both source and target).

  • An update fails (both source and target).

  • A scheduled update is skipped because another update for the same action is already in progress.

  • A continuous replication starts for the first time, fails, or resumes after a failure.

  • A replica time lag exceeds its specified threshold.

Start and Finish Alerts

Depending on the number of projects that are replicating and the frequency of the replication schedule, the number of start and finish alerts for scheduled updates can obscure other important alerts. To disable start and finish alerts for scheduled updates, see Setting Replication Start and Finish Alerts - BUI, CLI.

If replication start and finish alerts are enabled, then when replication to a target completes successfully, the system displays the finish alert at the top of the BUI window, in addition to recording the alert in the alert log.

The following figure shows a replication update finish alert at the top of a BUI window.

Figure showing a replication update finish alert at the top of a BUI window.

The following shows a sample replication update finish alert in the BUI Maintenance: Logs: Alerts, or in the CLI maintenance logs, then select alert, and then show.

entry-71160 2020-11-18 00:03:23 019a9e92-6b12-400b-aea7-b900a58d30a6, Finished
replicating 'proj-9' to appliance 'zfs-storage'. Action - 
4b9b1450-4300-4892-b89d-e170832ef531.. Stats - logical_bytes: 225K, phys_bytes: 
67.4K, to_network: 33.4K, duration: 00:00:57, Minor Alert

The following table describes the finish alert properties for each replication update. For statistics for the most recently completed update or for accumulated totals over the lifetime of this replication action, see table "Replication Action stats Node Properties (CLI Read-Only)" in Replication Action Properties. If start and finish alerts are disabled, you cannot view statistics for specific previous updates, but you can view the statistics for the most recently completed update. For more information about properties with dedup and dd_ in their names, see Deduplicated Replication.

Table 7-7 Replication Update Finish Alert Properties

CLI Property Description


Number of bytes that the replication update data stream would have contained if the data on disk had not been compressed and without any subsequent compression or deduplication.


Number of bytes in the internal replication data stream prior to replication deduplication or replication data stream compression.


Number of bytes that the replication data stream compression pipeline delivered to the network. This shows the consequence of replication data stream compression, if enabled.


Number of bytes in the internal replication data stream after deduplication of the replication data stream.


Elapsed time to perform the replication update.


Time to build the deduplication tables prior to the transmission of the replication update.


Maximum amount of memory that was consumed by the deduplication tables.